I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 38 Xiao Fan shines brightly

Chapter 38 Xiao Fan shines brightly (various requests)

"Brother Mo, this way." Hao Lei waved and shouted, passing the ball to Mo Ran, and Mo Ran took the ball and threw it.

I saw the basketball flying towards the basket in a perfect arc.


The basketball didn't touch the rim at all, it just touched the net.

The boys playing basketball around held back their mouths, can you make a shot from such a long distance, don't think that the handsome basket is your son.

"Brother Mo, your hands are not hot, let's practice." Hao Lei picked up the basketball and laughed.

Mo Ran also shrugged, feeling a little confused.

"Hey, isn't that Xiao Fan here?" Hao Lei asked curiously.

Liu Yizhe held back his mouth and said, "Brother Lei, that Xiao Fan formed a substitute team himself."

"Hey, this kid is going to do it alone, shit!" Hao Lei immediately got on top when he heard this.

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and said indifferently: "Actually, as long as we don't have any problems, they will only be left behind."

"This Xiao Fan is really messed up, Brother Mo, do you have any ideas?" Hao Lei said angrily.

Mo Ran sighed slightly: "Now is an extraordinary period, we just conducted a self-criticism today, if we do something else, I'm afraid it will be recorded, after all Xiao Fan is best at complaining."

"I see what new tricks he can come up with, I really owe it!" Hao Lei said coldly.

As each class leaves school, more and more people practice basketball. There are at least a dozen people standing on a basket, and only basketballs are seen flying around.

There are exactly ten people on Mo Ran's side, and the other five are of course Xiao Fan's five people.

I have to say that Xiao Fan's game skills are really good, and his shooting percentage is very high. He made seven or eight out of ten shots from beyond the three-point line.

This kind of precision can almost enter the school team, and even dunk, winning a lot of applause.

But Mo Ran and others knew that this was Xiao Fan showing off his skills, and wanted to show off his power.

If Xiao Fan had transferred schools a week earlier, he would have seen Mo Ran and Hao Lei showing off their skills.

"Xiao Fan! One-on-one if you have the ability!" Hao Lei has endured Xiao Fan for a long time, and now he can't take it anymore, even if he can't beat you, he will dunk on your head when playing basketball!

Xiao Fan, who was about to shoot a three-pointer, paused for a while, then lightly jumped out of his hand, with a swipe sound, perfectly hollow.

"Okay." Xiao Fan responded very readily.

Hao Lei walked up to Mo Ran and said softly, "Brother Mo, I will kill Xiao Fan's arrogance first."

"Be careful, this Xiao Fan's skills are very good, keep an eye on him, don't let him break through so easily, calm down, don't play with emotions." Mo Ran reminded, feeling that Hao Lei was a little unstable.

Hao Lei said with a smile: "Brother Mo, don't worry about me, watch me cut off his bald head."

After saying that, Hao Lei walked to the center, and Xiao Fan also walked out from the side.

Seeing that someone was singled out, many people came to see it, and it was even more interesting when they found out that they were from the same class.

Liu Tian also turned his gaze to this side at this time, and of course there was Ma Yuankai from the third class of high school. Ma Yuankai even walked to the side and said with a smile: "Xiao Fan, come on!"

Xiao Fan looked back at Ma Yuankai, smiled, and extended an OK gesture.

Mo Ran was a little curious, how did this Xiao Fan get mixed up with Ma Yuankai.

Xiao Fan set up two tables that day, and Ma Yuankai was among them, so we got to know each other that way.

Although Liu Tian accepted Xiao Fan's benefits, he didn't intend to provoke Mo Ran, so he just waited and watched the situation.

Of course, there are several senior boys who are also paying attention.

Soon the heads-up will start, whoever advances by five wins.

In the beginning, Hao Lei defended and Xiao Fan attacked.

Pass the ball to Xiao Fan, the official start...

Everyone knows a thing or two about Hao Lei's skills, and Hao Lei shined in the last competition.

And this Xiao Fan doesn't seem to be so easy to deal with, it's not certain who will win.

Standing on the sidelines, Mo Ran watched quietly, as long as Hao Lei calmed down, he should win, and he was afraid of Xiao Fan's provocation.

Just as Mo Ran finished thinking, Xiao Fan, who was holding the ball, said softly to Hao Lei: "You are quite unique standing on the stage this morning. I will give you a bald head as a token of respect."

After Hao Lei heard this, his eyes focused, and at this moment of distraction, Xiao Fan suddenly moved.

Easily passed Hao Lei and scored a layup.

After scoring a point, Xiao Fan gave the ball to Hao Lei, and said with a smile, "Didn't Mo Ran teach you not to be distracted when playing?"

Hao Lei smashed the basketball in his hand, and walked towards Xiao Fan with anger, the boys around immediately booed.

"Hao Lei!" Mo Ran shouted.

Hao Lei paused and stared deeply at Xiao Fan: "You really are not afraid of death!"

"You win first and I'll talk later. If you lose, not only will you lose face, but your brother Mo will also lose face." Xiao Fan's words were thorny, and Hao Lei was a temperamental person, and his mentality was in chaos.

Serving again, Hao Lei defended relentlessly this time, not allowing Xiao Fan a chance!

But Xiao Fan's basic skills are indeed solid, with continuous dribbling in a variety of ways, and various fake moves.

And Hao Lei was almost knocked down!It caused a lot of boos from the side, and this time the mentality was even worse.

Liu Yizhe and the others were also worried. Judging from the current situation, Brother Lei was already at a disadvantage, and Xiao Fan's skills were indeed surprising.

With a swipe, a hollow sounded.

Xiao Fan stretched out his index finger towards Hao Lei and shook it, Hao Lei was so angry that he was about to burst.

"Come again!" Hao Lei shouted coldly, unable to believe it!I can't even win against Xiao Fan!

However, Moran felt that Hao Lei's mentality had changed, and Xiao Fan's skills were unexpected.

Xiao Fan suddenly laughed and said, "I'll let you attack once, so that you won't be dissatisfied." After speaking, he gave the ball to Hao Lei.

"Hehe, then you have to regret it!" Hao Lei said in a deep voice after receiving the ball.

"Come on, let me see if your offense is as powerful as your mouth!" Xiao Fan spread out his arms. The length of his arms is really amazing. With his height of 1.8 meters, he must be careful when shooting in front of Xiao Fan.

Hao Lei is not a vegetarian either, he dribbles and breaks through, but Xiao Fan is very cautious in defense, and he does not lose to Hao Lei at all under physical confrontation.

This made Hao Lei unable to layup easily, and finally Hao Lei chose a fadeaway shot.

The basketball draws a beautiful arc, but just like Mo Ran's shot before, it is not sticky.

Watching the basketball hit the ground, Hao Lei was a little dazed. In a heads-up match, anyone could easily win except Brother Mo.

He actually lost to Xiao Fan today!
This made Hao Lei completely unacceptable!

"I said, you don't want to score a point today." Xiao Fan, who was holding the ball, shook his index finger again, his attitude was very arrogant, but he was also very stylish, at least the girls in other classes thought so.

Hao Lei took a deep breath and stared at Xiao Fan: "Come on!"

"Okay!" Xiao Fan put away his smile, and his gaze sank.

This time Xiao Fan didn't dribble the ball in any fancy way, he rushed directly towards the basket, and then jumped high!

The same goes for the defensive Hao Lei.

But obviously, the height of Xiao Fan's jump is still slightly higher.

The basketball was smashed hard, and Hao Lei was knocked to the ground with a pain.

(End of this chapter)

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