I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 137 Captain, You Have Changed

Chapter 137 Captain, You Have Changed (Please Subscribe)

Mo Ran looked at Zhao Xing in disbelief, grandpa was the first captain of Yan Luo's team? ? ?
How can this be?

Grandpa only said that he was a soldier and participated in battles, but he never mentioned Yan Luo's team!

Mo Ran suddenly felt that Grandpa still had a lot of things that he didn't tell him.

In an instant, Mo Ran remembered the quarrel between Grandpa and Grandpa Yan, and Grandpa was not allowed to serve as a soldier. Grandpa should know Grandpa Yan's thoughts, so he sternly refused.

Because grandpa knows what this team does.

This time, all the problems seem to make sense.

"Who is Grandpa Yan?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

"It's the vice-captain."

Mo Ran was shocked!
Such a powerful Grandpa Yan was actually Grandpa's deputy team back then. It seems that Grandpa's bragging after drinking is true.

He was really good when he was young!

"Then why did my grandpa leave suddenly? Is it also because he is old?" Mo Ran asked doubtfully, and was also very curious in his heart. If grandpa didn't leave, he should be older than Grandpa Yan by now.

Zhao Xing smiled: "I don't know about that."

It's a pity that even the captain doesn't know why, it seems that he can only ask the person's grandpa Yan.

But will Grandpa Yan say it?This is a problem.

"Let's not talk about this, let's practice." Zhao Xing suddenly became interested, put down the linen, and walked towards the center.

As soon as he heard that the captain wanted to talk about practice, Mo Ran immediately became motivated. The captain could not beat him before, but today he has to let the captain often use his own fists.

"I'll go, the boss and the kid got into a fight." Song Ming exclaimed and ran out quickly.

Jia Zheng also hurriedly put down the cue: "The kids are very swollen recently, and they are all looking for a one-on-one challenge with the boss. Your courage is commendable."

"The boss is not an opponent." Yang Wei walked out and said softly.

Hearing Yang Wei's words, everyone expressed doubts, you are not the captain's opponent.

In the middle of the field, both put on gloves.

"Let me see your strength." Zhao Xing loosened his muscles and shouted to Mo Ran in a deep voice.

Mo Ran smiled slightly: "Captain, I am not the kid I used to be! You have to be serious!"

"In my eyes, you will always be a child!" As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Xing immediately threw out a pile of sand, which he had secretly pinched in the palm of his hand just now.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the captain's small movements!

Captain actually...

Mo Ran frowned, closed his eyes subconsciously, and raised his right hand!

And Zhao Xing's fist had already hit Mo Ran's left arm to protect his face. Zhao Xing's fist hit Mo Ran's left arm.

"Captain, can you still play like this?"

"This is called soldiers never tire of cheating!"

Moran: "..."

This is obviously a street fight.

"Look, Scud! Chain punch!" When Mo Ran was in a daze, Zhao Xing used a set of chain punches, and Mo Ran was hit by this set of chain punches, which made everyone sigh, the captain is really cunning.

"No one taught you, can't you be distracted when fighting!" Zhao Xing said in a deep voice.

Mo Ran stood up and smiled lightly, patted the dust on his chest: "Captain, I forgot to tell you, I am very resistant."

The corner of Zhao Xing's mouth twitched, after receiving so many punches, he could still stand up as if nothing had happened!

this kid!
"Captain, be careful!" Mo Ran shouted in a deep voice, and directly punched Zhao Xing's face with his right fist!
Looking at Mo Ran's fist, several black lines appeared on Zhao Xing's forehead, he was about to be defeated by the kid, shame on him as the captain... why do you want to single him out if there is nothing to do, and now his majesty is gone.

Just when Mo Ran was about to hit, Zhao Xing suddenly covered his chest: "Ouch, my heart..."

Mo Ran hurriedly withdrew his fist: "Captain, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Mo Ran was concerned and asked, his jaw hurt sharply, and he was knocked down.

The five spectators nearby were stunned, Captain...you have changed...

Zhao Xing, who was still pretending to be heartbroken, shook his finger: "Little friend, I have taught you just now, soldiers never tire of cheating."

Mo Ran tuied, and said helplessly, "Captain, you are really a rascal."

"Hey hey, come again."

Mo Ran focused his eyes and started to attack frantically, as if he was taking revenge.

Zhao Xing secretly thought that Mo Ran was very powerful, even if he was blocking, his arms were numb from Mo Ran's beating.

You have to find a way, otherwise you will be defeated by the children, and it will be really embarrassing.

This kid is not tactful at all, how can he defeat your captain, isn't he afraid that I will put on shoes for you?

Just when Zhao Xing was distracted, Mo Ran grabbed his throat, and it was over.

And Mo Ran also had a triumphant smile, and seemed to ask again, Captain, do you still have a solution?

Suddenly, Zhao Xing looked behind Mo Ran and exclaimed: "Sir!"

Because Zhao Xing acted so much, Jia Zhengjing and others all looked over.

Mo Ran paused for a moment, looking back in doubt.

At this time, the corners of Zhao Xing's mouth began to rise, and he kicked up.

Mo Ran was kicked away again.

Now Mo Ran was furious: "Captain! I will never trust you again!!!"

"Oh, no more fights, no more fights, I am old and can't keep up physically." Zhao Xing walked towards the wooden house with his back supported.

Mo Ran was dumbfounded and led the captain, so helpless, the captain has changed...

After washing his hands, Mo Ran walked into the wooden house with an expression of dissatisfaction, and everyone smiled at Mo Ran's angry little face.

"Little friend, please understand what the captain taught." Jia Zheng said meaningfully.

Pang Guang wiped his Tang Dao and said, "Little friend, the environment you are in is not intriguing."

Mo Ran understands what everyone means, isn't it just turning a corner and saying that he is too simple?
Zhao Xing smiled lightly.

Just then, the red phone rang!
Mo Ran was shocked all of a sudden, and stood up, there was a task just after returning!Finally, it's not the kind of exercise.

Picking up the phone, Zhao Xing replied a few times in a deep voice, then put down the phone.

"Assemble!" Zhao Xing shouted in a deep voice.

The six stood up quickly, and Mo Ran also stood on the far right.

"Urgent mission, everyone put on their gear and leave in 10 minutes!"


Not only did Mo Ran get serious, it's an urgent task!
I remember that the Lunar New Year's Eve was an urgent task, and there was no urgent task in the next six months!
This is a dangerous task at the SSS level!
Mo Ran and the others came to the equipment room and put on all the equipment.

"Kid, put on the night vision goggles." Song Ming reminded.

Maybe Mo Ran is a little nervous, now quickly put on the night vision goggles, a few more grenades, a few flashes, a few incendiary bombs, smoke grenades must be full, and a bazooka.

Seeing Mo Ran stuffing the equipment on his body, several other people laughed out loud, and the serious atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"What are you laughing at, these can be used." Mo Ran was speechless.

Jia Zhengjing said softly: "You think we are going to fight the enemy hard, you bring so many will affect the speed."

(End of this chapter)

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