I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 26: It was almost revealed

Chapter 26: It was almost revealed
Mo Ran walked into the room and sat lightly beside Liangqian. The latter shrank herself, terrified, feeling that the teacher was not as strict as Mo Ran.

"If you don't know, just say, don't be brave." Mo Ran said softly, picked up Liangqian's draft paper to see where the problem was, and then began to teach carefully.

And at the door, Ye Xueqing was holding two glasses of juice, but he didn't expect this Mo Ran to be so powerful, her daughter didn't dare to be naughty in front of him, sometimes when she taught her, she would teach herself the other way around.

"Qianqian, Mo Ran, take a break, the freshly squeezed juice."

"Mom, put it here."

Mo Ran stood up, took it with both hands and said with a smile, "Thank you, Auntie."

"You're welcome." Ye Xueqing smiled softly, looked down, and realized that her daughter was doing math problems, wasn't she teaching English?
Ye Xueqing asked curiously, "Have you changed courses?"

"Auntie, it's like this. Liangqian can't do some math problems, so I'll teach you by the way."

"Can't do math problems?" Ye Xueqing was even more puzzled. My daughter's math scores have always been pretty good. She is the best in several subjects. Is there anything else she can't do?
Liangqian said helplessly, "Mom, this is a math competition question."

"Oh, that's right, then I won't bother you." Ye Xueqing chuckled and left the study.

Coming to the first floor, Ye Xueqing turned to her husband watching TV and said, "Old Liang, Mo Ran is very powerful."

Liang Liang was puzzled for a moment, and turned down the volume of the TV: "The teacher has spoken English, very good, I know."

"I don't speak English, but mathematics. Mo Ran is teaching Qianqian the questions of the mathematics competition."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Liang Liang was slightly startled.

"No, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to cook...it's almost noon." Ye Xueqing paused, and hurriedly cooked for the two children. Studying is important, but you still have to eat enough.

Liang Liang thought for a while, then looked around, and chose some snacks to take with him.

I'd like to see if it's that powerful.

After a while, Liangliang walked down with a smile, came to the kitchen and said with a smile: "Xueqing, Mo Ran is really powerful. I stood by and listened to a few words, but I couldn't understand them at all. Also, the draft they typed, I feel like reading a book."

"What can you understand after elementary school, don't interrupt, go watch TV." Ye Xueqing rolled his eyes, it's strange that you can understand.

Liang Liang chuckled lightly: "Xue Qing, have you noticed that Qianqian is very obedient?"

"If I meet such a strict and powerful tutor, I will feel guilty." Ye Xueqing picked the leaf vegetables and laughed, the main thing is that Mo Ran is also very handsome.

"Don't tell me, this Mo Ran is really strict. Yes, I'm worried that they will use the guise of learning to get a partner."

"Judging from the current situation, there is no sign of it yet." Ye Xueqing estimated.

"Don't you know what a long-term relationship is? Isn't that how we came here?"

"Then you put it this way, Qianqian doesn't need to go to school anymore, she has to face her male classmates every day." Ye Xueqing rolled her eyes and drove Liang Liang out of the kitchen.

Liang Liang didn't say anything, and took a sip of wolfberry tea.

The two people in the study were very serious, they didn't chat about romance, they only talked about formulas, grammar and so on.

"Qianqian, Mo Ran, it's time to eat."

Following Ye Xueqing's call, Liangqian replied loudly: "Okay, here we come."

After finishing speaking, Liangqian stretched her waist, and the white T-shirt on her body rose, immediately outlining a beautiful arc.

At this moment, Liangqian looked at Mo Ran in doubt, and found that Mo Ran was staring at her... She looked down and understood instantly, and said coquettishly, "Mo Ran! Look at it!"

"It's nothing..." Mo Ran quickly looked away, sighing in his heart that Liangqian's development is really good, why didn't she notice it before.

"Hmph, don't think that you are very powerful, I am also very powerful." Liang Qian raised her small fist, indicating that if you look again, she will punch you into panda eyes.

Mo Ran shrugged, and said solemnly: "Don't be lazy, do this question."

Liangqian, who was still western-style just now, was instantly sluggish, and said pitifully, "Mr. Mo, I'm hungry, why don't we cook after we eat."

"Okay, then add three more questions."

Hearing the first two words, Liangqian felt that Mo Ran was really considerate, but hearing the latter sentence, she was too cruel.

It doesn't matter, don't you want to learn the piano later? I'll be the teacher instead. I'll scold you to death... you have to pour out all the grievances of the morning.

"Hmph, just do it." Liangqian snorted softly, and went downstairs with joyful steps.

Mo Ran cleared the table a bit before going downstairs.

The dishes at noon are also very rich, including chicken, fish, and meat.

"Mo Ran, does the food suit your appetite?" Ye Xueqing asked with a smile, holding a big chicken leg to Mo Ran.

"Auntie, your cooking skills are so good. If I continue to eat like this, I'm afraid I'll become fat." Mo Ran said jokingly, but it's also true, it's really delicious.

Liang Qian, who was eating big, said casually, "Mom, he eats your cooking every day at noon."

Following Liangqian's words, the other three were stunned for a moment.

Mo Ran felt that Liangqian's brain had been exhausted in the morning, you said that... I was so embarrassed.

It was only at this time that Liangqian came to her senses. She wished she could pinch herself, and quickly explained: "Mo Ran also has the habit of bringing bento, so sometimes I order food for him."

Mo Ran was slightly relieved after hearing this.

"I envy Liangqian for having such a good mother." Mo Ran hurriedly answered, and tried to change the subject with some emotion.

Ye Xueqing felt that Mo Ran was quite pitiful, no wonder her daughter would help him: "Eat more, don't be polite to auntie."

"Mo Ran, do you know how to drink?" Liang Liang asked suddenly.

Ye Xueqing frowned: "Old Liang, Mo Ran is still a student."

"Yes, Dad, don't lead others down." Liangqian also said solemnly. Mo Ran was a smoker in the first place. If she also learned to drink, she would have all the alcohol and tobacco.

Liang Liang smiled: "Isn't it too boring to drink alone?"

In fact, Mo Ran can also drink some, but he thinks it's better to forget it, so as not to lose his composure after drinking.

"Mom, I want to practice the piano for a while after dinner." Liangqian said in a low voice.

Ye Xueqing gave her daughter fish soup, and asked curiously, "Why do you suddenly want to practice piano?"

"I need music to cleanse my chaotic brain, it's too difficult." Liangqian took a deep breath, and at the same time held back Mo Ran's glance. Why did I find it difficult to solve the problem very easily when I came to him.

Ye Xueqing chuckled lightly: "Alright, Mo Ran, can you play the piano?"

"Not very good, but I want to learn." Mo Ran smiled slightly.

"Then let Qianqian teach you later, playing the piano can relax you very well." Ye Xueqing smiled softly, feeling that Mo Ran can develop in many ways.

(End of this chapter)

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