I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 20 This Xiao Fan is not simple

Chapter 20 This Xiao Fan is not simple

Does it take so long to go to the bathroom?And Hao Lei didn't come back, which made Liangqian a little worried, maybe she was fighting with other boys.

At this time, Xiao Fan hurried into the classroom and sat down, as if nothing happened.

Liangqian didn't ask much, until the third quarter started, Mo Ran hadn't returned to the classroom yet, Liangqian was frowning and absent-minded throughout the class.

Until the end of get out of class, Liangqian hurriedly left the classroom and went to find the head teacher.

Knowing that the three of Mo Ran were arrested for smoking by the dean, Liang Qian was also very surprised. She didn't expect this to happen.

From this point of view, he must be punished with a warning and write a self-criticism.

Back in the classroom, Liangqian also heard some boys discussing Mo Ran's arrest, and even said that Xiao Fan made a small report.

For some reason, Liangqian was a little displeased when she heard this, and even hated this new classmate a little, but she didn't say anything.

As the fourth class was about to start, the three of Mo Ran finally returned to the classroom.

With that violent temper, Hao Lei walked directly towards Xiao Fan, and picked up Xiao Fan: "You can do it... this is the first day and you will be reported!"

Xiao Fan was not a persimmon either, he directly slapped Hao Lei's palm, and said in a deep voice, "Student, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

"Pretend! Let me tell you, there will be nothing good to eat in the future!" Hao Lei sneered, if Brother Mo hadn't said it, he would have punched him right now. I hate this kind of snitch the most, he is really not a man!
The students also bowed their heads and whispered after hearing this. They didn't expect that the new handsome guy was actually a snitch. Although smoking was said to be wrong, this practice was really disgusting.

Originally, I still had a good impression of this new classmate. After all, he is handsome, has good grades, and is sunny, but the things he does are not very bright.

Mo Ran didn't say anything, just sat down calmly.

Xiao Fan didn't expect this, he thought that Mo Ran would become angry and attack him, then he would add to the crime, such a boy would probably be greatly discounted in the monitor's heart.

Who knew that Mo Ran didn't react at all, but he didn't think about it, and made a mistake.

"Mo Ran, are you okay?" Liang Qian asked with concern.

Mo Ran shook his head and said indifferently: "It's okay, I will write a review, and I have to give a speech on stage next Monday when the flag is raised."

"Ah!" Liangqian exclaimed slightly, she didn't expect this to be necessary.

"Don't smoke in the future." Liangqian said softly.

Mo Ran didn't speak, it was obvious...that didn't exist.

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Xiao Fan warmly invited Liang Qian to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

But Liangqian ruthlessly rejected her.

He watched Mo Ran and Liang Qian take out their lunch boxes, and Mo Ran ate Liang Qian's lunch boxes as a matter of course.

How could there be such a person!How shameless! ! !
With a depressed mood, Xiao Fan came to the cafeteria.

And there were a few senior boys standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. When they saw Xiao Fan appearing, they sneered.

Of course Xiao Fan noticed it, and pretended not to see it and went to cook.

When Xiao Fan finished eating and turned around, his elbow was suddenly hit hard, and all the food in the iron plate fell on his clothes and fell to the ground.

"You don't have long eyes!" The tall boy behind him snorted softly, his eyes flashing fiercely.

But the aunt who was doing the cooking was very nice, and she made another order for Xiao Fan, but Xiao Fan felt miserable, so he wiped his clothes and came to the side to sit down.

As soon as Xiao Fan sat down, two people sat beside him and were double-teamed.

Xiao Fan felt something was wrong, these people could not be called by Mo Ran...

"Student, the dishes are not bad, eat some." The boys on both sides were not polite at all, and directly sandwiched Xiao Fan's dishes.

And what else could Xiao Fan do, he dared not speak out.

At this time, Liu Tian also sat down with the food and looked at Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan knew the person in front of him because he was also one of the people caught from the toilet.

At this time, Xiao Fan suddenly realized something. Although it embarrassed Mo Ran, he also offended the senior boys.

I didn't think about it that much at the time, but now that I think about it, I really feel stupid.

"Are you new here?" Liu Tian asked lightly.

Xiao Fan grinned and said, "Brother, I'm new here, I'm really ignorant, I'll go and order some fried vegetables to apologize to my brother."

Liu Tian was taken aback for a moment, Xiao Fan had already gone to order food at this time.

"Brother Tian, ​​this kid is very sensible." One of the boys said with a smile, there are few boys who are so sensible these days.

Liu Tian didn't expect it either.

Soon, Xiao Fan ordered the dishes and went back with a smile, "Brother, after school today, I will set up a table outside the school to apologize, and I hope Big Brother Haihan."

Before Liu Tian said anything, Xiao Fan said a lot, but these words were pleasant to listen to, showing the sincerity of apologizing.

"You offended not only me, but also..." Before Liu Tian finished speaking, Xiao Fan continued.

"Brother, why don't I hold a few tables to apologize tonight, I don't know the other big brothers, please tell me how it is, just a little bit." Xiao Fan took out a red ticket and quietly handed it to Liu Tian.

Liu Tian had never seen such a sensible person before, and suddenly smiled at Xiao Fan: "You have a future, wait at the school gate after school."

"Okay brother, don't worry, the cooking over there is ready, I'll bring it." Xiao Fan said with a smile, and resolved the matter immediately.

In Xiao Fan's words, there is no problem that money can't solve. If there is, it must be because there is not enough money.

Hao Lei and the others who were sitting not far away also watched. They thought Xiao Fan would be deflated, but who would have expected that this kid would do such a trick, and they all started chatting and laughing.

It really is not a good stubble.

"Brother Lei, this Xiao Fan has two tricks." Liu Yizhe said in a low voice.

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and nodded: "This kind of person is very scheming, and if he is not careful, he will fall into his way."

Ding Liang touched the back of his head with a naive look.

"Don't worry, Brother Mo can't be knocked down just a few times." Hao Lei snorted coldly and looked at Xiao Fan again, just in time to meet Xiao Fan's gaze, and saw a slight arc at the corner of Xiao Fan's mouth. Guoguo's provocation.

Hao Lei was so violent that he almost took turns taking photos of the dinner plates.

Liu Yizhe hurriedly stopped and said: "Brother Lei, Brother Mo said...don't conflict with him."

"Fuck!" Hao Lei cursed secretly.

At this moment in the classroom, Mo Ran and Liang Qian had lunch together, enjoying this quiet moment.

"Mo Ran, you have to be careful, this new classmate doesn't seem to like you very much." Liang Qian warned.

Mo Ran said lightly: "Because he likes you."

"What, don't talk nonsense." Liang Qian said coquettishly.

Mo Ran smiled without saying a word.

"Anyway, if you have less contact with him in the future, I don't think he will let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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