I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 35 It turns out that Mo Ran is the most powerful

Chapter 35 It turns out that Mo Ran is the most powerful (please recommend)
Unexpectedly, Mo Ran didn't jump out to fight against him today, but the squad leader jumped out instead.

Liangqian's chalk writing is very good, giving people a pleasing feeling. In fact, even the pen writing is the same.

But at this moment, Teacher Zhong stared blankly at Liangqian, and even slowly took off his glasses and wiped them, as if feeling dazzled.

In Liangqian's answer, only half of the blackboard was written, which was simple and clear.

When Liangqian took the chalk and wrote out Solution 2, Teacher Zhong's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

All the students in the class were dumbfounded. Was the class monitor caught by a ghost?Bravo! ! !
When Xiao Fan saw the Solution 2, he knew that he had lost, and if he couldn't win, it was fine, but even a girl couldn't win!


Mo Ran sighed helplessly, monitor, you should also keep a low profile, you will start to shine after learning a little superficiality, you will be envied by others.

After Liangqian finished writing Solution 2, she slowly put down the chalk and said seriously: "It's not enough, otherwise there is another one."

The whole class gasped, the class leader was possessed by Wenquxing, how could he be so powerful!

Mo Ran shook his head, girls like to show off.

It can be said that Mr. Zhong was shocked by Liangqian. He never expected that Liangqian still has such abilities, and he underestimated Liangqian.

This question can have such a solution, which is an eye-opener, Liangqian is really a genius!
"Liangqian, do you specialize in these topics?" Teacher Zhong asked curiously.

Liangqian smiled modestly: "Mr. Zhong, I sometimes do it, but Mo Ran taught me."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the whole class turned to Mo Ran, who was holding his chin. It was unbelievable that there was such a foundation under that indifferent expression!

The squad leader is so powerful, so it was all taught by Mo Ran! ! !
how can that be!

Is Mo Ran that good, but because of the last English class, the students felt that Mo Ran seemed to have that kind of ability!
The corner of Xiao Fan's mouth twitched violently, and he finally understood!

It turned out that Mo Ran was teaching Liangqian these things on the weekend, which greatly improved Liangqian, and she shined brightly today!Looking at Mo Ran's back, Xiao Fan frowned deeply. How good is this guy? His English is so good, even the mathematics that he is proud of has been surpassed by him!
I can't just admit defeat like this! ! !
Teacher Zhong also looked at Mo Ran at this time, squinting his eyes slightly, but wanted to ask Mo Ran some ideas for solving the problem.

At this moment, the class bell rang. It was the Chinese class of the head teacher, Teacher Yang.

"Ms. Zhong?" Teacher Yang appeared at the door, looking at him in doubt, as if he didn't finish class.

Teacher Zhong smiled embarrassedly: "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry to take up the get out of class time of the students. The main reason is that Liangqian is too good."

"Liangqian?" Teacher Yang was confused. When she looked at the blackboard, she seemed to understand something.

Teacher Zhong left satisfied. There is nothing more exciting than discovering a math wizard.

At this time, Hao Lei suddenly raised his hand and said, "Mr. Yang, I want to go to the bathroom."

As Hao Lei raised his hand, several other boys also raised their hands to indicate that they wanted to go to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, there is still class!" Teacher Yang said helplessly.

Mo Ran stood up and was about to go to the bathroom.

Liangqian coughed lightly, as if to remind Mo Ran to pee well and stop smoking.

At this time, Teacher Yang asked the students to close the back door, and he stood at the front door, planning to wait for the next investigation.

Whoever is caught smoking will be finished!

Liangqian became worried, Mo Ran... If you have some brains, you can't "commit a crime" at this juncture.

But Xiao Fan begged the Bodhisattva to bless him and let Mo Ran come back from smoking, that must not be a warning.

As the students came back one by one, Teacher Yang came in and smelled one by one.

Especially Hao Lei and Liu Yizhe, these habitual offenders smelled very carefully.

Of course there is Mo Ran.

However, there was no smell of smoke, so it was considered that these children were sensible and did not make any more mistakes.

Liangqian was also greatly relieved, Mo Ran finally learned it well.

Xiao Fan was disappointed for a while, and secretly thought that Mo Ran had only this little courage, if it was him, he would definitely smoke, because he was afraid of wool.

Everyone listened carefully to the head teacher's Chinese class, but they were still immersed in the last math class.

The squad leader and Xiao Fan played chess, they were too good.

But another Mo Ran appeared in the back, I really don't know how powerful Mo Ran is, after all, the squad leader said that those were all taught by Mo Ran.

Soon the get out of class bell rang, and Teacher Yang said to Liangqian, "Liangqian, come with me to the office."

Liangqian nodded and quickly followed.

Hao Lei sat in Liangqian's seat and said with a smile, "Brother Mo, the weekend won't be..."

"What are you thinking?" Mo Ran sighed softly.

Looking at Mo Ran's expression, Hao Lei acted like I understood: "Understood, I understand."

"What do you understand?"

"Brother Mo, don't worry, I won't say anything." Hao Lei hammered his chest, looking like an iron buddy who would never change until death.

Xiao Fan frowned, what do they mean?Are you discussing something to deal with yourself?

At this time, Liangqian returned to the classroom, sat down slowly, and a fresh fragrance wafted into Mo Ran's nose immediately, it should be the smell of Head & Shoulders.

"What did the teacher in charge ask you for?" Mo Ran asked aloud.

Liangqian was disappointed and said: "Mr. Yang said that the opening ceremony of the sports meeting required a dance, so he chose me to go. I will go to the dance after school this week."

"Well, I have to practice basketball anyway, and I'll wait for you when the time comes." Mo Ran said lightly.

"wait for me?"

"Any questions?"

Liangqian chuckled: "It's nothing, then it's settled. If I finish the rehearsal first, I'll wait for you."

"Okay." Mo Ran nodded and took out the English book.

Liangqian was still worried at first, but now she is not worried at all, and she is happy to study.

After the third period, Mo Ran and Hao Lei were chatting in the corridor, while Liangqian was also chatting with a few girls, and looked at Mo Ran from time to time.

Xiao Fan is different, he is actually studying hard and doesn't ask about things outside the window.

Suddenly there was a booing sound, which came from the class next door.

It turned out to be a boy and a girl holding hands!

Boys look envious, girls look blush.

At this time, Mo Ran and Liang Qian suddenly glanced at each other, they were taken aback for a moment, and quickly turned their eyes away, both of them looked guilty.

Liangqian heard the girl beside her sigh and say, "I wish I could go to college so that I can fall in love."

Another girl smiled and said, "You can do it now. I think Mo Ran is pretty good. He is handsome, and he studies well, and he can play basketball well."

When Liangqian heard the previous sentence, she agreed with it very much. If she goes to college, she can go to college with Mo Ran....

(End of this chapter)

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