Chapter 361

If I had known that I would have called Mo Ran to my side and asked the captain to help Xiao Fan, it was a mistake.

But it's okay, I still have to find shoes.

See how to play.

One minute later, Mo Ran put the two shoes in front of Lin Pengpeng.

Lin Pengpeng stared blankly at Mo Ran.

"Good brother." Xiao Fan knew that Lin Pengpeng would definitely make things difficult for him today, but he didn't expect Mo Ran to be broken easily, that's great.

Lin Pengpeng said in disbelief: "Anyway, Qianqian is my best friend, and you actually help him instead of me."

Liangqian clutched her forehead, others wanted to make fun of it, but you are better off, it will all be done in a few minutes.

"Others call me elder brother, so the elder brother will naturally get the position." Mo Ran clapped his hands, expressing that it was not difficult at all. When he got married, who would dare to stop me from marrying a woman?

"I..." Lin Pengpeng stomped his feet, looking depressed.

"Put on your shoes and carry the bride."

Xiao Fan put on red shoes for Lin Pengpeng, put Lin Pengpeng on his back and went downstairs, the elders below were a little curious, didn't young people like to play, they came down so quickly.

At this time Liu Yizhe asked in a low voice: "Is the guy ready?"

Hao Lei sneered: "It's already been prepared."

"It seems that Hao Lei is going to take revenge." Wang Haibo laughed loudly.

"Shall we go first, lest Xiao Fan run away later."

"No, Peng Peng hopes that he will suffer some flesh and blood, which made her wait so long."

Everyone laughed.

The convoy drove out again and had to return to the man's house.

Xiao Fan in the car was a little apprehensive. When Hao Lei got married, he was the one who did it, and those guys would definitely not give up.

"Drive faster, don't follow the convoy." Xiao Fan shouted to his driver.

Just as the driver was about to speed up, Lin Pengpeng, who was sitting next to him, said calmly, "Pull over."

The driver was confused and didn't know who to listen to.

"Peng Peng, don't make trouble, I will be beaten to death by them." Xiao Fan said pitifully.

Lin Pengpeng snorted softly: "None of my business, pull over."

As the main wedding car pulled over, the entire convoy stopped.

Hao Lei couldn't wait any longer, he immediately opened the trunk, took out the plastic tube, and didn't stop until he smashed Xiao Fan's ass today!

That day, I was beaten to pieces by him, and it hurt even to sit.

"Brothers, take the guy!" Hao Lei shouted.

Everyone rushed over to divide the guys, even Jia Zhengjing and the others were one by one, looking at Xiao Fan who got out of the car with a terrifying smile.

But Yang Wei and Zhang Xueyi were tired of crooked, after all, they had just reconciled.

"Lao Yang, why don't you come and hit Xiao Fan a few times?" Jia Zheng shouted to Yang Wei in shock.

Yang Wei shook his head, he would not participate in this kind of thing.

However, Bi Yuntao smiled and said, "Old Yang, you and Xueyi are about to get married, do you think Xiao Fan will show mercy to you when the time comes?"

Yang Wei was taken aback: "It makes sense."

After speaking, he walked over and took one.

Mo Ran looked angrily and asked, "What are they doing?"

Liangqian held Mo Ran's arm and said with a smile, "Xiao Fan will be beaten later."


"A custom."

"This custom is so violent." Mo Ran laughed.

"Aren't you going?"

"Everyone calls me Brother Mo, it's not good to go."

"Then when you marry me, Xiao Fan will not show mercy to you."

Mo Ran narrowed his eyes slightly: "There is some truth to what I said, let's hit it first." Then he walked over to get the guy.

Xiao Fan just looked at the people on his side rebelling, and ran away.

Immediately, Lin Pengpeng lowered the window and shouted: "Twelve ran away! Hurry up!!!"

Sell ​​your husband for glory.

I saw more than a dozen men holding plastic pipes, and immediately chased after him. The pedestrians around were all stunned. The groom must be too miserable.

After all, Xiao Fan had an old injury, so he was quickly caught and tied to a telephone pole.

"Still running, he was very arrogant when he hit me, I don't know I have this day." Hao Lei let out that creepy laugh, raised the plastic tube and spanked.

"Ah!" Xiao Fan couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Brothers, I have something to say, you guys will get married one day, think about that day." Xiao Fan hurriedly begged for mercy, but this obviously angered everyone.

Jia Zheng was startled and laughed: "Xiao Fan, we originally said a few good words, let us comrades forget it, but I didn't expect to dare to threaten!!! Everyone, don't hold back, this Xiao Fan used to be good at fighting, use your strength beat."

Come here first.

"Ah!" Xiao Fan felt the pain again.

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang, stop beating, you and sister Xueyi are getting better, and are about to get married, I promise, I won't beat you that day." Xiao Fan hurriedly reminded.

Yang Wei said seriously: "I don't believe it."

Clap clap clap clap.

Ah ah ah ah ah!
It's too awful.

"Brother Mo, good brother, forget it, you are going to marry the squad leader, and I will help you when the time comes."

"The squad leader said, if you don't fight today, you won't have a chance in the future."

"Hahahaha." The people around were about to laugh alone.

At this moment, Lin Pengpeng suddenly stood beside Xiao Fan and spread his arms: "Don't hit my husband!"

"Peng Peng..." Xiao Fan was so moved that at critical times, Peng Peng was still reliable.

"My husband, I have to call."

Xiao Fan: "..."


The bride beats the groom. Everyone said they hadn't seen it, but it was very enjoyable.

Not only Lin Pengpeng enjoyed it, but Liangqian and Zhang Xueyi on the side looked at it twinkling, as if beating them like this, this move can emulate Lin Pengpeng.

After the inhuman beating, Xiao Fan finally got back into the car, and his buttocks felt a sharp pain just as he sat down.

However, Lin Pengpeng at the side suddenly looked at him tenderly.

"Why, you beat them all."

"Husband, I love you." Lin Pengpeng said affectionately, kissed Xiao Fan deeply, and the noise was nothing but noise, but Lin Pengpeng did not marry Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan felt a little unnatural, feeling ghostly and abnormal.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, I feel bad."

Lin Pengpeng's affectionate expression disappeared in an instant: "You don't know how to be romantic at all. You are so angry. See if I don't hit you."

"Oh, this is much more normal."

The driver in front almost rear-ended him, Mr. Xiao has a really special habit, he likes to be abused.

The whole wedding ceremony was very grand, Xiao Fan invited many celebrities to the venue, as long as they have money, they can really do whatever they want.

When grabbing the bouquet, the boat of friendship between Liangqian and Zhang Xueyi turned over as soon as they said it, but unfortunately Liangqian was still a step too late, and Zhang Xueyi snatched the flowers steadily.

This made Liangqian very depressed.

Sitting down on the stage, Liangqian looked depressed.

"Fool, let's get married after the new year, faster than them." Mo Ran patted Liangqian's head.

Mo Fanbai was overjoyed when he heard that: "Yes, Mom and Dad are finally getting married."

(End of this chapter)

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