Chapter 310 Climb a Mountain
On the other side, Liangqian took a shower and walked out. She stood on the balcony in her pajamas and took a look outside. She didn't see that bad man, so she was relieved. She was really afraid that he would block the door.

I picked up my phone and looked at it again, but I didn't see any news, so I could sleep in peace.

When she saw the wedding photo hanging above the bed, Liangqian took a deep breath, she could bring up the children by herself, without any man.

Not to mention looking for a man like Mo Ran to complete this emotional sustenance.

It's just that the children want their father, which is a headache. If it goes on like this, the children will not be psychologically hurt. This kind of thing happens when they watch TV, and it will be terrible when they grow up with a withdrawn personality.

The more she thought about Liangqian, the more messy she became. She tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so she could only open WeChat and listen to what Mo Ran said before, especially that sentence.

"Sleep well and wait for me to come back."

As soon as she heard this sentence, no matter how bad her mood was, she would feel much better. This sentence seemed to have magical powers, making Liangqian feel comfortable and sleepy, and fell asleep after a while.

However, he had a terrible dream, dreaming that the white Moran approached him with an evil smile, but he couldn't shout out, but for some reason, the white Moran gradually overlapped with the black Moran.

When Liangqian woke up with a start, it was already dawn.

Rubbing his forehead, what the hell did he do, that white Mo Ran actually came into his dream.

Be sure to wean him and the children from coming late.

However, outside the community, Mo Ran had already arrived at the gate of the community on his bicycle.

The guard looked at Mo Ran, and opened the door directly. He was puzzled, he hadn't seen this handsome guy for several years, and he came back today.

Originally, Mo Ran wanted to use money to take care of it, but he didn't expect the doorman to be so knowledgeable, so he threw away a beautiful knife, which was regarded as a tip.

The doorman looked at the brand-new beauty knife and felt that this handsome guy must have made a fortune outside, but why did he ride a bicycle?

When Mo Ran came to the garage, he rode in one direction, as if by muscle memory, and then stopped outside an elevator hall.

For this situation, Mo Ran feels that it should be related to the memory.

But there are too few people who can be connected. If he has a relationship with Liangqian, why doesn't the child belong to him?

Is it...

Did this woman wear a cuckold for herself?
That's not right, Liangqian has seen the situation herself, and there is no one else but the deceased husband, and the children know it too.

Why is that?

Is it in this neighborhood?And his mistress?

This possibility is not impossible, after all, it is much more convenient to live in a community, if it is me, it must be arranged like this.

Just as Mo Ran was thinking, the elevator door dinged.

I saw Liangqian taking the children downstairs, and when she saw Mo Ran, she was stunned.

Even the kids thought Dad was funny, wearing a young man's trendy suit with a big gold chain, Dad was so funny.

Liangqian was stunned for a moment, her face tightened, she actually found her home, this is really shameless.

He even learned how to ride a bicycle like Mo Ran, how did he know?Could it be that a little traitor appeared beside him?

The two little guys were very guilty and looked like I didn't know anything.

"Liangqian, good morning." Mo Ran suddenly smiled and waved his hand, the ghost knows that it takes a lot of effort for Mo Ran to squeeze out this smile, but this is what he needs to do now, otherwise how can he get revenge.

Liangqian looked at Mo Ran's smile and was a little lost. Now her eyes and expression are very similar to Mo Ran's.

But this is a fake after all, no matter how similar it is, it is a counterfeit.

"Tighter mom." Liangqian pulled the children around Mo Ran.

"Liangqian, I have no malicious intentions."

Liangqian didn't care so much, let the children get into the car, and then got in the car, Mo Ran simply stood in front of the car.

If you dare to bump into Mo Ran, come here.

Liangqian didn't show cowardice, she immediately stepped on the gas pedal, and Mo Ran hurried away, looking at the taillights in disbelief.

This woman really dared to hit herself.

After riding on his bicycle, Mo Ran chased after him.

"Mom, you are just too dangerous. It would be bad if you bumped into uncle." Mo Fanbai is also smart now, and he would call uncle in front of his mother, otherwise his mother would even beat himself when she got angry, which is too cruel.

Liangqian was also taken aback by her actions just now, but luckily that Mo Ran escaped, who told him to be so annoying.

Mo Shiyao looked behind the car and exclaimed, "Mom, uncle is catching up."

Liangqian was taken aback, she looked in the rearview mirror, and she was chasing after her on a bicycle. Is this guy crazy?
It's not just Liangqian who thinks so, but all the drivers around him think so. Others are riding on non-motorized lanes, but he is riding on the road. The speed is still very fast, as if he is riding a hot wheel.

When the red light came on, Liangqian finally stopped.

And Mo Ran rode to Liangqian's car, knocked on the window, and the drivers around looked over, Liangqian felt so embarrassed.

It's fine for you to be shameless, but I still need some shame.

Mo Ran didn't care so much anymore, this face was already lost, and it couldn't be lost in vain, so he knocked on the car window again.

Liangqian lowered the window and said in a deep voice, "Are you crazy?"


"Don't talk." After finishing speaking, the green light came on, and Liangqian hurriedly put on the accelerator and drove away.

The children looked at their father with distress, and chased after him.

Liangqian, who was driving, looked in the rearview mirror and caught up again. My's so embarrassing.

"Beauty, your husband is like this, forget it, it's very dangerous." A pregnant woman shouted at Liangqian when a car drove up next to her.

Liangqian was speechless.

Mo Fanbai opened the window and shouted, "Auntie, my mother and father had a fight this morning."

Liangqian's expression is like this (°Д°).

Sure enough, there was a little traitor by his side who secretly reported that he would not beat Xiaobai when he returned home at night.

The drivers around were all trying to persuade Liangqian, what a big deal, if anything happened, the child would lose his father.

Under this kind of pressure, Liangqian could only pull over and stop, Mo Ran was sweating, and slowly stopped beside Liangqian's car.

Seeing Mo Ran's expression, Liang Qian frowned, and her heart softened a little.

"What on earth are you going to do!" Although her heart softened, Liangqian's face was still tense.

"No other meaning, just want to talk to you."

"No time!"

"Then this weekend, shall we take the children to climb a mountain?"

Before Liangqian said anything, the two children raised their hands in favor.

Liangqian said in a deep voice, "No time."

"Liangqian, I think you misunderstood me, really." Mo Ran put on a very sincere look, but he was very good at acting.

Liangqian was about to believe her, but she still said in a deep voice, "Mr. Mo, don't you have nothing to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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