I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 6 Don't give up as long as you persist

Chapter 6 Don't give up as long as you persist
Mo Ran laughed softly: "The bus will have to wait at least 10 minutes to go, don't you want to enlighten me, such a good opportunity, if you miss it, it will be gone."

I ate other people's big chicken drumsticks at noon, and I was embarrassed to eat and drink for nothing.

After hearing this, Liangqian hesitated, bit her lip lightly, and then said, "Then I sat down to enlighten you."

"Okay, let's get in the car." Mo Ran smiled.

Liang Qian sat sideways behind Mo Ran, but she didn't know where to put her hands, but as Mo Ran stepped on the pedal, her inertia made Liang Qian grab Mo Ran's waist.

"Ah!" Mo Ran almost rolled over in pain.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it." Liangqian hurriedly apologized, hearing that bad students would beat others.

Mo Ran said helplessly, "Can you stop scratching my waist? It's very itchy..."

"Then what should I catch?"

"Just put your left hand around my waist."


"Hurry up, or you will fall down later."

Liangqian seemed to feel unsteady, and immediately put her left hand around Mo Ran's waist, feeling much better.

There are quite a few students riding bicycles on the road, but there is only one family like Mo Ran who is riding a girl, and she is a beautiful girl, so I simply envy Mo Ran.

Even the adults on the sidewalk cast strange glances, which made Liangqian want to dig a tunnel down, a little regretful.

"Wow, the squad leader and Brother Mo are actually together."

"It turns out that the squad leader and Brother Mo have already been a couple."

"Squad leader, you and Brother Mo are so affectionate."

I saw a bus gradually approaching, and the students in the class opened the windows and shouted towards the outside.

Liangqian was immediately shy, but she still said seriously: "Hold your head in, it's not safe!"

"Alright Mrs. Mo." The boys teased wildly.

Liangqian is so shy.

"Don't pay attention to them, I just like to make jokes." Mo Ran, who was riding a bicycle, said calmly with a blank expression on his face.

"It's all your fault..." Liang Qian said angrily, if she knew this would happen, she would take the bus.

Mo Ran said seriously: "Okay, then I will be responsible to you."

"You still say." Liangqian immediately used a set of small punches to hit your back.

"I have to say, the monitor's massage technique is quite professional." Mo Ran suddenly liked to tease the monitor, a very interesting girl, why didn't he notice it before.

Faced with Mo Ran, who is not good enough, Liangqian sometimes really has no choice but to let him make some changes, otherwise her "sacrifice" this time will be ruined.

"Student Mo Ran, in order to enlighten you, I have been laughed at by my classmates, can't you listen to the class well?"

Mo Ran smiled after hearing this: "Student Liangqian, do you care about me that much?"

"I... I don't want to go astray. There is a bright future ahead, so you should take good care of it." Liangqian said seriously.

"Student Liangqian, I appreciate your kindness, but I can't do what you said."

Liangqian did not give up after hearing this, and even encouraged her: "Student Mo Ran, as long as you persist, I will never give up on you."

For some reason, upon hearing Liangqian's words, Mo Ran's heart paused, and a warm current rose.

Maybe it was driving a small car, when a person rushed out in front of him, Mo Ran braked suddenly, and Liang Qian behind her hugged Mo Ran tightly.

However, the corner of Mo Ran's mouth twitched slightly at this time, and he couldn't help but said: "Student Liangqian, even if you like me, you don't have to express it like that."

Liangqian was slightly taken aback, and immediately moved her hand away, her pretty face was as red as the sunset, and her neck was flushed.

The rest of the way was quiet all the time, but the atmosphere was a bit subtle.

Soon came to the place where Liangqian lived.

Qinghe Bay.

Mo Ran has heard of this place. It is said that it is full of villas, and a set costs several million... The squad leader actually lives in it.

Liangqian jumped out of the car, ran towards the doorman with her head down, stopped halfway through the run, turned her head to Mo Ran and said, "Student Mo Ran, you were very handsome when you played basketball today." After speaking, Liangqian quickly Run in until it disappears.

Mo Ran poked his nose, Liangqian really knew how to tease people, and rode back home again.

Just as Mo Ran guessed, Liangqian did indeed live in a villa.

"Mom, I'm back." Back home, Liangqian shouted as she put on her shoes.

"Qianqian is back, wash your hands and prepare to eat." The woman in the kitchen shouted with a smile.

Liangqian asked suspiciously, "Dad won't come back today?"

"Your father is busy at the company, and my mother will deliver the meals later." I saw a beautiful woman walking out with food, her name was Ye Xueqing.

Seeing that her daughter's face was a little red, Ye Xueqing frowned, and stretched out her hand to probe: "Qianqian, why is your face so red, it can't be because you have a fever."

"Mom, if it's not... it's hot." Liangqian ducked slightly, went to the dining table and sat down.

Ye Xueqing jokingly asked, "Qianqian, I'm in the first year of high school, so there must be a boy I like."

After hearing this, Liangqian paused, and said seriously, "Mom, I'm focusing on my studies now, and I won't fall in love early."

"Goose, goose, take care of yourself...study is the most important thing." Ye Xueqing was amused by her daughter's serious appearance.

Liangqian added another sentence at this time: "Mom, there are less bento dishes at noon, so help me to pack more tomorrow."

"Less?" Ye Xueqing was taken aback, she had ordered a lot of vegetables... Maybe her daughter is growing up, so she really needs to eat more.

Liangqian faltered and said: "Maybe I have grown up recently, and I can't eat enough."

Ye Xueqing came with tomato and egg soup, and smoothed her daughter's hair: "Yeah, I've grown into a girl in a blink of an eye. How is your study recently? It's much harder to be a monitor in high school than in junior high school."

"It's okay, I think, it's just that I worry more."

"Oh? Who made my daughter worry?" Ye Xueqing asked curiously.

"It's just a boy. His grades in the senior high school entrance examination are better than mine, but he failed in his studies for some reason, alas..." Liangqian sighed softly, and really didn't know what classmate Mo Ran was thinking.

Ye Xueqing pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "Boys of this age are somewhat rebellious, so if you supervise them carefully, you are also doing your duty as a monitor."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too... you can't just let him go astray."

"Indeed, that boy should be very handsome."

Liangqian subconsciously said, "Not bad." After speaking, she felt that she had fallen into her mother's trap.

"So it's because other people are handsome~" Ye Xueqing chuckled, pinching her daughter's little cheek.

"Mom, it's not like this...Student Mo Ran is very pitiful, I just help him." Liang Qian explained anxiously, as if she wanted to separate everything from Mo Ran.

Ye Xueqing let out a long cry, and Liangqian blushed.

"Okay, okay, mom won't tease you anymore, eat well... finish your homework."


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(End of this chapter)

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