I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 28 Xiao Fan Becomes a Neighbor

Chapter 28 Xiao Fan Becomes a Neighbor

Back home, Mo Ran talked with his grandfather about what happened today. After hearing this, Wang Jianguo felt a little relieved. What he was worried about still didn't happen. The girl's parents were very kind.

"Mo Ran, I suddenly found that you like to laugh a lot recently." Wang Jianguo asked Futaba, who was smoking two yuan, jokingly.

Mo Ran tensed his face instantly, and said solemnly: "Do I have it?"

"Look at your guilty appearance, do you have perverted thoughts about other girls?" Wang Jianguo flicked the cigarette ash and asked curiously, in fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

"Grandpa, you think too much, we can only be good friends at best." Mo Ran said sincerely.

"Good friends, let's be good friends, don't just fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain, you don't like it, there are a lot of people who like it."

Hearing what Grandpa said, Mo Ran felt as if it was implying something to himself.

"I'm going to study. I love to study. Nothing can shake my attitude towards study." Mo Ran said solemnly, then turned and walked into the back room.

Wang Jianguo laughed when he heard it, but Mo Ran was thin-skinned and refused to admit it.

Turning on the desk lamp, Mo Ran took out the book, but didn't read it seriously, thinking about what grandpa just said.

There are a lot of people who like Liangqian?
It seems that there are indeed a bunch of people, and Xiao Fan is one of them.

Why do I think about this? Reading is still important. Reading makes me happy.

At this time, in the Qinghewan community, a brand new Mercedes-Benz S slowly drove in and parked opposite Liangqian Villa.

A couple got out of the car, and a teenager, wearing headphones and holding an MP3.
If Liangqian saw it, she would definitely be a little surprised, but she didn't expect it to be Xiao Fan!

"How about it, this house is not bad, the best in QY City." The middle-aged man smiled with his hands on his hips, his belly seemed to be breaking apart even the belt, and the hair on the top of his head had disappeared, leaving only the sides.

This is Xiao Fan's father, Xiao Dingtian.

The woman next to her is wearing a simple, plain floral dress, and the years have left wrinkles on her face.

"Damn it, you don't need to buy such an expensive house, just live in an ordinary one." Gao Lan said softly.

"I said, I can take you to live in a big bungalow, and there will be better ones in the future." Xiao Dingtian grabbed his wife's shoulders and looked at the three-story villa in front of him. As long as he works hard, his dream will still come true.

Xiao Fan was not very interested, so he dragged his luggage and walked towards the villa.

"This kid is more impatient than us." Xiao Dingtian joked, and walked into the room with his luggage.

Walking into the room, Gao Lan couldn't help being surprised by the high-end decoration, and blamed Xiao Dingtian for wasting money, but Xiao Dingtian was careless, saying that it was all for you and his son.

After tidying up, Gao Lan took out the special products of her hometown, and was going to visit. Neighbors often visit.

Xiao Dingtian paused, but he didn't want to spoil his wife's interest, so he planned to go out for a visit with the family of three.

"Xiao Fan, go for a walk." Xiao Dingtian who pushed open the door saw his son typing on the computer.

"Where to?"

"Come around, your mother has prepared some special products."

Xiao Fan turned around and asked doubtfully, "Dad, are you serious?"

"Don't spoil your mother's happiness, come out quickly."

Xiao Fan sighed, the people who live here are basically bosses, who would like that kind of special products, this is not in the previous home.

But dad is right, don't disappoint.

After a little tidying up, the family of three went out with their special products, and the neighbors around them were very polite and accepted the special products one after another.

Finally, they came to Liangqian's house across the door.

"Damn, I think the people here are easy to deal with." Gao Lan smiled slightly, thinking that rich people are not so easy to talk to.

Xiao Dingtian patted Gao Lan on the shoulder: "Let me just say, it's all the same."

Xiao Fan thinks that dad wants to make a familiar face and let mom take the lead... Even the honest mom doesn't know it yet.

As Xiao Dingtian pressed the doorbell of Liangqian's house, Ye Xueqing in the living room was stunned for a moment.

"It's past 9 o'clock, who is it?" Ye Xueqing asked suspiciously.

Liang Liang put down the remote control, stood up and said, "I'll go."

Ye Xueqing was not at ease, and followed Liangliang, if he ran into robbers, he would be finished.

Standing at the door, Liang Liang looked through the cat's eyes, there was a smiling couple standing outside the door, and a teenager...

It didn't look like a bad guy either, Liang Liang opened the door.

"Who are you?" Liang Liang asked suspiciously.

Xiao Dingtian said with a smile: "We live across the street and just moved here. This is a specialty of my hometown, and I have a little heart."

It turned out to be a neighbor...

Liang Liang smiled politely, "You're too polite."

"You're welcome, you're welcome..."

The two big men were polite at the door at this time, and Xiao Fan behind was rolling his eyes.

"Mom, who is it?" At this moment, Liangqian suddenly came downstairs, and just heard the doorbell faintly, wondering if it could be Mo Ran?So just head downstairs and have a look.

Xiao Fan who was standing outside was taken aback for a moment, why is this voice so familiar?Can't help but look towards the house.

When he saw the beautiful figure inside, Xiao Fan exclaimed: "Squad leader!?"

Liangqian also saw Xiao Fan, and was also surprised: "Xiao Fan?"

The parents of both sides looked at their children in doubt.

Ye Xueqing asked curiously: "Are you in the same class?"

Xiao Fan feels that this is God's will, this can happen, what else can I say besides fate?
"Auntie, I just transferred to No. [-] Middle School, and I'm in Liangqian's class, and I'm still sitting behind Liangqian." Xiao Fan smiled slightly.

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing sized up Xiao Fan, he was a very sunny boy, and also very handsome...
But Ye Xueqing still prefers Mo Ran's handsome and cool.

When Xiao Dingtian heard it, he laughed and said: "There is such a coincidence, then you can go to school together in the future, so you can have someone to take care of you."

Dad's words are really good.

Since he is a classmate, Liang Liang smiled lightly and said, "Don't stand outside, go inside and have a sip of tea."

"Haha, then I won't be polite." Xiao Dingtian was very down-to-earth, which made Liang Liang feel a little better, but Gao Lan felt a little restrained.

Xiao Fan walked into the room and walked towards Liangqian, who frowned.

"Squad leader, I didn't expect you to live here too. We will be neighbors from now on." Xiao Fan said happily.

Ever since Xiao Fan made a small report, Liangqian hated Xiao Fan a little bit, and then saw Xiao Fan mixing with those "student masters", even more so, but with the adults around, Liangqian was fine, He said politely, "Yes, student Xiao Fan."

The four parents watched the two children standing beside them chatting, and introduced each other.

Coincidentally, Liang Liang and Xiao Dingtian's business can complement each other, the two men started chatting about business, what else can the two women talk about, of course it is about children.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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