Chapter 360 Brother Mo
Mo Ran glanced at Liangqian, I'm afraid this is not a good show arranged by you.

I also heard in my heart that Zhang Xueyi still rejected the wealthy prince in the end, Mo Ran felt a little pity, originally thought it would be possible, but now it seems that she still can't let go of this man named Yang Wei.

But this guy is really strong. If he has good running strength, his boxing style is not much different from him, and he is very strong.

At this moment, Yang Wei who fell on the ground secretly took out a small box.

Zhang Xueyi was stunned when she saw the small red box, and she could even see what was inside the box.

Jia Zhengjing and the others stood beside him and immediately booed: "Marry him, marry him, marry him."

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." Yang Wei who was lying on the ground said apologetically. He also heard about Zhang Xueyi's blind date. Although he felt a little strange, he still wished him well.

But not long after, when Lin Pengpeng said that Xueyi rejected others, Yang Wei was moved.

That's why the suction was arranged.

Zhang Xueyi listened to the shouts of her friends, shed tears unconsciously, and beat Yang Wei's chest hard with both hands.

Yang Wei let Zhang Xueyi slap him, he deserved it, and he was dead-headed.

"Xueyi, Brother Yang has applied for early discharge." Jia Zheng said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xueyi was taken aback after hearing this: "Why did you do this? Don't you like it very much?"

"I was too selfish before, it's time to make sacrifices for you." Yang Wei said seriously.

Lin Pengpeng groaned: "Brother Yang, who taught you this love story, I'm going to have goosebumps all over the floor."

Liangqian poked Mo Ran's arm: "Listen, husband, this is called love talk."

Moran: "..."

Zhang Xueyi was completely moved by what Yang Wei said, and she burst into tears. Under the laughter of the crowd, Zhang Xueyi put on the ring.

Mo Ran and Liang Qian were slightly taken aback when they saw the ring.

Mo Ran felt a sense of crisis.

Liangqian seemed to remember that this guy hadn't even put it on for herself yet!

Look at others, we have been together for two mornings, and others are ahead of us.

"Let's go buy a ring this afternoon." Mo Ran hurriedly made amends, lest Liang Qian say that she was inconsiderate again.

"That's what you said, but I didn't say it."

Mo Ran helplessly shook his head, woman.

There are enough people on the woman's side, so of course Mo Ran has to go to Xiao Fan's side as a helper, it's all agreed.

After Mo Ran left, Jia Zheng found Liang Qian in shock.

"Miss Boss, don't you think he's weird?" Jia Zhengjing said seriously, feeling that this is not easy.

Liangqian knew what Jia Zhengjing meant, and it seemed that everyone was skeptical.

"No, what's the matter?" Liangqian also pretended to be confused, as long as she and Mo Ran knew it well, what if others knew that Mo Ran was not dead and used them as guinea pigs.

Jia Zheng smiled helplessly: "It seems that we are worrying too much."

"Don't worry about me, what about your own personal problems."

Jia Zheng scratched the back of his head in shock and said solemnly, "Pang Guang still needs help, so I'll go first." Then he slipped away.

Liangqian smiled wryly, it was really the same as before, she ran away as soon as she said this question.

When they came to Xiao Fan's side, all the cars parked beside the villa, supercars in front, and Laos in the back.

"Mo Ran, did the woman ask for any backup?" Hao Lei and other classmates were there.

Mo Ran chuckled and said, "The backup is very strong, made up of Peng Peng's comrades in arms."

When Liu Yizhe and the others heard this, they smiled wryly, they had heard of other people's toughness.

Xiao Fan, the groom, walked out of the house at this time: "How about it, brothers, are you ready, grab the bride!"

"Xiao Fan, your comrades have all gone to the bride's side." Wang Haibo said helplessly.

Xiao Fan paused, and said solemnly: "Brothers, it seems that today is a tough battle, and it depends on you!"

"Leave it to me." Mo Ran vowed.

"Then rely on Brother Mo."

Hao Lei and the others were taken aback for a moment, this was the first time in history that Xiao Fan called Brother Mo.

"Just for you brother, if you don't grab Peng Peng, I will pay you two."

Hao Lei joked, "Brother Mo, can you give me two?"

Ding Liang said seriously: "Hao Lei, fortunately Zeng Rourou is at Peng Peng's side, otherwise you will feel better."

"It's only when I'm not here that I can spend a little more time talking. You'll understand when you get married."


I checked the time, it was getting late, everyone got in the car and went to Lin Pengpeng's house!

The motorcade drove out of the villas and made a small circle and then returned to the villas.

In fact, Lin Pengpeng also lives here, and the purpose is obvious.

After getting off the car, everyone shook their clothes.

However, the gate was already full of children from the woman's family. Wang Haibo rushed up with a big bag in his hand.

"It's a red envelope!" He grabbed the red envelope and threw it into the sky.

When the children were picking up the red envelopes, Mo Ran, Xiao Fan and others rushed into the crowd, who knew that the doors were locked.

Mo Ran grabbed the doorknob and forced it.


The door opened, and the crowd behind the door looked confused, why did the door open?
Before he could react, Mo Ran rushed in.

Everyone was stunned again, the groom was still standing here, how could the best man rush faster than the groom!

I didn't know that I thought the best man was going to grab the bride.

After a moment of silence, the people downstairs hurriedly shouted, "Come in!"

In Lin Pengpeng's room, everyone was still chatting about how they could rush in.

As a result, I never expected that an emergency came from below!
Lin Pengpeng, who was sitting on the big bed, shouted coquettishly: "Captain, quickly block the door!!!"

Jia Zhengjing and the others patted their chests: "Peng Peng, leave it to me. After all, she is also the No.1 female soldier of our Yan Luo team, and it's not so easy to marry away."

"That's right, it's up to me." Bi Yuntao twisted his neck, looking like he was going to do something big.

Just when a few people were bragging, Mo Ran suddenly appeared at the door!

Liangqian was dumbfounded, she looked at Mo Ran suspiciously, her eyes seemed to ask, why are you rushing so fast, it's not that you are getting married.

"Close the door!" Lin Pengpeng shouted.

Pang Guang quickly closed the door.

Mo Ran slapped the door with a slap, and the door remained motionless.

Pang Guang tried as hard as he could, but he couldn't close it a little bit.

"Captain, why are you still standing there, close the door, this guy is really strong."

Xiao Fan who was behind had already rushed out of the crowd, and got in immediately: "Hahaha, Brother Mo, thank you."

"Small things." Mo Ran let go and smiled easily.

Everyone was speechless, this is too fast, from entering the house to entering the house, less than 1 minute.

"This is simply cheating." Song Ming exclaimed.

Xiao Fan chuckled and said, "As long as you have foreign aid, I can't have masters."

Lin Pengpeng was helpless, saying that it was too cheap, and there was no difficulty at all.

(End of this chapter)

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