Chapter 31
Xiao Fan was stunned, since he sat down, he has been targeting Mo Ran, how can he eat, he is still hungry now.

But... Xiao Fan also knew that he should be full by now.

"Uncle, I... I'm full." Xiao Fan exhaled and questioned himself deeply, what was wrong.

"Qianqian, go see Xiao Fan off."

Liangqian was very happy, she stood up immediately and said, "Student Xiao Fan."

Xiao Fan took a deep look at Mo Ran, it really belongs to you!

You actually lost two rounds in your hands, amazing!But the days to come are still long, I don't believe you are so lucky every time!
One day I will make you suffer!

"Uncle and aunt, then I'll go first." Xiao Fan stood up and smiled warmly, but when he looked at Mo Ran, his eyes changed.

Walking to the door, Xiao Fan seemed to be planning to have a few words with Liangqian. After all, what he did just now made Liangqian very angry, and he still had to try an appropriate remedy.

However, before Xiao Fan said anything, Liang Qian said coldly: "Xiao Fan, I hope you will not come to my house in the future."

"Squad leader, I..." Xiao Fan wanted to say, he did this because he didn't want you to be spoiled by Mo Ran, he approached you for a purpose.

It's just that before she finished speaking, Liangqian closed the door, which was quite heavy, showing how much she hated Xiao Fan in her heart.

Liangqian had never hated someone so much before, Xiao Fan opened her eyes.

Xiao Fan was stunned for a long time, his eyes did not compromise, and the idea of ​​bringing down Mo Ran became more and more intense, and Mo Ran must be defeated.

The sports meeting is about to start, and I will make you lose embarrassingly!

In the room, Liangqian sat down again, but felt that the atmosphere was not so good, and her parents stopped talking.

Mo Ran could also feel that although the uncle drove Xiao Fan away, sometimes you have to be sensible, and the uncle and aunt would not accept a student who smoked to teach Liangqian.

Liang Liang stood up and said to Mo Ran: "Mo Ran, uncle wants to tell you a few words." Then he walked towards the backyard.

Mo Ran stood up, Liangqian was very worried... Dad probably wouldn't say anything to Mo Ran.

At the dinner table, Ye Xueqing looked at her daughter and asked, "Qianqian, you said last night that Xiao Fan likes to make small reports, so that's what you meant."

Liangqian nodded and said in a low voice: "Mom, since Xiao Fan transferred to our class, he started targeting Mo Ran everywhere. It was the same in English class before. I have never seen a boy so narrow-minded."

"Mom can also see that Mo Ran's smoking is indeed a bad behavior. After all, Mo Ran is only a student, and Xiao Fan's behavior today is aggressive and makes things difficult for Mo Ran. His words are also full of thorns. Although the grades are also very good, but my mother doesn't like it."

Liangqian was shocked when she heard her mother's words. She didn't expect her mother to think the same as herself, but she didn't know what her father thought.

In the backyard, Liang Liang lit a cigarette and smoked quietly... while Mo Ran stood behind.

"Uncle, I won't come today after teaching." Mo Ran took the initiative to say, feeling a little uncomfortable after speaking, not sure if it was because of today's events, or because he couldn't see Liangqian on the weekend.

Liang Liang looked back at Mo Ran and asked, "What's the matter? Don't want to do it anymore?"

Mo Ran was taken aback for a moment, could it be that he made a mistake?

"No, I'm afraid that my uncle and aunt will be worried. After all, I often smoke at school, and I didn't study much a while ago. If Liangqian hadn't helped me, I'm afraid I would still be muddled."

Mo Ran admitted that a large part of her transformation was indeed due to some words of Liangqian. If Liangqian heard it, she would probably laugh in her dreams.

Liang Liang took a deep breath and asked, "Do you know when Uncle started smoking?"

Mo Ran was puzzled.

"Smaller than you."

"Uncle also came from poverty. The children of poor people have long been in charge of the family, and the pressure on their shoulders is heavy. Qianqian told us that there is only one elderly grandpa in your family. You have to study and take care of grandpa. The pressure is naturally not small, but Smoking is wrong for a child of your age, not to mention bad for the body...and bad breath." When Liang Liang talked about bad breath, he laughed.

Then he said softly: "Qianqian's mother doesn't like it, but sometimes I will sneak two."

After finishing speaking, Liang Liang and Mo Ran both chuckled.

"Uncle, you just said that smoking is bad for your health, you have to quit."

"how about you?"

Mo Ran said seriously: "No more smoking."

Liang Liang put out his half-smoked cigarette, and patted Mo Ran on the shoulder: "That's ok, uncle also started to quit smoking, compared to Xiao Fan, uncle still likes you better, maybe we have too many similarities, Stop talking, go and study."

Hearing Liang Liang's words, Mo Ran also felt a lot of emotions in his heart. To be honest... even if his uncle drove him away, it would be nothing more than a normal thing.

But my uncle didn't do this, he chose to believe in himself, and even understood himself.

Mo Ran could feel that trace of warmth, and said seriously: "Uncle, thank you."

"Teach Qianqian well, that's a real thank you."

"Okay, I'll be tougher."

Liang Liang was very satisfied, and immediately walked into the house with Mo Ran.

But Liangqian didn't know yet, because of her father's words, Mo Ran was more attentive and stricter...

It made Liangqian miserable, did I ask you to come here to make you serious about being a teacher...

When she came to the study, Liangqian asked curiously, "Mo Ran, what did my dad tell you? Go out with a straight face and come back with a smile on your face?"

"Uncle asked me to teach you well, and you can't be slack in the slightest, so student Liangqian, please cooperate with me seriously... I still need this job." Mo Ran said seriously, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Liangqian snorted coquettishly: "If you don't say it, don't say it, cheapskate..."

"By the way, I want to ask you something." Mo Ran asked curiously.

"what's up?"

Mo Ran asked earnestly, "Do I have bad breath after I finish smoking?"

"Of course, it smells so can last all day." Liangqian said softly, fanning the air.

"Then why don't you say it?"

"Huo, how dare you little girl, as soon as I say it, you just look at me sideways." Liangqian pouted her lips, a little aggrieved.

Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly: "Okay, let's study... Have you written the topic I assigned yesterday?"

"Look, didn't I just mean that you have bad're taking revenge on me again." Liangqian wanted to do it, but without Mo Ran by her side, she couldn't do it, so she could only talk about it.

Mo Ran said with a stern face: "One size fits one size. If you can't do it, I'll teach you."

(End of this chapter)

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