I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 363 The Story of Mom and Dad

Chapter 363 The Story of Mom and Dad (The Finale)

Wang Jianguo opened his eyes in a daze, and slowly turned his head to look over, and was suddenly attracted by that familiar figure!
The slack gaze suddenly became bright, as if seeing the hope and motivation to live again.

Slowly propping up his old body, Wang Jianguo walked towards Mo Ran holding up his crutches, his pace getting faster and faster, the crutches in his hand had already been thrown on the grass, because it hindered his speed to see Mo Ran.

And Mo Ran strode forward, from brisk trot, to trot, and finally to sprint.

After three years, the grandfather and grandson hugged each other again, and the old people behind all looked over and seemed relieved.

"Grandpa, I'm back." Mo Ran couldn't help but shed a tear. He still has a relative, the closest relative.

Wang Jianguo patted Mo Ran on the back: "Just come back, just come back, grandpa thought he couldn't wait for you to come back."

"I'm sorry for making you worry." Mo Ran was choked up in his words, and he didn't even think that he would cry like a child in front of an old man.

Liangqian, who was standing not far away, burst into tears again, and grandpa was finally relieved.

Although the two children didn't know what happened, they also cried with their mother.

The joy of reunion lasted all the time, Mo Ran decided to invite the best doctor in the world to treat his grandfather. He didn't have the ability before, but now he does!
Even if this disease cannot be overcome now, then spend money on research until it is overcome!
On this day, Mo Ran stayed with his grandfather all the time, talking about what he was doing all these years.

For Wang Jianguo, this day was also a very happy day, seeing his most important grandson.

And Mo Ran decided to ask William to arrange a professional medical team to come over, take care of him 24 hours a day, and bring his grandfather to him.

But Wang Jianguo refused, he didn't want to leave the nursing home, he just hoped that Mo Ran and Liang Qian could bring their children to see if they had nothing to do.

Liangqian tried it a long time ago. Grandpa didn't want to leave at all. There are old men and old women who can talk to here, and they don't want to just leave.

No matter how much Mo Ran tried to persuade him, it was useless. In the end, he only agreed to arrange for a medical team to come over.

On Monday, because the children still had to go to school, they took them home, and this year they still went to Liangqian’s grandpa’s house during the Chinese New Year.

The first is to propose marriage, and the second is to discuss marriage matters.

On the eve of the Chinese New Year, Ye Zhan was a little confused when he saw Mo Ran beside Liangqian, and Zhao Juan was the same.

This is too similar, Lao Wang even mistook him for his grandson.

But that's okay, Lao Wang has hope again.

Only Liangqian and Wang Jianguo knew that this was definitely true.

After the reunion dinner, the two children ran outside to set off fireworks, and Mo Ran stood by.

"Drink some." Liangqian walked out of the room, holding a thermos in her hand.

Mo Ran paused and took a sip, then frowned and asked, "What's the taste?"

"The water soaked in goji berries, make up for it." Liangqian said seriously.

Mo Ran was amused: "Look at my body, do I need to mend it?"

"Prepare for a rainy day, drink it honestly, there is not a drop left."


Seeing Liangqian's threatening gaze, Mo Ran cut it, raised his head and drank it all: "It's alright."

"It's almost there."

"Hahaha, Dad is like Xiaobai drinking medicine, haha." Mo Fanbai laughed while standing beside him.

Mo Ran immediately ran over to catch Xiaobai: "Okay, Xiaobai, how dare you tell daddy's jokes."

"Hahaha, Dad can't catch it."

Liangqian smiled and warned, "Don't play outside for too long."

"Mom, I will watch over my father and younger brother." Mo Shiyao said seriously, like a little adult.

"Shiyao is so good, help mom watch over her, don't let them mess around."


After discussion, the marriage was settled, a month later.

The place to get married is in Qingyang City, because this is where it started.

Mo Ran called everyone he could get in touch with, and whoever didn't give face, he could figure it out.

Therefore, consortium bosses from all over the world came to congratulate one after another. The grandeur of the scene was unbelievable, and Mo Ran also gave Liangqian an unprecedented wedding.

"Qianqian, aren't you nervous?" Lin Pengpeng asked curiously.

Liangqian, who was putting on makeup, pursed her lips: "How can you not be nervous, Mo Ran called a lot of bosses, I've seen them on TV before."

"Qianqian, you found this Mo Ran, he is handsome and rich, much better than the previous one."

Liangqian was amused.

"I think so, this brother-in-law should be stronger." Zhang Xueyi also agrees.

And Liangqian raised a happy smile at the corner of her mouth: "No matter who Mo Ran is, he always treats me well, even if it means dying."

"But, today we blocked the door..." Lin Pengpeng said helplessly.

Mo Fanbai, who was standing at the side, patted his small chest: "Hmph, Xiaobai is here, mom, don't worry, I promise to keep daddy out of the door and not come in."

Mo Shiyao also said seriously: "Well, we promise to complete the task."

On Moran's side, the situation is different.

"Brother Mo is really scheming." Xiao Fan muttered.

Jia Zheng said helplessly, "I thought I could beat him up today, but who knew he invited so many celebrities."

Liu Yizhe said earnestly: "Brother Mo's IQ, don't guess. To escape this beating, he paid a lot of money."

"Brother Mo is arrogant, I admire it, it seems that my plastic pipes are useless." Hao Lei sighed softly.

When Mo Ran appeared, he smiled at his classmates and comrades-in-arms: "Everyone, I will give you a chance. If you want to fight now, there is no one."

