I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 136 The History of Yama's Squad

Chapter 136 The History of Yama's Squad (for Subscription)
In the next half month, Mo Ran will have to accept the evaluation of every soldier king, and he will pass the test only if he is excellent.

But with Mo Ran's current strength, it's not a problem to be outstanding. In one-on-one, Mo Ran has a [-]% winning rate.

A pair of two will have a winning rate of more than 70.00%, but if it is a pair of three, it is only 20.00%, and a pair of four has no chance of winning.

Now in a one-on-one melee fight with Yang Wei, Mo Ran wouldn't be at a disadvantage, instead, Yang Wei would be at a disadvantage.

When competing with Pang Guang, Mo Ran also used the Tang Dao and scratched the combat uniform on Pang Guang's body, but his body was intact.

What else could Pang Guang do, cursing and returning to the tent to shut himself up.

On the last day, Mo Ran will be evaluated by captain Zhao Xing, and today is very important for Mo Ran, he dare not underestimate the enemy.

Lining up early in the morning, Zhao Xing looked at the crowd and said: "First of all, I would like to congratulate Mo Ran, officially becoming a member of Yan Luo's team!"

"Congratulations, you have completed my assessment!" Zhao Xing patted Mo Ran on the shoulder and said in relief.

Mo Ran was stunned, it hadn't even started yet, how could it be over?
"Captain, haven't you evaluated yet?" Mo Ran asked suspiciously, before he had time to be happy, it was too sudden.

"My assessment, you have completed it for a year and a half."

The other five also chuckled.

"So it's like this!" Mo Ran couldn't help laughing out loud, it's been almost three years!From the coldness at the beginning to the recognition now, I put in [-]% of my hard work, all the hard work at this moment is worth it!
"Then captain, where's my armband?" Mo Ran hurriedly asked, how can I do without the armband, that's not counted.

Zhao Xing chuckled: "Wait until you participate in the actual combat, and I'll see if I can give you an armband or not."

"No, captain, I have passed all the assessments..." Mo Ran has been outside for more than a year, but he knows the importance of armbands, especially for special troops, it is an honor.

"Okay, disband!" Zhao Xing glared at Mo Ran, if you want armbands, then complete the task!

After passing all the evaluations, Mo Ran can also play billiards, play game consoles, and watch TV with everyone.

Mo Ran, who was playing billiards, asked Jia Zheng, "Why is the captain cleaning the car every day?"

Jia Zheng shrugged in surprise, "The car must be dirty."

"I've never seen the captain like this before."

"Little friend, our captain will leave next year." Song Ming, who was playing games, said helplessly.

Hearing this, Mo Ran frowned: "Deputy team, why did the captain leave?"

Jia Zhengjing took a deep breath: "The captain will be 40 years old next year. Because of his age, he must leave. All of us are the same."

"But I think the captain is okay." Mo Ran didn't seem to want to let the captain go, and finally got acquainted with the captain.

Yang Wei, who was watching TV, said softly: "As you get older, whether it is reaction or other things, you will regress, and you are no longer suitable for such high-intensity tasks."

It was the first time Mo Ran heard that there was such a rule, and they had never mentioned it before.

"Little friend, don't worry. The captain said that he will not be discharged from the army. He will go to other places as an instructor to train more outstanding fighters." Jia Zheng patted Mo Ran's shoulder in surprise and laughed.

But Mo Ran felt reluctant.

Looking at the captain who was cleaning the car outside, Mo Ran put down his club and walked out.

"Captain, I'll help you clean the car." Mo Ran smiled lightly, picked up a sackcloth and wiped it next to him.

Zhao Xing glanced at Mo Ran, and chuckled lightly: "Why, haven't you wiped the car enough?"

The previous Mo Ran had cleaned his car for almost a year, and he was about to vomit.

"how could be."

Zhao Xing put down the sackcloth and patted the car cover: "Are they talking too much?"

Moran paused, and asked softly, "Captain, are you really going to leave next year? Can't you stay?"

"Why do you stay here? No one can see this place where the birds don't shit. I haven't even asked for a wife yet." Zhao Xing said jokingly, but deep in his eyes was deep reluctance. Come down, Zhao Xing will definitely stay.

Seeing Mo Ran's disappointed look, Zhao Xing said softly: "Mo Ran, in fact, I didn't like you at first, and I really disliked your coming."

"I can see it." Mo Ran smiled, thinking about that time, the captain was not cruel to him, but cruel.

"I don't like you now either."


"You're not a woman, why do I like you?" Zhao Xing smiled with a silly look.

Mo Ran was speechless, the captain was not serious at all.

Zhao Xing lit a cigarette and handed one to Mo Ran.

"Captain, I don't smoke."

"Doesn't smoke? Is this not giving face?"

"No, I promised her not to smoke, and she doesn't like me smoking, saying that I have bad breath." Mo Ran recalled what Liangqian said at that time, and smiled lightly.

Zhao Xing lit a cigarette and joked, "Like this girl so much?"

"En." Mo Ran nodded without denying it.

"Then show it to the captain! You kid is really ignorant."

"She's gone abroad." Mo Ran said disappointedly.

Zhao Xing looked at Mo Ran puzzled for a moment: "You will come back even when you go abroad. Seeing you like this, it seems that others will not come back."

"It's been almost five years since we separated." Mo Ran felt uncomfortable as he said that, Mo Ran didn't know how many five years there were in life...

In order not to think about Liangqian, she was so exhausted every day that she could fall asleep lying on the bed.

But in the dream, Liangqian's figure never disappeared, even after so many years, Mo Ran still remembered everything.

"It's really been a long time." Zhao Xing said in a low voice after hearing this, but they have been separated for almost five years, and this kid can still miss him. He is indeed the love of Yan Luo's team.

Mo Ran took off the pendant on his neck, Zhao Xing paused, took it and opened it.

Finally, he knew that this idiot had waited hard. If it were him, he would have waited for ten years.

Although the photo is a bit yellowish, Zhao Xing can still clearly see that this girl is very beautiful, with a sweet smile, she really looks like the one when she was studying, if he waits like Mo Ran, maybe...

"Girls with sweet smiles are generally not bad, and they have good eyesight." Zhao Xing returned the pendant to Mo Ran.

"She is very kind. I failed her when she needed me..."

"Well, if you still have fate, you will definitely meet again."

"Well, I think so too." Mo Ran showed a smile, maybe she will see Liangqian soon, wonder if Liangqian will still like herself when she grows up?What if she has a boyfriend?
Do you want to kill her boyfriend?

Zhao Xing asked suddenly: "Mo Ran, do you know the history of our Yan Luo team?"

Moran shook his head.

"Your grandfather was the first captain."

(End of this chapter)

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