I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 33 I Love Learning, I Love School

Chapter 33 I Love Learning, I Love School (Comments Seeking)

Xiao Fan looked at Mo Ran with a smile, such punishment was too easy for Mo Ran.

The teachers and students of No. [-] Middle School looked at the dozen or so boys on the stage, and they didn't expect that one of them was very handsome, but it was a pity, he was a boy who didn't study well.

Originally, the school planned for everyone to conduct a review, but due to time constraints, only one person could be selected for the review.

So the teaching director took a fancy to Mo Ran at a glance, there was no way, the dozen or so boys were his most eye-catching, it was hard not to be discovered.

Mo Ran, who was named, was very natural and not nervous. He went to the center and began to read out his own review. It was very official and decent, and the school leaders felt comfortable after hearing it.

Listening to Mo Ran's review, Xiao Fan cursed inwardly for being shameless, why do you love learning and school, you fucking love Liangqian!

And Liangqian was very pleased to hear Mo Ran's self-criticism. If Mo Ran really repented, she would be very happy.

With the end of Mo Ran's inspection, more than a dozen boys returned to the class team.

Although Mo Ran was doing a self-criticism, he was a little famous today. When he stepped down, many girls cast curious glances. He couldn't be the boss of these boys.

After all, only the boss can be the representative.

"Students, you are the future of the motherland, you must have a good learning attitude, and the school must have a learning atmosphere. The bad habit of smoking must not appear in the school!"

"Here, I also appeal to the students to supervise each other. In this smoking incident, Xiao Fan from class 704 played a leading role. I hope that the students can use Xiao Fan as a benchmark and report the bad habits around them. To build a No. [-] Middle School without any shortcomings, Xiao Fan is invited to come on stage to express his thoughts."

Listening to the dean's words, the whole school is also quiet. Class 704 seems to be a freshman class...

This freshman is really amazing, don't you know that this offends people, and he likes to make small reports, tsk tsk tsk...

But some students felt that this Xiao Fan did a good job and hit those "student bullies", otherwise they would be nervous to go to the bathroom after class, for fear of being bullied by those "scholar bullies".

At this moment, Xiao Fan was also very surprised, why he had to go on stage, this is not a very honorable thing, and he regretted reporting it.

Going on stage now, that would be even more embarrassing than Mo Ran! ! !

It is estimated that everyone in the school will point to their own spine and say, villain.

Mo Ran didn't expect it after hearing this, and felt that this Xiao Fan was unlucky, and was used by the school as a gunman.

Xiao Fan had no choice but to stride out.

When he walked on stage, the senior students did not expect that this boy was quite handsome, and he also had a sense of justice.

Looking at the dense crowd of teachers and students, Xiao Fan said in a low voice: "Leaders, teachers, and students, I am Xiao Fan from Class 704. Although I just transferred to No. [-] Middle School, I have already fallen in love with this school." A beautiful school, it is full of my longing for the future."

"However, there are still some bad habits in the school. I hope that the students will unite to defeat these bad habits, and let the dawn of victory shine on our school again. Thank you everyone." After finishing speaking, Xiao Fan bowed.

The teaching director standing next to him was very satisfied, stepped forward and said seriously: "Students, what Xiao Fan said is right, let us work together to create a more outstanding learning environment, and the autumn sports meeting is coming soon. Good results in sports.”

The flag-raising ceremony ended soon, and the students returned to the classroom one after another.

Xiao Fan is considered to be in the limelight this time, but there are polarizations. Some think Xiao Fan is a villain and don't like this kind of small report, but some like Xiao Fan's righteous action.

There are criticisms, and there are also praises.

The good reviews are basically given by girls, after all, there is nothing wrong with being handsome.

"It's too pretentious." Liangqian whispered.

Mo Ran put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said calmly: "I think what others said is very good, if I were him, I would say the same."

"Mo Ran, why are you still talking for him!" Liangqian said displeased.

"I didn't speak for him, I just judged from the perspective of things. I was not the same just now, with all kinds of love."

"Then I believe you really love him, and I don't believe him." Liangqian snorted tenderly.

Moran paused, then chuckled, it's a skill to make a girl so annoying.

Back in the classroom, the head teacher emphasized the smoking issue again, hoping that it would not happen again, or he would be severely punished.

At the same time, he also praised Xiao Fan.

Criticized Mo Ran and the other three.

After the class teacher left, Liangqian whispered, "I told you not to smoke a long time ago, but you didn't listen."

"I'll listen to you later."

Hearing Mo Ran's words, Liang Qian was taken aback, her heart skipped a beat, what does Mo Ran mean...what do you mean "listen to me later?"
I'm not your girlfriend, why listen to me, it's really, it's too annoying, and you still say such things after class, so that you can't concentrate.

"Concentrate on listening to the class and don't think about it." Mo Ran reminded in a low voice.

This made Liangqian secretly reach out her small hand, and pinched Mo Ran hard, it wasn't you who made me think wildly.

The corner of Xiao Fan's mouth twitched in the back, flirting and cursing in front of his face? ? ?

I really want to report them again!

"Students, get out of class is about to end, so review the formula the teacher just said." The math teacher said aloud.

"Mr. Zhong, why don't you tell us about the math competition questions?" Liu Yizhe raised his hand and said, as the second child in the class, he must maintain a good ranking, but now that Xiao Fan is here, he probably has to be the third child. Mo Ran started to get serious, so he has to go to the fourth child.

Teacher Zhong looked at Liu Yizhe and said with a smile: "The topics of the math competition are very difficult for you, and you haven't even touched some formulas."

"Teacher, let us learn." One of the girls said softly.

Teacher Zhong nodded and smiled, "Then I will choose a simple topic for the students to do, and we will discuss it in the next class."

Hao Lei turned the pen in his hand and teased softly: "It's still useful for girls to talk."

Of course Liangqian heard it, she turned her head and glared at Hao Lei, even teasing the teacher during class time.

Seeing this, Hao Lei clasped his hands together and said softly, "Sister-in-law, forgive me."

Liangqian rolled her eyes angrily.

And Mo Ran said indifferently: "Do the teacher's question and answer it in three different ways."

Liangqian wanted to knock Mo Ran on the head with a pencil case, who is the teacher? The teacher didn't say how many kinds to use, but you actually said to use three kinds.

Teacher Zhong quickly wrote the topic on the blackboard, and said to all the students: "There are still 5 minutes until the end of get out of class, everyone can try to do it."

Looking at the topic on the blackboard, the classmate was a little lost in thought, as if it was completely beyond the scope of his cognition, like reading a Martian text.

(End of this chapter)

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