I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 8 Brother Mo, You Are Too Vicious

Chapter 8 Brother Mo, You Are Too Vicious

Mo Ran exhorted: "Of course, but pay attention to safety."

"Oh..." After being reminded by Mo Ran, Liangqian immediately rode a little closer, and Mo Ran rode aside.

Soon, the two arrived at the school safely and locked the bicycles together because Liangqian forgot to bring the lock.

"Remember to bring the lock next time." Mo Ran reminded, striding towards the classroom.

Liangqian rubbed her forehead, walked in a hurry this morning, forgot to bring the lock, and was laughed at by Mo Ran again.

Seeing her car locked together with Mo Ran, Liangqian pursed her lips and walked towards the classroom.

In the classroom in the early morning, the students chatted in small groups about interesting things, and Hao Lei sat in Liangqian's seat talking and laughing with Mo Ran.

When Liangqian walked into the classroom, Hao Lei stood up and said with a smile, "The monitor is here, sit down quickly."

"Student Hao Lei, start your morning reading right away, sit down." Liang Qian said solemnly.

Hao Lei smiled at Mo Ran, "Brother Mo, you have to take good care of the squad leader."

When the boys around heard this, they suddenly laughed lightly. Since the squad leader changed his seat, it seemed to be interesting.

"Hao Lei, what are you talking about... Go back!" Liang Qian said angrily.

"Yes, yes, I'll sit back right now, and I won't disturb you, monitor~" After speaking, he twitched his brows.

Mo Ran kept quiet the whole time, maybe the squad leader couldn't bear it today and changed his seat back.

Liu Yizhe came to Mo Ran's side at this time, and said with a low laugh: "Brother Mo, go to the cafeteria to eat fried vegetables at noon, to celebrate our victory in the game yesterday."

"Didn't you celebrate last night?" Mo Ran asked doubtfully.

"Without Brother Mo, what are we celebrating, so let's put it at noon today."

"Brother Mo, let's go." Hao Lei who was sitting not far away also persuaded.

Mo Ran nodded: "Okay."

Liu Yizhe returned to his seat contentedly, but Liangqian was a little depressed when she heard that Mo Ran went to the cafeteria for lunch.

I asked my mother to serve some extra dishes, but I didn't expect Mo Ran to go to the cafeteria for lunch today.

Forget it, eat it yourself... I won't give it to him in the future.

At this time, Mo Ran also found that Liangqian had some problems, she seemed to be angry, but she was fine in the morning...it must have been teased by Hao Lei.

Girls are thin-skinned.

After collecting homework, Mo Ran is still the same as before, nothing.

Liangqian collected her homework and sat back, said in a low voice, "Mo Ran, didn't you do your homework again?"

"It's not the first day you know me." Mo Ran said lightly, flipping through the history book to read.

"Could it be that what I said yesterday was in vain?" Liangqian couldn't help raising her tone.

Mo Ran closed the history book and turned to look at Liangqian: "Do you think a few words can change a person? Childish."

"You!" Liangqian was so angry that she didn't dare to hit anyone, because she couldn't beat anyone, and it seemed that she couldn't even scold her.

The students in the class gave them curious looks, the monitor and Brother Mo had a quarrel...
We rode home together after school yesterday, not to mention how sweet it is, but we didn't expect to start arguing early in the morning.

Mo Ran sighed softly, and said lightly, "Exchange it with Wang Haibo."

"You don't care about me!" Liangqian said angrily, and ignored Mo Ran again, but felt wronged in her heart...
With the beginning of the first class, Mo Ran didn't sleep for the first time, but she still looked out of the window with her chin propped up. Perhaps for Mo Ran now, this place is like a prison.

The whole morning, Liangqian didn't say a word to Mo Ran, and she felt even more in her heart... If Mo Ran didn't apologize to herself, then ignore him!

And Mo Ran didn't take this matter to heart at all.

As the bell rang for the end of the fourth quarter, Hao Lei stretched his body: "Brother Mo, go eat."

"Let's go." Mo Ran said softly, looked at Liang Qian who was beside her, and saw that Liang Qian was reading the book very seriously, without moving from the corner of her eye.

Mo Ran didn't say anything, and walked out of the classroom with the other four.

As Mo Ran left, Liang Qian pursed her lips, feeling full of anger from Mo Ran.

I thought I could change Mo Ran, but who knew I couldn’t, even Mo Ran started scolding herself...

Call yourself childish.

I feel uncomfortable when I think about it.

The cafeteria was full of students.

Mo Ran and Hao Lei went to occupy a seat first, while Liu Yizhe, Wang Haibo, and Ding Liang went to order stir-fried dishes.

This stir-fried dish is different from the big pot dish. The big pot dish costs six yuan a piece, and the stir-fry dish is basically ten yuan. It is fried on the spot.

If you can afford it, of course you can eat stir-fried vegetables, it tastes good.

After yesterday's basketball game, more people in the school got to know Mo Ran. The girls in the senior grades couldn't help but glance at him. Some girls even walked past on purpose, just to see this handsome new guy. .

"Brother Mo, looking at these girls, it feels like they are going to eat you." Hao Lei sat beside him and teased, why didn't he look at himself, sitting next to Brother Mo was just a foil.

Mo Ran seemed to be used to it. He was thinking about Liangqian at this moment. It was really pitiful to eat alone in the classroom.

Although I didn't sit together before, there were two people eating in the classroom, so I didn't feel so lonely.

"Brother Mo, what are you thinking?" Hao Lei asked curiously.

"It's nothing."

Hao Lei asked slyly: "Brother Mo, are you thinking about the monitor?"

"She? It's just a little girl." Mo Ran said lightly.

"But Brother Mo, the squad leader really cares about you, and he has a good intention, so don't be too aggressive."

"Am I fierce?" Mo Ran asked back.

Hao Lei rubbed his nose: "That's not too fierce, if it's a girl with poor endurance, I'm afraid she will cry."

"Actually, I'm not mean to her, but I just don't want her to take too much care." Mo Ran said lightly.

"The squad leader is actually quite a nice person, and I hope you cheer up. In fact, I think so too." Hao Lei also persuaded at this time.

Mo Ran looked at Hao Lei in doubt: "Have you been bought by Liangqian?"

"No way... Brother Mo, don't think too much, I'll just talk casually, the food is here, the food is here." Hao Lei hurriedly changed the topic, and the other three came over with five dishes, as well as iced Sprite. In school, it must be a whole beer.

Mo Ran slapped Sprite and laughed: "Everyone, you worked hard yesterday."

"Serve Brother Mo." The four joked and laughed.

Mo Ran smiled helplessly, it must be Hao Lei's idea again.

"Yesterday afternoon was so cool, Brother Mo... I think we can even win the school team." Liu Yizhe's confidence soared and he floated up.

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses, and seemed to agree with Liu Yizhe's words, Ding Liang nodded silently.

Hao Lei said solemnly: "The school team is not like it was yesterday."

"Study is the most important thing, don't pay too much attention to these." Mo Ran said softly, the three of them are a little swollen now.

Liu Yizhe picked up the Sprite and said with a smile, "That's right, listen to Brother Mo."

(End of this chapter)

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