I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 32 You have to be nice to me

Chapter 32 You have to be nice to me (please recommend)
Liangqian rubbed her forehead and said distressedly: "There are so many, I still don't understand those new formulas."

"Just take your time."

Liangqian nodded seriously.

Entering the learning state, the two of them are very devoted. Liangqian will not pretend to understand now, and will not just ask hard until Mo Ran is speechless.

I didn't expect mathematics, physics and chemistry to be so interesting, not boring at all.

Ye Xueqing was still the same as yesterday, she would bring some fruits up, seeing the serious Qianqian and Mo Ran, she felt relieved a lot.

We had lunch at noon, and of course it was time to learn the piano.

Today, I didn't learn any new pieces. Mo Ran felt that she still needed to play proficiently, so she practiced crazily, and Liang Qian acted as a strict teacher and began to retaliate against Mo Ran.

And Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing were sitting on the sofa in the living room, listening to Mo Ran's playing, getting better and better... Maybe they can develop in this direction in the future and become a pianist.

This kid is really talented.

In the afternoon, it is still teaching time, Mo Ran thinks about planning what to study from what time to what time, Liangqian's mathematics, physics and chemistry can still be improved, but there will be a liberal arts class in the second year of high school, and I don't know if Liangqian will choose liberal arts or science.

For Mo Ran, this weekend is full of warmth.

And Liangqian was also very happy, Mo Ran gradually changed under her influence, that is, she was a little stricter when teaching herself, but Mo Ran was quite handsome amidst the strictness.

Thinking about it, Liang Qian felt embarrassed, thinking that she would be punished when the flag was raised on Monday, but she was a little worried.

It would be great if Mo Ran could get rid of the bad habit of smoking.

On Monday, Liangqian rode a bicycle and waited for Mo Ran at the gate of the community.

And it was Xiao Dingtian and Xiao Fan who drove out of a Mercedes-Benz from the community.

Looking at the slim Liangqian, Xiao Fan tasted it very much.

But Xiao Dingtian said to the driver: "Stop."

"Qianqian, go to school, uncle will give you a ride." Xiao Dingtian in the back seat lowered the window and laughed.

Liangqian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Thank you uncle, I can just ride a bicycle by myself."

"Qianqian, you're welcome, Xiao Fan is also in the car, you can chat, how tiring riding a bicycle."

"Uncle, it's really unnecessary." Liangqian smiled and refused.

At this moment, Mo Ran came over on his bicycle: "Good morning."

Seeing Mo Ran coming, Liangqian smiled sweetly: "Morning."

"Uncle, let's go first." Liangqian smiled, and then rode away with Mo Ran.

Xiao Dingtian was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at his son, and then at Mo Ran's back.

"Xiao Fan, are you making others angry?" Xiao Dingtian asked doubtfully.

"Dad, if you keep delaying, I will be late." Xiao Fan said lightly, turning his head to look out the car window.

Xiao Dingtian chuckled lightly, and patted his son's shoulder: "There's nothing to be discouraged about, he's just a kid on a bicycle."

Seeing that his son was silent, Xiao Dingtian said softly: "Make a good relationship with Qianqian, her father can take care of our family's business."

"Ok, I know."

Xiao Dingtian nodded, thinking that Liangliang was just such a daughter, if his son had some skills and married Liangqian in the future, then everything in Liangliang would not belong to his son.

As the car drove into the road, Xiao Fan watched Mo Ran and Liang Qian riding bicycles, talking and laughing.

Suddenly, I feel that the Mercedes-Benz under my butt is weak, and there is no use for a bicycle.

"Mo Ran, my mother made a special dish for you today." Liangqian patted the bento box on the bicycle.

Mo Ran was a little embarrassed: "This is too much trouble for Auntie, so there is no need to do this."

"Why don't you use it? My mother thinks that you are working hard, and you have to help me with your studies, so I will make up for you."

"I don't even know how to repay my uncle and aunt." Mo Ran said embarrassedly.

"Of course you can reciprocate."

"How to repay?"

"Be nice to me."

Moran: "..."

Came to school, as usual, Mo Ran locked the bike together.

And Liangqian stood behind Mo Ran and watched with a smile. Although it was just a simple lock of the car, it felt very meaningful.

Can it be said that Mo Ran is locked with himself?

It seems that Mo Ran likes herself, for sure...

"Why are you smirking?" Mo Ran's voice suddenly came from beside my ear.

Liangqian snorted softly and walked towards the classroom angrily. She must have been stupid just now.

Mo Ran shook his head, this girl's temper is really the same as the weather, it can change as soon as it changes.

When he came to the classroom to put down his schoolbag, Hao Lei came over and asked, "Brother Mo, where did you go this weekend? I came to see you, but your grandpa said you were out."

"I went to work." Mo Ran said seriously.

Liangqian who was sitting next to her was a little nervous, as if she was worried that the secret between herself and Mo Ran would be discovered.

Fortunately, the person behind the small report has not arrived yet.

"Well, I thought you were on a date with the squad leader." Hao Lei looked at Mo Ran and Liang Qian and said jokingly.

Mo Ran said seriously: "How is it possible, isn't it the monitor?"

Liangqian rolled her eyes, you are at a disadvantage on a date with me, really.

"Yeah, how can I date Mo Ran, it doesn't exist." Liang Qian also imitated Mo Ran's tone and said seriously.

Mo Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and actually said that he would not go on a date with him. It seemed that his homework was assigned too easily.

Hao Lei felt that there was a problem with the two people in front of him, and the problem was serious.

"Brother Mo, should we practice basketball after school? After all, there is still one week before the game." Hao Lei asked curiously.

Mo Ran nodded: "Let's practice ball after school, call Liu Yizhe and the others together."

"Brother Mo, where's the transfer student?"

"It's enough to be notified, and it's up to him whether he comes or not." Mo Ran said softly, as long as he fulfilled his obligations, otherwise with Xiao Fan's character, he would definitely have to sue again.

"Understood, leave this matter to me." Hao Lei patted his chest, really wanting to find a chance to teach Xiao Fan a lesson, so that he will be embarrassing on stage later.

Soon, all the classes went to the playground, Mo Ran and Hao Lei were still calm, but Liu Yizhe was very nervous...after all, it was the first time he made a mistake...he was severely taught by his parents at home on weekends.

Xiao Fan who was walking behind was very happy to see Mo Ran embarrassing, but this simple embarrassment was obviously not satisfying.

With the completion of the flag-raising ceremony, the dean made a speech.

"Since the beginning of school, some students have taken advantage of get out of class time to smoke in the toilet, which has seriously affected the school's rules and regulations. After discussion, the following students will be given warnings, and those who read their names will be on stage."

Mo Ran, Hao Lei, and Liu Yizhe walked up to the stage. Liang Qian pursed her lips to see if you still dare to smoke in the future.

 Thank you brothers for your rewards, as well as recommendation tickets. The new book needs the support of brothers, please recommend and comment.

(End of this chapter)

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