Chapter 359 The truth is

After confirming the exact time, Liangqian remembered!
That day, Mo Ran looked very abnormal, and even left himself to take a taxi to leave, but he didn't expect him to come here!
The dead liar!Really not dead! ! !

Liangqian walked down the mountain with a laugh. Uncle Ming felt a little creepy, but as long as he didn't complain about himself, it would be fine.

Picking up the shovel, Uncle Ming quickly filled it up, pretending nothing happened.

Sitting in the car, Liangqian laughed louder and louder. She was happy. Although she was tricked by Mo Ran, she was still happy that the villain was not dead.

The two men in Liangqian's mind merged into one at this moment. Although it was dark night, Liangqian felt that the sky was shining brightly.

Turn on the music, Liangqian swayed to the music, not to mention how cool it was.

Recalling the time when Mo Ran was with her, Liangqian found that sometimes he was very clingy to herself, and sometimes he would be serious. He probably didn't remember anything, but when he saw familiar scenes, he would think of something.

As for why the DNA is different, the scar is gone.

There has to be a price for resurrection, that's how it is done in TV dramas.

Anyway, Liangqian had made up her mind that Mo Ran was not dead, and he was living next to her.

When I go back, I will judge him well!It's too bad, it hasn't changed at all, I like to tease myself when I was studying, and I don't forget to tease myself even when I die.

Suddenly Liangqian felt something was wrong, if she had a showdown with him, what would happen if he became as domineering as before.

He couldn't say what he said, and he couldn't win when he fought. It wasn't because he bullied him to death.

But this is not the case now, this guy is going to spoil himself to death, and he will do as he says.

It is good to reveal the truth, but he has changed. He still likes Mo Ran with his current personality, and he is obedient enough.

With just one expression on his face, he was honest, and Mo Ran used to show his face to himself.

Then again, Liangqian still liked Mo Ran after death, and became the prince in her fantasy.

Back home, under the surprised eyes of the elders and the children, Liangqian happily ran to take a bath, and then had a big meal.

"Sister, is mom crazy?" Mo Fanbai whispered, never seen his mother like this, just like those seventeen or eighteen-year-old teachers in kindergarten.

Mo Shiyao muttered, "I think Mom and Dad will get married soon."

"Really? Why do I feel like there is one on my father's head, Wei."

The two little guys suddenly laughed softly.

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing looked at each other, the daughter has indeed changed during this time, but now this daughter seems to have really returned.

"Mom, another bowl."

"Still eating, aren't you afraid of getting fat?" Ye Xueqing smiled helplessly.

Liangqian said carelessly, "It's okay, someone hurts anyway."


Mo Ran, who was next door, was very uneasy, walking up and down, wondering if Liangqian had noticed, and even kept looking at the door.

As long as he remembered the violent knock on the door, Liangqian must have known about it.

But I waited all night and nothing came.

Early in the morning, Mo Ran sent off Liangqian and the children as usual.

"No, your clothes." Liang Qian returned the coat in her hand to Mo Ran, and smiled slightly.

Mo Ran paused for a moment, then took the clothes: "Did you sleep well?"

"Don't be too nice, what about you?" As she spoke, Liangqian took Mo Ran's arm and asked with a smile.

Mo Ran said that he was so scared that he didn't sleep well all night, and now he feels at ease.

"pretty good."

"You can sleep well without me. You must not take me to heart."

"No, that's not what I meant."

"Obviously, she definitely doesn't love me anymore."

Moran: "..."

The two little guys standing next to each other looked at each other, changed, changed.

Mom and Dad actually showed off in front of the children. Do three-year-olds have to bear this?

Sending Liangqian away, Mo Ran touched her lips. Today's Liangqian is a bit strange, she is so active, she is about to get out of the car, and she has to hold herself and chew her lips hard. Her lips are almost swollen. .

Touching the pocket of the coat, the pendant was still there, Mo Ran was even more puzzled.

Did Qianqian take the wrong medicine?
But that's good too, Mo Ran smiled, he likes the present life very much.

At noon, Mo Ran received a call from Liang Qian.

"Husband, I'm hungry, hurry up and bring food here."

Mo Ran was standing downstairs with a lunch box in his hand, when he heard Liangqian's words "husband", it was so easy to say, it sounded so cool!
"Say something, wife."

"My husband~"

"Hehehe, hahaha." Mo Ran's smirk was like that of a child, and everyone around him cast surprised glances.

After sending it to the office, Liangqian had even more exaggerated demands, and she had to be fed.

Mo Ran was a little dazed, what was going on, she suddenly turned into a little girl.

But of course Mo Ran still complied with this rude request, feeding him bite by bite, and the endless love talk, it's deadly.

One month later, Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng got married!

Mo Ran was dressed in a suit, almost stealing the glory of the groom Xiao Fan.

"Honey, you're so handsome." Liangqian was wearing a small skirt, and kissed her on tiptoe.

Mo Ran lives under these compliments every day, and feels like he is going to float up, feeling good from the beginning to the end.

Lin Pengpeng, who was wearing makeup, smiled wryly: "I don't know, I thought you two were married."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am not worthy, and I have to help Twelve snatch the bride." Of course Mo Ran went to help Xiao Fan.

But Lin Pengpeng clapped his hands: "Brothers, come out!"

"Is there no one in my natal family who bullied me?" Jia Zhengjing, Song Ming, Pang Guang, Yang Wei, Bi Yuntao, and Qin Hao walked out.

Zhang Xueyi, who was on the side, was also surprised when she saw Yang Wei appear, and was a little at a loss.

Liangqian nodded Mo Ran's chin: "Go, husband, we have seven strong men here."

"Wife, I actually think that I should also be considered as part of my natal family." Mo Ran said solemnly, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Jia Zhengjing and others looked at Mo Ran carefully, and found that he really looked like him.

But Yang Wei suddenly stepped forward and punched him!Mo Ran's eyes were fixed, and he took it with both hands!

The people around were stunned, and they started to fight!
Experts are all in the doorway, and Jia Zhengjing and the others were dumbfounded as the two fought with their fists!
Because this Mo Ran's boxing technique is exactly the same as Yang Wei's!You must know that the former Captain Mo was also a great apprentice taught by Brother Yang!

All of Mo Ran's movements were subconscious, and his current memory doesn't recall when he was a soldier, so he didn't even know that they were testing him.

Suddenly, Mo Ran kicked, and Yang Wei was kicked away, knocking over the makeup mirror behind him.

Mo Ran was a little surprised, logically speaking, he shouldn't have been kicked by himself.

"Brother Yang." Zhang Xueyi exclaimed, and hurried to Yang Wei's side.

(End of this chapter)

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