I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 7 In addition to studying, I also like to exercise

Chapter 7 In addition to studying, I also like to exercise

Liangqian's mother is easy-going, but Liangqian's father is not so easy-going, and even very strict with Liangqian.

After eating, Liangqian returned to her bedroom, turned on the desktop computer on the table, and then made a familiar voice, and the interface displayed Windows XP.
A grassland appears in the cache, and there are several softwares on the computer screen.

Liangqian logged into QQ first, wondering if Mo Ran had a QQ account, her own QQ account has two moons, and the sun will rise by then.

Turning on Qianqian Jingjing and playing her favorite songs, Liangqian was lying on the bed... Mo Ran, who was playing basketball, suddenly appeared in her mind.

Although Mo Ran is very good at playing basketball, Mo Ran is still not interested in studying. How to solve this, Liangqian sighed softly.

On the other side, Mo Ran also returned home.

Compared with Liangqian's villa, Mo Ran's home is extremely poor. It is just a bungalow built with red bricks, and the surrounding houses are like this. This area has not been developed yet, and there are still many mountains to be seen.

Lock the bicycle, then push open the wooden door, there is a faint light in the house, the power of the light bulb is the lowest kind, the purpose is to save electricity, I don’t even see the TV and refrigerator, the small stove next to it is still burning Briquettes.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

An old man walked out of the kitchen with a slightly bowed body, holding a plate of vegetables in his hand, and when he saw Mo Ran coming home, he showed a kind smile on his wrinkled face: "Go and wash your hands, it's time to eat."

Mo Ran took the dish from Grandpa, and said softly: "Grandpa, didn't you say you can cook it after I come back? You are not in good health, so you need to rest well."

"Grandpa is in good health. I picked up a lot of bottles outside today, sold them for some money, and bought some meat for your health." Mo Ran helped Grandpa sit down slowly.

As soon as he saw the meat, he knew that grandpa must be out again, and Mo Ran felt uncomfortable. Recently, grandpa has caught a cold and often coughs.

Mo Ran walked into the kitchen to serve the food, the old man smiled and asked, "Your homeroom teacher talked to me last time, have you changed it recently?"

Mo Ran set the table and chopsticks, looked at Grandpa's sallow face and said earnestly, "Grandpa, I'd better stop reading and work part-time to make money."

Hearing Mo Ran's words, the old man's smile gradually disappeared, and he said in a low voice: "Mo Ran, grandpa has never read a book, but he also knows a truth, reading is the only way out."

But Mo Ran only knows that studying is very expensive. If he is admitted to university and goes to another city... who will take care of grandpa?
If grandpa falls at home, there is no one to help him.

"Grandpa, you don't have to study to become a top scholar."

Just when the old man was about to say something, the door was opened, and an old man smiled and said: "Wang Jianguo, I haven't finished eating yet, I'm out to play chess."

"Wait, I'm out after eating."

"Hurry up, Master Ma next door will meet you, the chess king."

As soon as the old man left, the grandpa and grandson became quiet again.

The old man sighed softly: "Grandpa doesn't need you to worry, grandpa will find a way to pay for your schooling, quit the job of doing odd jobs late at night, review your homework well at night, and get a good university entrance exam in the future, grandpa will be able to close his eyes and eat !"

Mo Ran didn't say a word, afraid of making Grandpa angry.

But seeing his grandfather's hands trembling while holding the chopsticks, Mo Ran frowned deeply.

After the meal, the old man went out and warned Mo Ran to study hard at home...
Mo Ran agreed, cleaned the bowl, and then sneaked out.

What Mo Ran didn't expect was that Grandpa was actually blocking the only exit, playing chess with that Master Ma.

Wang Jianguo turned his head and glanced at Mo Ran, the meaning was obvious... If he dared to go out and not study today, he would step on his grandfather's body.

Mo Ran looked into his grandfather's gaze, and murmured in his heart. He heard that his grandfather was still a veteran, and there were two second-class merit medals in the cabinet.

"Grandpa, I'll settle the bill." Mo Ran had no choice, who knew that today's grandpa would be so strong that he wouldn't back down even a single step.

The old man nodded silently: "Don't play tricks, I'll give you half an hour."


After Mo Ran left, Chess King Master Ma said enviously: "Old Wang, it would be great if my grandson had half of your family Mo Ran."

"Mo Ran is a good boy, but sometimes he is a little stubborn." The old man sighed softly.

When he came to the supper shop, Mo Ran settled his wages with the boss, and only gave him 500 yuan in half a month. Although it was not much, it could still improve the food.

Returning home on time, Wang Jianguo also breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he can only be strong with this kid, otherwise he will fight against you.

After returning home, Mo Ran had nothing to do, and a stubborn face appeared in his mind.

The squad leader is really beautiful and smells good...
In the early morning, Mo Ran got up early to make breakfast, but today he had enough sleep and looked energetic.

"Grandpa, I'm going to school."

"Remember to bring your schoolbag back today."

Moran, who got on his bicycle, paused, and let out an oh.

At this time in Qinghe Bay, Liangqian also ate the breakfast made by her mother, and there was a serious man sitting at the dining table. This was Liangqian's father, Liangliang.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to school." Liangqian yelled softly as she walked down the stairs with her schoolbag on her back.

Liang Liang looked at the morning paper and said softly, "Study hard."

"Okay, Dad..."

Ye Xueqing took the bento over and said with a light smile, "I've added more food for you, eat more..."

"Yeah." Liangqian took it and said with a smile.

After walking out of the house, Liangqian did not leave, but walked to the garage next to her.

"Qianqian, what are you looking for?" Ye Xueqing asked suspiciously.

"I'm going to go to school by bike, it's too hard to wait for the bus."

I saw Liangqian pushing a pink bicycle out, pressed the tires, and it was still full of air.

"Mom, I'm going to school."

"Qianqian, there are a lot of cars on the road, so be careful." Ye Xueqing asked worriedly. She used to ride for a while when she was in junior high school, but she accidentally fell down...and stopped riding.

Liangqian waved her hand and shouted, "I see."

After leaving the community, Liangqian drove towards the school in a leisurely manner. As for why she suddenly wanted to ride a bicycle, Liangqian thought it would be convenient to communicate with Mo Ran.

"Squad leader."

Just as Liangqian was thinking, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Mo Ran?" Liangqian looked back, wasn't it Mo Ran...
"Why did you suddenly ride a bicycle today?" Mo Ran asked as he rode to the side.

Liangqian hiccupped and said seriously: "In addition to studying, I also like to exercise."

After hearing this, Moran chuckled lightly.

"What are you laughing at... I can't ride a bicycle..." Seeing Mo Ran's smile, Liangqian knew what he was thinking.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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