I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 309 Your mother is too fierce

Chapter 309 Your mother is too fierce

"It doesn't matter what you say here, in fact, you have already been prepared to go on a blind date by your deceased husband, right?" Mo Ran asked.

"No!" At this moment, Liangqian thought that Mo Ran was standing opposite her and questioned her, so she hurriedly explained.

"You can give others a chance, why not give me a chance?" Mo Ran gradually approached Liangqian.

Liangqian backed away again, just like that night.

But today Liangqian was not in a panic, she suddenly grabbed Mo Ran's arm and directly pressed it down. Although she hadn't used force for a long time, Liangqian still remembered it.

"I was a Sanda champion back then, do you think I'm going to take your style!" Liangqian pressed Mo Ran's shoulder firmly.

Mo Ran laughed out loud after hearing this: "Sansa champion? The children's group?"

The corner of Liangqian's mouth twitched. Although it wasn't the children's group, it was also the youth group.

Just when Liangqian lost her mind, Mo Ran suddenly turned around, locked Liangqian in her arms, and asked in a low voice: "Since I look like your deceased husband, why don't you give me a chance, maybe we will meet soon suitable."

"Impossible! I only love him in my life, and I will never fall in love with any man!" After speaking, he stepped on Mo Ran fiercely, and the high heels poked on Mo Ran's leather shoes, causing Mo Ran to roll his eyes in pain.

As soon as she let go of her hand, Liangqian immediately opened her hand, raised her foot and kicked it!
"Ah!" Mo Ran looked at Liangqian in disbelief, covered her crotch with both hands, and gradually squatted down. This woman is really cruel!
"Let me tell you, if you touch me again, I... I will make you die an ugly death!" After speaking, Liangqian left without looking back, leaving Mo Ran in pain.

This married woman has fucked herself twice!

Wouldn't it be a disadvantage if I didn't fuck her twice?

It took a long time for Mo Ran to stand up straight, but felt that there was still something wrong with his crotch, so he walked out of the classroom frowning.

In the car outside, Shiyao and Xiaobai didn't speak, feeling that their mother is now a dynamite, and whoever touches it will be unlucky.

"Shiyao, Xiaobai, are you still mother's baby?" Liangqian asked in a low voice.

The two children looked at their mother's eyes and nodded quickly. Who dares to shake their heads at this time, shaking their heads is slapping their buttocks.

Seeing the children standing by her side, Liangqian felt a lot better.

"Mr. Liang, do you need me to strengthen security tomorrow?" Tang Wei, who was driving, asked in a deep voice, feeling that the man would not give up!You have to find a way to drive him away, after all, he looks so much like Mr. Liang's late husband, which is a great advantage.

Liangqian looked at the children and said softly, "Add two more people to guard the school."


Upon hearing the news, Shiyao and Xiaobai thought to themselves that it was over, that their father would definitely not be able to enter the school, and their mother blocked the way.

I have to send this important news to my father quickly, but my mother is by my side, and I haven't played with this smart watch for a while, so I have to go back and study it.

On the other side, Mo Ran endured the pain and took a taxi back to the hotel. When he has such a good temper, he won't fight back when he is beaten.

It was already dark when we got back to the hotel, so Mo Ran dealt with it casually in the room, and then he was thinking of a way.

How to chase girls?

Turn on the phone, Baidu.

Don't ask, it's just a waste of money.

Mo Ran looked at such an answer, does it work?The problem is that Liangqian is not short of money, is she?

Chasing girls requires a thick skin.

Mo Ran just ignores it, and can do whatever, but it takes face.

After reading countless answers, none of them satisfied Mo Ran. They were all flattering methods of chasing girls, that is, licking, hard licking.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and when I looked at WeChat, it was a message from Xiaobai.

"Dad, Mom has already arranged for the bodyguards to be at the school, don't come tomorrow."

Hearing such news, Mo Ran felt a bit of a headache. This Liangqian is really invulnerable. In the past, a lot of women took the initiative to come, but now she took the initiative, and encountered an iron wall.

"Xiaobai, what is Mom's WeChat?"

Mo Fanbai sent Liangqian's phone number to his father, and Mo Ran saw that it was the phone number, so he called Liangqian directly.

At this time, Liangqian was processing documents, when she heard the phone ringing, she answered it without looking at it.

"Liangqian." Mo Ran said in a deep voice.

Liangqian's face darkened when she heard this familiar voice, she even knew her phone number!
Liangqian hung up without saying anything.

Mo Ran heard the sound of beeping, and his whole body was about to crack. Those who dared to hang up their phones before all went to see God.

This Liangqian actually hung up the phone.

Mo Ran called again, as if he wanted to teach Liang Qian a lesson.

However, Liangqian saw that she was calling again, so she hung up and was added to the blacklist.

Mo Ran stood up, scratched his hair, and knew he must be blocked when he heard the busy tone.

There is no way, Mo Ran can only add WeChat, thinking about verifying what to send, she probably won't add herself, but how can I get her to add it?
"I am your husband Mo Ran, I am not dead." After thinking for a long time, Mo Ran sent it directly.

Liangqian saw that there was a red dot on WeChat, and when she opened it, her nose almost turned out of breath. She didn't expect him to be so thick-skinned as to pretend to be a dead person!

Seeing Liangqian's reply, there was at least one more word.

"Liangqian, I think we should talk."

Seeing the verification message sent by Mo Ran, Liangqian replied: "There is nothing to talk about, I warn you again, don't disturb my life!"

Seeing such words, Mo Ran didn't continue to post, and knew that posting would be useless.

And Liangqian saw that the bad man didn't continue to post, and snorted coldly, pretending to be bad, pretending to be nothing.

At this moment, Mo Ran could only find a solution with the children.

"Dad, Xiaobai suggests that you don't mess with mom right now, she is so angry that she won't listen to anything." Mo Fanbai gave his father advice, and he is a big kid.

Mo Ran felt that his son was right.

"Then what should father do so that your mother will not be so strong?"

Mo Shiyao sighed lightly: "Father, Mom is playing tricks instead of sticking hard."

Mo Ran stroked her stubble, Liangqian liked soft but not hard, but she only knew how to be hard, so she couldn't be soft.

"Father, I remembered. I heard from my mother that you used to like to ride a bicycle. That's how you and your mother went to school." Mo Shiyao had an inspiration.

Mo Ran felt that this method was good, and he wanted to show his own advantages.

"Dad knows, you sleep well and see how dad behaves tomorrow."

"Yeah, dad, cheer up." Mo Shiyao cheered on dad with a sweet voice, and Mo Fanbai was also cheering on, hoping that mom and dad would get together quickly and get married in place.

With the encouragement of the children, Mo Ran was full of energy. First, he did a hundred push-ups to relieve his energy, and then called the main station to ask them to prepare a bicycle tomorrow morning and ride to their community to wait.

It's not waiting, it's blocking.

(End of this chapter)

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