Chapter 36

But hearing what another girl said, Liangqian's face tensed instantly, and she said solemnly: "We can't fall in love now, we have to study hard, and Mo Ran is not that good, I have been beaten by him many times."

"Really, monitor? Is Mo Ran so fierce?"

"Yes, monitor, I think that although Mo Ran is usually indifferent, he actually cares about his classmates."

"Yes, yes, if I am looking for a boyfriend, I will definitely find someone like Mo Ran, who feels safe."

After hearing this, Liangqian became more serious, and said, "It's all an illusion. I've already been beaten on the head by him several times. Don't be blinded by the appearance, stay away from Mo Ran, and cherish life."

"Ah, monitor, did Mo Ran really hit you on the head?"

Liangqian recalled the scene of being touched on the head by Mo Ran, she felt a little embarrassed, but she still said seriously: "Yes, it hurts."

The girls suddenly looked scared.

"The monitor, you are still sitting with Mo Ran, tell the head teacher quickly to change seats."

Liangqian sighed deeply: "As the squad leader, I will not go to hell, whoever goes to hell, I hope I can influence Mo Ran."

"Squad leader, if you really can't do it, just change seats with me, Mo Ran is so good at math and English."

"You just want to be beaten by Mo Ran." The girl next to her said teasingly.

"I hate it, it's all about other people's little secrets."

Liangqian rolled her eyes, she is really a little nymphomaniac, who actually likes Mo Ran, with his fierce appearance, that means she can bear it.

In addition to discussing studies, the girls naturally focused on Mo Ran and Xiao Fan. After all, these are the two grasses of class 704.

And the boys were chatting about Liangqian at the same time. Today's math class's unfathomable strength made all the boys in the class admire. Although it was taught by Mo Ran, it still needs to be learned well.

For key classes, academic performance is naturally a representative. Liangqian is not only beautiful, but also able to solve such difficult questions, which has won the favor of male students.

Mo Ran and the others who were chatting could also hear the male classmates chatting about Liangqian.

She even whispered that she wanted to date Liangqian.

Mo Ran was calm on the surface after hearing this, but he had another immature thought in his heart.

"Brother Mo, Sister Mo seems to be very popular today." Hao Lei joked.

Mo Ran frowned: "What about Mrs. Mo, Mrs. Mo, don't let people misunderstand you when you say it."

Hao Lei and the others met each other and smiled. As for you who go to and from school in pairs, it's hard not to be misunderstood.

"The monitor is really good today, I admire the monitor so much." Liu Yizhe sighed again and again, as if he hadn't recovered from the math class yet.

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses, and said seriously: "That's all taught by Brother Mo."

"Hey, Haibo, you're very good at talking now." Hao Lei patted Wang Haibo's shoulder and said teasingly.

Ding Liang, who was tall and tall, said with a simple smile: "Hai Bo is telling the truth, Brother Mo is just keeping a low profile and not saying anything."

Mo Ran touched the bridge of his nose, and said softly: "Okay, I'm in the classroom, class will start soon."

Watching Mo Ran walk into the classroom, Hao Lei whispered, "I'm shy, this is the first time I've seen it."

"Is it because of the matter with the monitor, or something low-key?" Ding Liang asked curiously.

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and said seriously, "Both."

"I think so too." Liu Yizhe looked at Liangqian who walked into the classroom, and said seriously.

In the fourth quarter, Mo Ran and Liang Qian didn't have much communication, they were both studying hard, even Xiao Fan who was sitting in the back didn't make any small moves, maybe he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity.

At noon, when the other students went to the cafeteria to eat, Mo Ran and Liang Qian both took out their lunch boxes. They both cleaned up the desk a little bit, put the dishes in the middle, and then ate silently without speaking.

I don't know what to say, it seems that it's all because of the eye contact after class.

"Auntie's dishes are still so delicious." After a while, Mo Ran still spoke first, feeling that it would be better to keep silent.

"Oh, then you should eat more." Liangqian said softly, feeling a little envious of the couple in the next class.

Mo Ran felt that since the fourth class, Liangqian had been a little strange and absent-minded.

"Don't be in a daze, eat more." Mo Ran put the meat into Liangqian's bowl.

Liangqian sighed softly, and didn't feel disgusted, she ate silently, and asked softly after a long time: "Mo Ran, did you see the students in the next class when get out of class was over?"

"You mean the two holding hands?"

Liangqian held back her mouth, she really knew what to ask.

"Yeah, do you have any ideas?" Liangqian asked curiously.

Mo Ran frowned slightly and thought for a while: "Thinking... It should be regarded as puppy love. If the teacher finds out, he will call the parents."

"Yeah, puppy love, it's over if people find out." Liangqian looked very disappointed.

Seeing Liangqian's disappointed look, Mo Ran stretched out his hand and patted Liangqian's head, and said with a smile: "So we have to study hard in high school, time flies, and we will go to college by then."

"At that time, we will be able to fall in love." Liang Qian said casually.

"Yes." Mo Ran also subconsciously said.

After finishing speaking, both of them were stunned for a moment, feeling that there was something wrong with the conversation!
Liangqian's face gradually became flushed, and Mo Ran also felt her face was burning.

"I'm going to do the dishes."

"I'm off to practice the piano."

The two left their seats in an instant, one left through the front door, and the other left through the back door, both walking very fast.

Although I was a little embarrassed just now, after leaving, both of them smiled at the same time. Although they have only just entered the first year of high school, they yearn for the freshman year even more.

Liangqian, who was washing the dishes, sang pop songs.

I love you... love you... like a mouse loves rice...

And Mo Ran, who came to the utility room, sat in front of the piano, looked at the blue sky outside the window, and found that the sky today was extraordinarily blue.

Slowly lifting the plywood, Mo Ran began to practice the piece he had just learned recently, but the style of the two pieces was rather sad. With his current mood, he couldn't play that sad feeling at all.

Slowly breathing a sigh of relief, Mo Ran closed his eyes, feeling the surge and longing in his heart at this moment, and danced his fingers on the keys. Compared with the previous two songs, this one is full of joy and happiness, as well as longing for the future.

In fact, Mo Ran didn't know what he was playing, it was just playing by feeling.

However, the sound of the piano gradually drifted out, and the students returning to the classroom from the cafeteria stopped. Listening to the joyful music in their ears, the pressure brought by the study has been relieved a lot, and they are also curious about who is playing the piano.

Unknowingly, Mo Ran stopped and put down the plywood.

It seems that today is not suitable for practicing the piano, and I can't find the feeling, so let's go back to the classroom.

 Thanks to the bosses for the rewards and recommended tickets, thank you for supporting the veterans...

(End of this chapter)

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