Chapter 29
"Parents, uncles and aunts, I'll go upstairs first." Liangqian greeted her, and then went upstairs.

Xiao Fan also knows that Liang Qian has a bad impression of him, so he is not in a hurry, they are all neighbors, and they will have more time to spend together in the future.

After ten o'clock, the three of Xiao Dingtian left.

"Old Liang, I heard from Gao Lan that Xiao Fan's grades in the high school entrance examination are very good, even better than our Qianqian's." Ye Xueqing did not expect that Xiao Fan was tall and handsome, and his grades were so good, just like Mo Ran .

Liang Liang chuckled lightly, picked up the thermos cup and took a sip of wolfberry tea: "Didn't you realize that Qianqian seems to dislike Xiao Fan?"

"Really? I didn't pay much attention."

"Xiao Fan just transferred to another school not long ago. With Qianqian's personality, it shouldn't be like this. After all, we Qianqian are a child who is willing to help others."

After hearing this, Ye Xueqing planned to ask her daughter.

After a while, Ye Xueqing frowned and walked down.

"Xueqing, what's the situation." Liang Liang asked curiously.

"Qianqian said that Xiao Fan likes to make small reports, and hangs out with the "student bully" in school."

After hearing this, Liang Liang looked as expected: "I'll just say it."

"It's just that I think Xiao Fan is a pretty good kid, he doesn't feel like that kind of person." Ye Xueqing muttered.

"I just met once, and I seem to know you very well, you..." Liang Liang pointed at his wife and shook his head.

"Then if Xiao Fan comes to visit, shall we close the door?"

Liang Liang thought for a while, and then said: "As long as you don't do anything out of the ordinary."

"Hearing what Qianqian said, I'm a little worried." Ye Xueqing didn't want her daughter to stay with some gangsters, and she would learn bad things sooner or later.

Liangqian in the bedroom was also very depressed, why did Xiao Fan live across from her.

Just when Liangqian was depressed, she felt movement outside the window, so she looked up.

On the second floor opposite, Xiao Fan opened the window and was waving... holding a glowing object in his hand.

Liangqian frowned, this Xiao Fan was really annoying, she immediately pulled up the curtains.

Xiao Fan on the opposite side smiled when he saw Liangqian draw the curtains, the squad leader is so cute.

Such a cute squad leader cannot fall into the hands of someone like Mo Ran. Since God has given fate, I will definitely not let it go, Mo Ran...Although you won the first round, but the second round , I won't lose so easily.

In the early morning of the next day, Liangqian came to the gate of the community early to wait for Mo Ran just like yesterday, but the little girl seemed a little depressed, and Mo Ran came over on a bicycle not long after.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Liangqian's expression, Mo Ran asked curiously.

Liangqian sighed lightly: "Mo Ran, a bizarre thing happened last night, you probably wouldn't have thought of it either."

Mo Ran pushed his bicycle and Liang Qian into the community, and jokingly asked as he walked, "What's so weird, it can't be that Xiao Fan lives across from your house, right?"

Liangqian stared at Mo Ran dumbfounded.

"Isn't that right, I guessed it all?" Mo Ran paused, what else is there?
"Isn't it? Xiao Fan just moved here yesterday, and his parents only found out when they came to visit." Liangqian said melancholy, kicking the gravel from time to time.

Mo Ran patted Liangqian on the head: "Are you so unhappy?"

"Oh, I don't like it anyway."

"It's fine if you don't like it."

"Ah? What did you say?"

"Nothing." Mo Ran shrugged.

"Hmph! I heard it!"

"Then you still ask." Mo Ran showed that you are a fool.

Liangqian immediately chased after her and punched her with that little pink fist a few times, her mood improved a lot.

As soon as he reached the door of Liangqian's house, Mo Ran heard Xiao Fan's voice behind him.

"Squad leader~" Xiao Fan walked out of the house and shouted, but the smile on his face gradually disappeared, because Mo Ran was still standing beside the monitor!

Moran? !
How could he be here so early in the morning!And he was so close to the monitor!Is it my eyesight or what?

Mo Ran turned his head and glanced at Xiao Fan, he was really haunted, and he really lived across from Liangqian.

This made Mo Ran feel a little worried, but at the same time, he was also asking himself what he was worried about.

"Don't pay attention to him, let's go into the house." Liangqian whispered, pulling Mo Ran into the house.

Xiao Fan on the opposite side just watched the two enter the room, so angry!
The squad leader didn't even look at himself, he just made a small report, he was too narrow-minded.

But what did Mo Ran do at the monitor's house on weekends?Is it because the adults are not at home, at home!
The image of Asian bondage suddenly appeared in Xiao Fan's mind.

No, whatever they're doing isn't good anyway.

Don't let Mo Ran succeed, he will definitely bully the squad leader! ! !
Xiao Fan suddenly rushed across the road, came to Liangqian's door and rang the doorbell.

At this moment in Liangqian's house, the four of them were just sitting down to have breakfast, when the doorbell rang wildly.

Of course Mo Ran knew who it was, and stood up with a smile: "Uncle and Auntie, I'll drive." After speaking, he walked towards the door.

Opening the door, Xiao Fan looked at Mo Ran and asked in a deep voice, "Where is the monitor?"

Seeing Xiao Fan's anxious look, Mo Ran's mouth suddenly curled into a wicked smile.

This surprised Xiao Fan, the monitor was being bullied!

Xiao Fan pushed Mo Ran away, walked towards the room with big strides, and shouted loudly: "Squad leader, squad leader..."

However, when he saw the three people in the dining room, the corner of Xiao Fan's mouth twitched, the others were having breakfast in a decent manner, and all the uncles and aunts were there.

Then what does Mo Ran's evil smile mean? I was fooled!
Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing looked at Xiao Fan in doubt, "It's so early in the morning, what kind of show is this?"
Liangqian covered her forehead, really helpless.

At this time, Mo Ran walked back and sat at the dining table, but Xiao Fan seemed to be an outsider.

"I'm sorry Uncle and Auntie. I just saw a sneaky figure at home. I thought that the monitor would be in danger if he was alone at home, so he lost his composure." Xiao Fan calmed down quickly and calmly explained, Nothing wrong with that.

And he even satirized Mo Ran, comparing Mo Ran to that sneaky person, it can be said to be very powerful.

Mo Ran could tell that he was really a tenacious opponent.

After hearing this, Liang Liang smiled lightly and said, "Then you must have misjudged. The security in Qinghe Bay is quite good, so you can rest assured."

"That's good. I used to live in a very simple place, and there were often thieves, so I lost my composure. I'm sorry, uncle and aunt." Xiao Fan apologized earnestly, and even bowed, showing a good boy to the fullest.

Moreover, he insinuated Mo Ran that he was a thief, and he also revealed his poor life experience by the way.

More miserable.

Seeing that Xiao Fan's attitude was so good, Ye Xueqing's impression seemed to be changing, she smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Fan, have you eaten yet?"

 Ask for collection, please recommend, thank you brothers.


(End of this chapter)

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