I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 37 Squad Leader, Don't Let Me Catch It

Chapter 37 Squad Leader, Don't Let Me Catch It (Please recommend)
As soon as he opened the door, Mo Ran was stunned for a moment. There were at least 20 female students standing at the door.

The female students were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect that it was the boy doing the self-criticism this morning, let alone that he could actually play the piano, it seems that this is not something a bad student can do.

"Student, please let me go." Mo Ran felt that he should not practice in school in the future, and more and more people came to see him.

Back in the classroom, Mo Ran didn't see Liangqian, she probably went out for a walk.

"Brother Mo." Hao Lei waved and shouted, and returned to the classroom with Liu Yizhe and others.

"It's over so quickly." Mo Ran said with a light smile.

Liu Yizhe sat on Xiao Fan's desk and said with a smile: "Brother Mo, we all walked around after eating and came back."

"That's it." Mo Ran smiled and sat down slowly.

Hao Lei looked at Liangqian's seat, shrugged his shoulders, and said that Brother Mo's thoughts are all on the monitor and he won't play with us anymore.

"Hey, I have to practice this afternoon. My mage just reached level 24 and I'm going to roast pigs." Hao Lei said helplessly, resting his hands on the back of his head and resting his legs on the desk.

Liu Yizhe also sighed softly: "I haven't finished burning my doubles yet, so I probably won't be able to finish the tasks of the teacher."

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses after hearing this, and said seriously: "Recently, a new game has been released called World of Warcraft, and Ding Liang and I are both playing it."

Ding Liang smiled innocently: "Hai Bo and I have joined the alliance."

After hearing this, Hao Lei said with disdain: "Just listening to the name is weak, but my legend is more fun."

"That's right, it's still fun for me to play Fantasy Westward Journey, and it's impossible to play World of Warcraft." Liu Yizhe spread his hands, expressing that he wouldn't even take a look.

A debate meeting officially started, and soon Liangqian and a few girls returned to the classroom, and immediately heard the boys cheering for their game.

And Liangqian looked at Mo Ran, feeling relieved, Mo Ran never played games, if she hadn't dragged Mo Ran to the Internet cafe to play games that day, Mo Ran would not have gone there.

As more and more students entered the classroom, the debate heated up.

"Stop arguing, my miracle is the best." A boy suddenly shouted.

"Heh, what's so interesting about miracles, they're all playing bloody rivers and lakes now."

Hao Lei slapped the table and yelled, "If you're a man, kill me."

A little girl was also unconvinced, and shouted coquettishly: "What kind of games are you playing, without my Audition Company?"

The boys suddenly gave a long cut, they have never heard of any games.

At this moment, Liangqian stood up suddenly and said, "Stop arguing!"

The whole audience fell silent in an instant, and the squad leader showed his power, who dares to speak, let's go, let's go.

Just when everyone thought that the squad leader was going to severely stop the debate, he suddenly said in a serious manner: "Bubble Hall is the most fun, and we don't accept any rebuttals."

all the classmates:"……"

Unexpectedly, such a sentence came out of the stern monitor, and the whole class burst into laughter. The atmosphere was very active.

Mo Ran shook his head helplessly, girls nowadays like playing games so much.

However, while the whole class was laughing, Xiao Fan didn't join in and was actually doing his homework.

Mo Ran also noticed, and felt a deep hostility.

Liangqian's performance today refreshed the perception of the students. Before, I thought that the monitor was serious except for being serious, but I didn't expect the serious monitor to say such a word, it was so cute.

Suddenly, I felt that the monitor was not so strict, but very friendly.

In the four classes in the afternoon, the students were in good condition and listened carefully.

Instead, Mo Ran and Liang Qian didn't say a word, looking to avoid suspicion.

With the end of the fourth quarter, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and start to clean up my schoolbags and wait for the head teacher to come after school.

Soon, the head teacher walked into the classroom with a serious expression on his face.

"Students, something happened in class 703 next door to us today. I hope everyone can learn from it." Teacher Yang said in a deep voice while standing on the podium.

The students were very curious about what was going on.

But Mo Ran and Liang Qian immediately thought of being together, could it be those two classmates holding hands?

"A boy and a girl from class 703 were holding hands at school this morning, which caused a lot of trouble. They were picked up by their parents in the afternoon. Students, you are in your youth, but now you have to focus on your studies. Puppy love is such a thing. It is forbidden to happen, and parents must be notified once found.”

The students breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what the head teacher said, thinking it was a big deal.

The two people in class 703 are really miserable. They are sweet in the morning and cold in the afternoon.

When Mo Ran and Liang Qian heard this, the distance between their arms was only five centimeters, but they quietly moved to the side, and it was ten centimeters at a time.

Xiao Fan who was sitting at the back saw it, and suddenly had a good idea!
Just grab their pigtails, report to the teacher, and let them call the parents!
I'm afraid Uncle Liang will never trust Mo Ran again, so he will definitely kick Mo Ran out.

Xiao Fan couldn't help showing an evil smile, as if he had seen Mo Ran's desolate appearance, if you are proud now, you will cry in due time!
"Also, the students participating in the sports meeting should practice hard and strive to get good grades in the sports meeting, after school."

At this time, Mo Ran and Liang Qian were both packing their schoolbags, but they didn't say a word, lest they be said to be dating.

"Brother Mo, let's occupy the field first, hurry up." Hao Lei rushed out of the classroom after finishing speaking. Now all classes have started to practice, and the basketball court is an important resource.

At this time Liu Yizhe came to Xiao Fan and asked: "We are going to practice basketball, will you come?"

"No need, I have someone myself." Xiao Fan said with a smile.

Mo Ran was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Liu Yizhe was puzzled.

"You guys don't know yet, the class teacher said that you need five backups, so I called the other four boys." Xiao Fan smiled softly, as if he planned to do it himself, as long as Mo Ran is done, the backups will also become main force.

Liu Yizhe glanced at Mo Ran.

Mo Ran said softly: "Then Xiao Fan, please do your best." After speaking, Mo Ran left the classroom with Liu Yizhe and others.

After Mo Ran left, Liang Qian also carried her schoolbag and prepared to go to the dance.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Fan suddenly called out: "Squad leader."

Liangqian looked back at Xiao Fan in doubt.

"Don't let me catch it." Xiao Fan showed a warm smile, and left with his schoolbag on his back.

Seeing Xiao Fan's disgusting smile, Liang Qian wanted to hate it to death!How dare you say such a thing!
Xiao Fan also figured it out, since the monitor already hated him and couldn't change it, then he had nothing to fear.

When he came to the basketball court, Hao Lei had successfully occupied a basket. Maybe it was because school was over early and there were not many people on the basketball court.

(End of this chapter)

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