Chapter 362 Grandpa
"Great." Mo Shiyao looked forward to it.

Liangqian pouted slightly: "Everything your father said, you must testify. If you don't fulfill your promise during the Chinese New Year, you will punish your father."

"Yeah, let's help mom this time."

The family of four suddenly burst into laughter.

The wedding ended with everyone's blessings. Of course, Mo Ran had to take Liangqian to buy the ring, but with two little military advisers by his side, Liangqian had nothing to do with the purchase process.

"Mom, this is the biggest, bring this." Mo Fan chose a super large diamond in vain.

And Mo Shiyao chose a very beautiful diamond ring: "Mom, I think this suits you very well."

"Oh, what should I do, I like both of these." Liangqian instead became less like a mother, like a little girl in love.

Mo Ran on the side smiled lightly and said, "Since you like them all, then buy them all."

The lady at the counter was taken aback after hearing this: "Sir, are you sure?"

"Swipe the card." Mo Ran took out a card without asking the price.

The little sister was ready to pick it up with a look of joy, Liangqian took it over: "Although I like them all, they are too expensive."

"Sir, I think this ring will accompany your wife very much." The young lady hurriedly said that she could get a lot of commission.

However, Liangqian said seriously: "He just likes to spend money recklessly, so I put this card here."

The two children were dumbfounded. This was blatantly confiscating their father's card. Wouldn't it be possible for their father to take him to eat delicious food in the future?

Mo Ran shrugged, expressing that he didn't care, it was just a card, it was considered as pocket money for Liangqian.

"What are you three still doing in a daze, let's go."

Mo Ran walked out of the counter with the child: "Didn't you say you want to buy it?"

"Have you forgotten, you already bought it before." Liangqian rolled her eyes.

The corner of Mo Ran's mouth twitched, did he want to say something again?

"Really? Mo Ran?" Liang Qian turned her head to look at Mo Ran, her eyes seemed to say, I know everything, you better admit it to me, don't force me to interrogate you.

Mo Ran paused in his heart, as if he understood Liangqian's gaze. Under this threat, Mo Ran faltered and said, "Yes, I bought them all."

Liangqian smiled immediately after hearing this, and gently took Mo Ran's arm: "Husband, let's go, let's go home."

"Okay, go home."

However, Mo Fan Bai and Mo Shiyao from behind looked at their parents' backs.

"Sister, I suddenly feel that we are a bit redundant." Mo Fanbai muttered.

"Be confident and get rid of the feeling."

Mo Fanbai curled his lips: "Mom and Dad, wait for Xiaobai."

Mo Ran and Liang Qian had a meal, forgetting about the child.

Hurry up and pick up the wronged child.

"Let's see how grandpa is doing in a few days." Liangqian said suddenly.

"Okay, we haven't seen grandpa for a long time."

Mo Ran was puzzled for a moment: "Who are you looking at?"


"Oh." Mo Ran snorted, but was at a loss.

Looking at Mo Ran's expression, Liangqian felt that she still had to take him to find some memories.

Five days later, Liangqian returned to Qingyang City with Mo Ran, and of course her two children.

"Mom, where are we going?" Mo Fanbai asked his mother who was driving.

"You guys will find out later." Liangqian said mysteriously.

Mo Ran looked out the window with some doubts, but felt that the street outside the window was a bit familiar.

Soon, Liangqian pulled over and stopped the car. This is the only small alley in Qingyang City that has not been demolished, but no one lives in it.

And Liangqian asked someone to clean up the place five days ago, and restored it as much as possible according to memory, as well as the neighbors around.

I hope Mo Ran can remember what happened with Grandpa.

After getting out of the car, Mo Fan Bai asked curiously, "Where is this?"

"This is Dad's hometown." Liangqian patted Xiaobai on the head.

Mo Ran frowned, looked at the entrance of the alley, and some ungraspable images flashed in his mind, but he felt very familiar.

Liangqian watched Mo Ran walking step by step, Mo Shiyao seemed to want to catch up with her father, but was stopped by Liangqian.

Mo Ran walked into the alley and looked at the houses on both sides.

I saw an old man wearing a heavy military overcoat, holding a thermos cup in his hand: "Mo Ran is here, ask your grandpa to come out and play two dishes."

"Grandpa Ma." Mo Ran whispered casually.

The old man pretending to be Ma Yuanliang was taken aback, but fortunately he was a professional old actor: "Why, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you go home and ask your grandpa to come out."

"Oh, good." Mo Ran murmured, then turned to look at the slightly dilapidated wooden door.

And a bicycle next to the wooden door also attracted Mo Ran, this...

Isn't this your own bicycle?The memory about the bicycle is also gradually integrated, and finally merged with the memory of the school. This is no longer a picture, and even the emotion has been integrated.

After pushing open the door, looking at the furnishings in the room, Mo Ran took a deep breath, and the memory melted in like a tide again.

The old man who appeared in his eyes was kindly carrying a boy on his back, and the boy was sleeping soundly.

Gradually, the boy grew up, but the old man's health deteriorated day by day. He picked up garbage outside behind the boy's back, secretly ate the leftovers, and kept the good ones for himself.

The grown-up boy also worked hard to share the housework, and had disputes with the elderly in order to work early.

This old man who has worked hard all his life is his grandfather.

Why didn't I have any impression before, such an important person, I forgot him.

The mist in Mo Ran's eyes was swirling, and the images and emotions merged into his mind at the same time, and a sense of guilt immediately filled his heart.

Liangqian, who was standing outside the door, wiped the corners of her eyes. Although she had been lying to her grandpa, saying that Mo Ran had gone on a mission, her grandpa knew it in her heart, but she just cooperated with everyone.

"Mom, what's wrong with Dad? Standing there blankly?" Mo Shiyao asked curiously.

"Father is thinking about something." Liangqian said softly.


After standing for half an hour, Mo Ran slowly opened his eyes, exited the house, and closed the door gently.

Turning around to look at Liangqian and the children, Mo Ran smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, see grandpa."

Suddenly Liangqian couldn't hold back and cried out loud.

Mo Ran also knew in his heart that this was all arranged by Liang Qian, so he tacitly hugged Liang Qian gently: "Stop crying."

"I just couldn't hold back." Liangqian choked up.

Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

"Do we both need to be so polite?" Liang Qian angrily gave Mo Ran a blow, and led the children out of the alley.

Looking at Liangqian's back, Mo Ran chuckled, this silly girl is still the same as before.

"Dad, come quickly."

"Father is coming." Mo Ran strode forward and threw Xiao Bai up.

Mo Shiyao also shouted: "Father, I want to play high ball too."

"it is good."

Liangqian stood beside her and watched with a smile. After getting in the car, Liangqian whispered to Mo Ran, "I want to play high balls when I have time."

Moran: "..."

In the nursing home, Mo Ran and Liang Qian led the children inside.

The weather is nice and sunny today. A group of old men and women are sitting outside chatting, playing chess and bragging.

"Old Wang, your daughter-in-law has brought the children to see you." An old man tugged at another old man.

(End of this chapter)

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