More than a dozen men looked at each other.

Wang Haibo murmured: "I've never heard of such a requesting person."

Yang Wei chuckled and said, "Then we won't be polite."

"I wanted to hit you a long time ago." Xiao Fan twisted his neck.

Mo Ran was taken aback, and coughed lightly: "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

"We shouldn't be joking, fuck him!!!"

More than a dozen people immediately surrounded Mo Ranwei, revenge for those who had revenge, and revenge for those who were wronged.

When Mo Ran brought a group of brothers to Liangqian's house.

The door opened automatically.

"Father, complete the task." Mo Shiyao saluted.

"Good job, she is really a good daughter of Dad."

"Hee hee~"

Everyone was stunned, it turns out that children can use it in this way.

When he came to Liangqian's bedroom, Mo Fanbai immediately opened the door to welcome his father. The women in the room were stunned and rebelled.

The corner of Liangqian's mouth twitched, as expected, she was still focused on their father.

"Xiaobai, help Dad find the shoes."

Lin Pengpeng hurriedly said: "Mo Ran, if you don't bring such fun, find it yourself."

"That's right, brother-in-law, I have to find it myself." Zhang Xueyi smiled coquettishly.

"Xiaobai, take Dad to look for it together."


Everyone burst into laughter immediately, it is convenient to have an internal response, Yang Wei has learned, and he will do the same after a while.

Zhang Xueyi seemed to know what Lao Yang was thinking, and she gave her a sideways glance, if you don't follow the rules, I won't beat you.

Carrying Liangqian on his back and holding the children by the hand, Mo Ran was very satisfied, and finally completed this important event!
At the wedding scene, when Mo Ran put the wedding ring on Liangqian, Liangqian burst into tears again, but they were all tears of happiness.

"There are so many people watching and crying." Mo Ran teased in a low voice.

"I...I've waited too long." Liangqian choked up and said.

These words directly hit Mo Ran's soul, this life is so long, the girl in front of him spent ten years waiting for him.

Holding Liangqian's hands, Mo Ran said seriously: "Leave it to me from now on, and I will never make you wait again."

"Keep your word."

"Well, pull out a cupping jar and seal it."

"Then pull it longer, and let them envy me."

Moran: "..."

Before he could react, Mo Ran was kissed by Liang Qian.

Applause immediately erupted at the scene, and the petals fell from the roof, which became beautiful all at once.

Hao Lei and the others also showed gratified smiles. After so much, they finally waited for this moment.

Jia Zhengjing and the others felt relieved, feeling that Liangqian had found her heart again.

The girls in the audience looked at Liangqian with envy, because they found such a handsome and rich husband, and the tickets for this wedding were sold at hundreds of thousands of tickets. You can make a fortune.

12 years later.

Mo Fanbai and Mo Shiyao were eating breakfast made by their grandmother. The grown-up two children have inherited the advantages of Mo Ran and Liangqian very well.

Mo Fan Bai is handsome, even better than his father, and Mo Shiyao is beautiful, even better than Liang Qian.

"Hey, I promised to send us to high school, but I don't know where to show my affection." Mo Fanbai said helplessly while eating porridge. The other half went to honeymoon.

Mo Shiyao seemed much quieter, and said lightly, "We just need to study hard."

Mo Fan curled his lips.

"Go to school after eating." Ye Xueqing walked out with fried eggs and said sternly.

Mo Fan Bai said casually, "Understood, grandma."

After breakfast, Mo Fan Bai and Mo Shiyao went downstairs and rode their bicycles to school.

And these two bicycles were really ridden by Liangqian and Mo Ran before, and they had to be refurbished.

At first, Mo Fanbai hated being old, but when he rode to school, others said that he had a retro style.

"Sister, with our IQ, do we still need to go to high school?" Mo Fanbai said boredly.

Mo Shiyao said seriously: "Of course, Dad said that playing with classmates is also learning."

"Really, okay." Mo Fanbai shrugged.

When they came to school, the two locked their bicycles.

Unfortunately not in the same class.

Mo Shiyao told Mo Fanbai not to make trouble, otherwise Dad will teach you a lesson when he comes back.

Mo Fanbai said that he knew, she was really a long-winded sister, let a brother-in-law take her in.

When he came to the classroom, Mo Fan Bailu watched the students walk in one after another.

Suddenly, a beautiful figure caught Mo Fanbai's eyes.

Mo Fanbai quickly straightened his hair and put on a handsome pose, hoping to attract others.

Who knows that others are not birds, sitting not far away.

Mo Fanbai felt that the boys around him were about to move, so he rushed up and sat next to them.

"Hi, my name is Mo Fan Bai."

The girl turned her head and silently glanced at Mo Fan Bai, then said a word.


Mo Fanbai looked at the girl at the same table in disbelief, she was the first girl to let him go!

Judging by her attitude, she can be seen as a bad girl. My mother said that she has the responsibility to help her classmates tide over difficulties, and a prodigal son will not return money, let alone a woman.

Therefore, I have to help this girl study hard.

"Student, do you have any difficulties? As your deskmate, I will help you and give you warmth and sunshine." Mo Fanbai said with his chest straight.

The girl glanced silently: "Are you annoying?"

Listening to the girl's words, Mo Fanbai felt that it was a bit like the story his mother told when he was a child.

That's the story of mom and dad.

 It's over, thank you brothers for your support, in fact, I haven't written it well, I can only finish it hastily, I feel sorry for the support brothers, I hope the next book can be written better, thank you all, happy new year.

(End of this chapter)

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