Chapter 27 A Special Warmth
Following Ye Xueqing's words, Mo Ran and Liang Qian's goal was perfectly achieved, after all, this was the final mission.

The piano was on the first floor, and you could still see the flowers and plants in the back yard. Liangqian found a famous piano piece.

"I'll play first, you listen." Liangqian muttered, after all, she couldn't teach Mo Ran loudly at home, otherwise she would be suspected of flirting.

Mo Ran was standing next to the piano, not sitting with Liang Qian, after all, they were sitting together in school.

Maybe this is the so-called tacit understanding.

Liangqian chose a song, but she still chose a slow-paced song, and Mo Ran had to get used to it.

Song form a Secret Garden
Liangqian thinks this song is pretty good, and she likes it very much. When she listens to it when she is in a bad mood, she will cry.

Looking at the score, Liang Qian gradually began to play, and the subtle sound of the piano was released slowly, with a hint of sadness and desolation, but it was very pleasant to hear.

Liang Liang sat on the sofa and enjoyed with her eyes closed, Ye Xueqing, who was doing the dishes, smiled, and Qianqian's level improved a bit.

With Mo Ran, it's hard not to improve.

It's just that Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing soon discovered that her daughter seemed to have turned on the infinite loop button, over and over again.

Ye Xueqing walked over curiously, and saw Mo Ran standing beside the piano while Qianqian was playing.

"Qianqian, why do you keep repeating yourself?"

Liangqian stopped and said seriously: "Mom, I'm teaching Mo Ran, don't interrupt."

"Teach me that way?"

"Mom, just leave it alone." Liangqian got up and pushed her mother away, and Liangqian continued the cycle.

When the cycle reached the sixth time, Mo Ran stopped.

Liangqian understood very well, and immediately gave up her seat in the living room.

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing were taking a sneak peek.

"Although I don't know how to play the piano, learning the piano is definitely not like this." Liang Liang said seriously.

Ye Xueqing nodded silently.

"Xueqing, didn't you also learn the piano before? What does that mean?"

Ye Xueqing shook her head: "I didn't understand either."

What happened next made the couple understand.

Mo Ran is just a hard copy... My daughter is right next to me correcting mistakes, oh my god...

Can this all work?Liangliang felt that he could do it himself.

But the couple found that the daughter was more interesting, as if she was taking revenge on Mo Ran.

"Mo Ran, I told you several times, the pitch is too high!!!"

"Oh, this sound is wrong again. I need to teach you several times. Play it again."

"This piece should be emotional, and the piece without soul is a machine. Play it again."

Mo Ran didn't say anything, and studied hard, playing again and again with obvious progress, becoming more and more perfect.

Liangqian didn't expect that she completely learned this piece of music when she was a child, it was too fast.

For Mo Ran, he basically knows the pronunciation of all the buttons, so as long as he memorizes the tune, he can perform it perfectly.

In terms of feeling, Mo Ran was completely superior to Liang Qian.

"Liangqian, I think you have a problem playing just now, I'll teach you." Mo Ran stood up and said softly.

Liangqian was taken aback, blinked her big eyes, and said solemnly: "Mo Ran, it's time for us to study." After speaking, she hurried upstairs without giving Mo Ran any time to react.

Mo Ran smiled wryly and shook his head, it's almost 3 o'clock... I really need to study.

As Liang Qian and Mo Ran walked upstairs, Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing in the living room looked at each other.

"This child..."


The husband and wife sighed directly, and learned a piece of music in less than two hours.

Can't this play the piano?

Liang Liang stood up at this moment, and then sat down in front of the piano.

"Old Liang, what are you doing?"

"I understand it too, and I can do it too." As he spoke, he put his hands on the piano.

Ye Xueqing was looking forward to it, and there was still hope.

However, a few seconds later, Liang Liang stood up and said, "Forget it, the brain is getting better, but the hands can't keep up."

Ye Xueqing: "..."

Walking into the study, Mo Ran saw Liangqian with a serious face and a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Liangqian took a sneak peek, and said coquettishly, "Why are you laughing, I won't teach you if you laugh any more." She didn't believe it anymore, and she lost everything by herself.

"Are you ready?" Mo Ran put away her smile and asked seriously.

"How can it be so fast, I'm not you, I can do it all at once..." Liangqian pouted her small mouth, unconvinced, feeling like she was hanging on.

Mo Ran sat next to him and said carefully: "Do it slowly, don't try to be quick, just ask if you don't understand."

"Got it, Teacher Mo." Liangqian rolled her eyes, not believing that she couldn't do it!Get on the bar today!
As the sky gradually dimmed, Ye Xueqing had already prepared dinner.

Mo Ran originally planned to go back to eat, after all, he had to cook for grandpa.

Who knew that Ye Xueqing had already arranged everything, let Mo Ran eat first, and the grandfather's portion had already been packed.

At this moment, Mo Ran felt an unprecedented warmth. Although it was only for a short day, Liangqian's parents were very enthusiastic towards him, especially Aunt Ye. It would be great if he had such a mother.

After dinner, Mo Ran took the packaged food and prepared to go home, and of course Liang Qian came out to give it away.

The two walked on the road of the community without talking much until they reached the gate of the community.

"Liangqian, thank you." Mo Ran turned around and smiled at Liangqian.

"Thank me for what?" Liangqian asked with a smile, her eyes bent into crescents.

"Your home gave me a different feeling. It's very warm and comfortable, and your uncles and aunts are very nice."

"Then you were so strict with me in class, why can't you just smile..." Liangqian said aggrievedly.

Mo Ran said with a stern face: "One size is one size, so that you can get into a good university in the future."

"Mo Ran! You actually learned from me! Don't run away, and see if I don't hit you."

"See you tomorrow." Mo Ran stepped on his bicycle and slipped away.

Liangqian shouted angrily, "Ride slowly and be careful."

"Understood." Mo Ran raised his hand, and quickly disappeared into the night.

With a happy mood, Liangqian walked back to the community and hummed a little song... she was in a very good mood.

But after returning home, Liangqian got into trouble with the math problem, and she must give Mo Ran a little color tomorrow, so she didn't believe it.

Ye Xueqing was a little surprised to find her daughter so active.

"Old Liang, I suddenly discovered that Qianqian has changed." Ye Xueqing said seriously.

"Yeah, I used to play computer games on weekends, and play that QQ, but now... I'm actually doing my homework."

"Maybe it's because Mo Ran studies so hard that Qianqian has an idea of ​​transcendence. I think this is a good thing." Ye Xueqing picked up an apple and peeled it.

Liang Liang agrees with this idea.

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(End of this chapter)

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