Chapter 25

Suddenly Liang Liang stretched out his right hand and said softly, "Hello, Mo Ran."

Mo Ran was taken aback for a moment, and then held it.

"Sit down, don't be polite, just treat it as your own home." Liang Liang sat down and smiled, as if he was quite satisfied with the boy in front of him, dressed plainly, with simple eyes, although his family was poor, his tutor should be pretty good.

Such a boy can give his daughter tutoring, and he can rest assured.

Mo Ran sat down slowly, to be honest, it was the first time he saw such a rich breakfast.

Everyone has a glass of milk, and there are fried eggs, corn, bread on the plate, siu mai, steamed buns, dumplings, juice, etc. on the table.

Liangqian eats so well every morning?

Obviously not.

After all, Mo Ran is a guest, so he should be prepared to be generous.

"Mo Ran, you're welcome, just treat it as your own home and eat whatever you want." Liang Liang laughed aloud, seeming very enthusiastic.

Ye Xueqing smiled slightly: "If it's not enough, there are more."

"Uncle and aunt, that's enough...a lot." Mo Ran was a little embarrassed by his enthusiasm.

And Liangqian sat beside Ye Xueqing, winking at Mo Ran again.

Mo Ran didn't understand what this look meant.

"Mo Ran."

"Uncle." Hearing Liang Liang calling him, Mo Ran replied seriously.

"Qianqian told us about your matter, that's why I made this decision. I hope you can help Qianqian improve her grades."

Mo Ran put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "Uncle, don't worry, I will do my best."

"Very good. As for the salary, how much do you think is appropriate?" Liang Liang asked curiously.

Mo Ran was taken aback for a moment, Liangqian really hit the nail on the head, and actually asked herself how much salary she wanted, saying that she would lose if she said less, but she seemed like a lion talking too much if she said too much.

"Uncle, it's also the first time I'm giving homework tutoring for others. There may be some shortcomings. Why don't we talk about salary after Liangqian's academic performance improves?" Mo Ran said seriously. In fact, he mainly came to learn piano, and tutoring is just an excuse. , this money is dispensable, of course it would be best to have it.

But it can’t be taken in vain. What should be done must be done well.

Liang Liang nodded silently when he heard Mo Ran's answer: "Then if Qianqian's academic performance doesn't improve, I won't pay the money."

"That's just my lack of ability." Mo Ran smiled.

"Very good, I like you very much, let's eat..." Liang Liang seemed very satisfied with Mo Ran's answer, and put a siu mai for Mo Ran.

Liangqian was slightly startled, except for her own and her mother's father, she didn't pick up food for others, and today she actually picked up food for Mo Ran.

That must have agreed with Mo Ran, and finally he was relieved.

Under the enthusiasm of the husband and wife, Mo Ran finally finished eating, and was even full...
Others pinch it hard, but I eat it hard, and my stomach will burst.

When he came to the study on the third floor, Mo Ran sat and waited for Liangqian to come over.

Soon Liangqian came up from the second floor, holding a textbook and waiting: "Mo Ran, why do you eat so much?"

"My uncles and aunts are all in my bowl, why don't I eat them?" Mo Ran said helplessly, too enthusiastic.

Liangqian held back her mouth and said in a low voice, "Let's go to practice the piano again when we have a break at noon."

"Then let's start tutoring now." Mo Ran stood up with his hands on his back, looking a bit like a teacher.

Liangqian snorted softly, then opened the book and asked, "How do you mend it, Teacher Mo?"

"Next, our conversation will be in English. If you don't understand, you can ask me."


"Ah what, do whatever you are asked to do." Mo Ran said calmly, a little harshly.

It made Liangqian pouted, and let you be a teacher, you are really a teacher, you are not handsome at all.

In the following time, Liangqian was almost made to cry by Mo Ran, which was even stricter than the teachers in the school. Mo Ran's strictness was not verbal, but a kind of strictness in eyes.

It's like I didn't understand the grammar just now, and I corrected it after asking, and then I made the same mistake again, Teacher Mo's gaze changed a little. When I made the third mistake, it was like looking at a fool.

Ye Xueqing would take a look at it from time to time, to give some fruit or something, and felt that Mo Ran looked like a teacher, and Qianqian sat there obediently and studied.

"Mo Ran, can you stop being so fierce." Liang Qian whispered.

Mo Ran frowned: "Liangqian, since it's studying, you have to put on a good attitude, besides, I didn't hurt you."

"Not yet, look at you, you're staring at me again..." Liang Qian really wanted to punch her.

"I'm sorry, maybe you're too stupid." Mo Ran teased and eased up...

Liangqian: "..."

Too arrogant, you are good at English, but I am good at mathematics.

"Mo Ran, there is a math problem I can't do." Liangqian suddenly pulled out her book and asked curiously.

"Isn't it only teaching English?"

Liangqian held back her mouth: "You are the teacher Mo I invited, don't you only know English?"

Mo Ran seemed to understand what Liangqian wanted to do, but it didn't matter: "Let me see."

"Teacher Mo, please take a look."

After glancing at the math problem, Mo Ran squinted his eyes slightly. If he guessed correctly, this should be a math competition problem.

"You do it for me first."

"I won't."

"Really not?"

"Well, no." Liangqian shook her head, seeing how I will attack you later, the language organization has been thought out.

Mo Ran took out the draft paper and began to explain to Liangqian, very detailed.

At first Liangqian thought that Mo Ran was just talking nonsense, but after listening to it, it seemed to make sense.

"This set of formulas is a bit cumbersome, and there is another set of formulas that is relatively simple, but we haven't learned it yet." After speaking, Mo Ran ended the question in another way, which made Liangqian dumbfounded. This is simply a fancy way of solving the problem. I didn't even think of it.

After finishing writing, Mo Ran seriously asked: "Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Liangqian said seriously.

"Okay, you do this question again."


Liangqian tried to do it, but suddenly found it a bit difficult, as if she couldn't figure it out.

Looking at Liangqian, Mo Ran gradually frowned.

And Liangqian turned her head to look at Mo Ran, and found that Mo Ran had that stern expression again, her heart sank... I felt so ashamed.

"This question is just a slight change. You just need to use it flexibly. Don't you understand such a simple truth?" Mo Ran said softly.

Liangqian was about to collapse, and Mo Ran sat beside her, unable to concentrate at all, just afraid...

"Can you stand a little farther away, I can do it." Liangqian said stubbornly.

"Okay." Mo Ran got up and walked to the balcony, giving Liangqian space.

However, after standing on the balcony for 10 minutes, Liangqian in the room finally said pitifully to Mo Ran: "Mo Ran, I won't...I'm so stupid..."

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(End of this chapter)

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