Chapter 5
"I will dunk on your head!" Liu Tian dribbled the ball and drank softly.

Mo Ran bowed his body slightly and spread his arms out: "You are so short, can you buckle?"

Liu Tianfei was about to explode with anger, and immediately made a fake move, trying to trick Mo Ran... and then rushed towards the other side.

Three-step layup.

Looking at the basket so close at hand, Liu Tian has already thought about how to be sarcastic at this moment, isn't it amazing... He passed you easily, what a rubbish!

Just when Liu Tian was fantasizing, two hands suddenly stretched out in front of his eyes!

Just snatched the basketball from his hand!
The whole audience erupted immediately, Mo Ran's jumping was so powerful that he was half a body taller than Liu Tian, ​​grabbing the ball in the air... awesome!

The girls in 704 all cheered, even Liangqian clenched her fists tightly, almost shouting, classmate Mo Ran is so handsome.

"Liu Yizhe, catch the ball!" Mo Ran yelled, Liu Yizhe appeared under the opponent's basket at some point, received Mo Ran's pass steadily, and easily scored a goal.

This is also the plan Mo Ran discussed with everyone before.

Mo Ran clapped his hands: "Everyone is on guard!"

Hao Lei looked at Mo Ran who was cheered up, as if he saw him in junior high school again. Only when Brother Mo was serious, his self-confidence could infect the people around him.

"Okay!" The four of them shouted angrily, and their aura was instantly revealed. Then look at class 601... everyone's aura was down.

To let a freshman class win 4 points in a row, even Liu Tian was suppressed.

Seeing this, Ma Yuankai already knew what the ending would be. Class 601 was no match at all. If he blackmailed him, he would not be able to save them, and it would even affect his position in the school team. He will be in the starting lineup soon. .

When 10 minutes of the first quarter passed, it was already 13:2.

In a full 10 minutes, class 601 scored a goal. Looking at the freshman class, Hao Lei even played street mode and cooperated with Mo Ran in the alley-oop.

At that moment, the basketball court was about to be lifted up, and this kind of operation was hard to see in the school team.

As the five of Mo Ran walked back, all the female students in the class had prepared mineral water. Mo Ran took the mineral water handed by one of the female students and drank half of it with his head raised.

Sweat dripped down his cheeks, highlighting the boy's charm even more, it was like walking hormones.

Liang Qian stood by and looked at Mo Ran. When Mo Ran looked over, Liang Qian felt embarrassed and turned her head to look elsewhere, thinking in her heart that classmate Mo Ran was playing handsome again.

In the nearby 601, they didn't get such good treatment. The female students all left, and even some male students left quietly. They were abused by the freshmen. It was so embarrassing.

"What should I do, brother Tian, ​​class 704 is so strong!"

"Yeah, that Mo Ran and Hao Lei are simply perverts."

"Well, especially Mo Ran."

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't we find an excuse to leave, and the score will increase and it will be even more embarrassing."

"That's right, didn't Brother Tian call that Ma Yuankai here? I never saw him call foul."

Listening to the words in his ear, Liu Tian was very irritable, and shouted angrily: "What are you talking about, the game is not over yet!"

The four of them are also very helpless, it's meaningless to compare any more, and they are laughed at by the seniors.

As the whistle blew, the crushing game began again, which was completely an exhibition match for 704.

When Mo Ran jumped high and smashed the basketball into the hoop, the girls stared at each other, they were so handsome...

Even Liangqian was fascinated by it. I didn't expect that Mo Ran was not only good at studying, but also played basketball so well, so good.

When the fourth inning ended, the score was already 57:33.

In the end, Mo Ran deliberately released water. After all, they are all from the same school, so don't abuse too much. If you piss off these people, you will inevitably touch the male students in the class.

Liu Tian also knew that Mo Ran let go of the water in the end, otherwise he would lose all face and it would be difficult to get 20 points.

"Mo Ran, amazing." Liu Tian walked to Mo Ran and said in a low voice. He was also a moral person and could afford to lose.

Mo Ran was taken aback for a moment, and said calmly: "It was a good fight."

Looking at Mo Ran in front of him, Liu Tian was convinced. He originally thought that Mo Ran would be arrogant in front of him, but he didn't do that. He gave Mo Ran a thumbs up, and then led the people away.

The classmates in the class watched Liu Tiangan bow down and cheered again, not to mention how happy they were.

At this time, Ma Yuankai walked over with a smile: "Student Mo Ran."

"Is there a problem?"

"Are you interested in joining the school team? I can introduce you." Ma Yuankai knew Mo Ran's strength, and it would be too wasteful not to join the school team.

Mo Ran chuckled and refused: "Sorry, I still focus on studying now."

all the classmates:"······"

Liangqian rolled her eyes after hearing this, and she didn't lie without blinking.

Ma Yuankai smiled, and asked Hao Lei again: "Student, are you interested? I can introduce you."

"I'm really sorry, I don't like anything except studying." Hao Lei said seriously.

Ma Yuankai nodded, feeling a little embarrassed, and said lightly, "Okay, study hard."

As soon as Ma Yuankai left, Mo Ran suddenly walked towards Liangqian.

Liangqian tensed up suddenly, why is Mo Ran walking towards her...

"Squad leader, I've run out of water, so I'm using it as an excuse." Mo Ran pointed to Liangqian's water bottle.

Liangqian subconsciously handed the kettle to Mo Ran, and Mo Ran just opened it and drank it.

Liangqian was startled, why did she give him the water bottle... oh my god...
Returning the kettle to Liangqian, Mo Ran smiled and said, "Thank you, monitor." After speaking, he walked to the side.

Liangqian stamped her feet, turned around and left...
"Brother Mo, how about we go poke a meal, I'll treat you." Liu Yizhe said happily, and today he is proud of the newcomer.

Mo Ran smiled: "You guys go, I still have something to do."

Of course Hao Lei knew what Mo Ran was going to do, and then said: "Brother Mo is busy, let's go eat."

Wang Haibo asked naively: "Brother Mo, are you really not going?"

"Go ahead, just leave me a bottle of Coke and bring it to me tomorrow." Mo Ran patted Ding Liang on the shoulder and said with a smile, the sky was getting dark, and he had to go back to cook for grandpa.

As the four of them left, Mo Ran pushed his bicycle out of the school. The bus was too expensive, and it was worth saving a dollar.

Riding an old bicycle, Mo Ran passed by the bus station and saw Liangqian waiting for the bus.

It's seven o'clock now, and there are fewer buses.

"Student Liangqian." Mo Ran stopped in front of Liangqian and smiled.

Liangqian pursed her lips: "Student Mo Ran."

"Get in the car, I'll take you home." Mo Ran patted the back seat and said lightly.

"No need, the bus is coming soon." Liangqian was so embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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