Chapter 19
Mo Ran on the side was upset, and said lightly: "Liangqian, others are fine, and you don't need to care about it."

Hearing Mo Ran's fierce tone, Liang Qian pursed her lips, giving off a weak feeling.

Xiao Fan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. In broad daylight... Such a cute class leader is trembling under this lustful power!

As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, whoever is like hell.

"Squad leader, let's change seats." Xiao Fan said seriously, and let me face this demon.

After hearing this, Liangqian looked at Xiao Fan in doubt: "Why should I change seats with you?"

Xiao Fan winked immediately, didn't he see anything?I am saving you.

"Student Xiao Fan, you'd better go back to your seat, the class bell is ringing." Liang Qian reminded softly.

Xiao Fan shook his head, it seems that the squad leader's fear has risen to the point where he dare not resist, it is simply utterly miserable! ! !

As the second English class started, Liangqian felt that Mo Ran was not serious, so she rubbed her elbow lightly to remind Mo Ran to study hard.

Mo Ran twirled the pen in his hand, and said softly: "I almost finished high school English in junior high school."

Xiao Fan heard this sentence in an instant, looking at this pretense, I really want to expose you!
"Impossible." Liangqian looked disbelieving, no matter how smart you are, it's impossible to be so exaggerated.

At this moment, the English teacher suddenly said, "Liangqian, listen to the class carefully."

Liangqian: "..."

Since I was in school, I have always been praised by the teacher. This is the first time I was reminded by the teacher, and I was instantly wronged.

At this time, Xiao Fan stood up suddenly and said, "Teacher, I can prove that it was Mo Ran who talked to the monitor just now. The monitor kindly reminded him, and Mo Ran said that he had finished high school English."

Following Xiao Fan's words, the students in the class were stunned. Mo Ran actually said that he had learned all English in high school?

How can this be?

Liangqian also ignored her grievances, and began to worry about Mo Ran, what was Xiao Fan behind him doing, Mo Ran was just bragging, and he actually sued... How can there be such a boy.

If Xiao Fan knew what Liangqian was thinking, he would probably regret it.

The English teacher frowned and looked at Mo Ran, and asked in a deep voice, "Mo Ran, is that so?"

Liangqian whispered, "Mo Ran, don't talk back to the teacher."

And Mo Ran stood up and said seriously: "Student Xiao Fan is right."

After Mo Ran finished speaking, the students in the class were in an uproar. Mo Ran made a move.

And the attack was extraordinarily accurate and ruthless, the English teacher would not let Mo Ran go so easily.

"Since Mo Ran has already learned high school English, how about we listen to Mo Ran's spoken English?"

Xiao Fan suddenly raised his hand again and said, "Teacher, I am also learning English in advance, so I should be able to communicate with classmate Mo Ran."

The smell of gunpowder in the class is getting stronger and stronger, and the English teacher also wants to see whether Mo Ran is really awesome or fake.

And of course the transfer student.

These two boys scored full marks in English in the senior high school entrance examination.

"Mo Ran, how about we talk about the NBA?" Xiao Fan spoke fluent English, the teacher nodded silently after listening, and the pronunciation was very accurate and coherent.

However, Mo Ran also said in passing: "Then let's start with the origin of the NBA."

Xiao Fan frowned after hearing this, origin?

Next, the students started to listen to Tianwen. They didn't know what Mo Ran was talking about. They could understand a few words occasionally, but they couldn't understand them together.

Liang Qian, who was sitting next to her, was dumbfounded. She could only understand one part of it at her level.

Xiao Fan was also shocked. He never expected that this Mo Ran really had two skills, and many words related to majors. Who the hell is okay to read these.

Mo Ran talked eloquently for 10 minutes, and finally asked lightly: "Xiao Fan, you can tell me your opinion."

The corner of Xiao Fan's mouth twitched, originally he planned to talk about NBA games, who the fuck wants to know the origin.

"Student Mo Ran is really amazing." Xiao Fan endured the pain in his heart and said, telling himself that... I'm afraid he will collapse.

The English teacher came back to his senses at this moment, his eyes lit up looking at Mo Ran, as expected of a boy with full marks in the senior high school entrance examination, some of the words even he had rarely heard before.

The students didn't know what was going on at this time.

But with the affirmation of the English teacher, the students realized that Mo Ran was not talking nonsense just now.

I am!

This is too great!
Seeing Xiao Fan's aggrieved look, Brother Mo was the one who gave Xiao Fan a blow in the head.

Mo Ran who sat down was calm and at ease, originally thinking of the classmates in the same class, it would not be difficult for you, who knows that you don't know what is good or bad, so don't blame me for being rude.

"Mo Ran, your English is so good!" Liang Qian tugged at the corner of Mo Ran's clothes, a little coquettish.

When Xiao Fan saw the scene behind, he felt like he was making a wedding dress for someone else, and he was about to vomit.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"You didn't ask."

"Can you teach me, my spoken English is terrible."

Thinking that Liangqian wants to teach herself to play the piano, it is normal to teach her by herself.

Mo Ran said lightly: "If you don't understand, you can ask me."

"En." Liangqian was delighted.

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Mo Ran got up and prepared to go to the toilet, Hao Lei and Liu Yizhe also followed.

Seeing this, Liangqian held back her mouth, how to solve the problem of Mo Ran smoking?

Xiao Fan was also very curious about what Mo Ran and these people were going to do, so he followed.

Unexpectedly, a group of people hid in the toilet and smoked!
Here's another chance!
Xiao Fan went directly to the Academic Affairs Office to file a complaint.

The dean directly took the man to the toilet, and as one can imagine, it was all over.

Xiao Fan was very proud, watching Mo Ran and others come out, not to mention how enjoyable... Wasn't it awesome just now, let's try again.

Hao Lei walked past Xiao Fan at this moment, and said lightly, "You are such an idiot!"

Xiao Fan smiled and said nothing, he still doesn't know who is the idiot.

It wasn't just Mo Ran and others who were arrested this time, but also boys from the second year and third year of high school.

Xiao Fan's move can be said to have offended half of the school's "student masters". It can be said to be a feat of killing one thousand enemies and self-destruction.

All the boys were standing in the Academic Affairs Office at this time, Liu Tian asked Mo Ran, "You won't interfere in this matter, will you?"

"Whatever you want, I won't interfere." Mo Ran said indifferently.

There was a grim smile on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, he was really impatient, and he hated snitches the most!And it's a man!

As the class bell rang, Liangqian looked at the empty seats around her, feeling puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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