Chapter 41
Liangqian, who was walking in the community, thought about the conversation just now, and felt sweet in her heart.

It feels like a young couple, and Mo Ran seems to be a little proactive today, saying that kind of shameless words, it is really embarrassing, if the classmates hear it, they must report the two of us.

And on the playground, I kept staring at myself, as if I hadn't seen it before, and it might not be like that on weekdays.

What's more, I didn't confess my love, isn't there always a confession before dating...

With a cry, Liangqian covered her face, looking shameful.

Putting the bicycle into the garage, Liangqian stood at the door and patted her cheek, as if she wanted to pat away her blush.

Opening the door, Liangqian put on her slippers and walked into the room, shouting, "Mom and Dad, I'm back."

When I walked into the house, I saw that my parents were already sitting at the dining table, the meals were all ready, and they were waiting for me to come back.

It's just that the expression is a little strange.

Seeing her daughter come back, Liang Liang said softly, "Your head teacher has already told me."

Liangqian's heart skipped a beat after hearing this, what do you mean?
What did the head teacher tell Dad?
Could it be because of his relationship with Mo Ran?How is this possible, I haven't explained yet...

"I didn't expect Mo Ran to be so powerful." Ye Xueqing sighed.

Liangqian stared blankly at her mother, what does this mean?
"I didn't expect that in just two days, I'd make you Qianqian..." Liang Liang looked at his daughter very seriously.

Liangqian felt that it was over, her parents knew about her and Mo Ran's affairs, it was all right now, they were about to separate before they were together with Mo Ran.

"You taught Qianqian so well." Liang Liang added.

Liangqian was taken aback for a moment.

Ye Xueqing said with emotion: "Qianqian, your homeroom teacher said that the math teacher appreciates you very much. I hope Qianqian can work harder and go to the provincial capital to participate in the math competition."

"This Mo Ran, I have to reward him well. Here is 5000 yuan. Qianqian, if you give Mo Ran tomorrow, it will be regarded as the reward for these two days." Then he took out a stack of red notes, very happy.

After recovering, Liangqian's legs were a little weak, it was so scary just now, she thought her parents knew the secret.

Didn't expect this to be the case.

"Qianqian, what are you doing in a daze, sit down and share today's highlight moment with mom and dad." Ye Xueqing was very happy, her daughter's improvement was so great, the head teacher even called to say, which shows how much she takes it. Mo Ran still has the ability, the money is well spent.

Liangqian was still in shock, she sat down slowly and said, "Actually, it's nothing, just use what Mo Ran taught to solve the problem."

"Look at how humble our daughter is, hahaha." Liang Liang laughed heartily, taking a sip of the wine.

Liangqian can't laugh or cry, I'm not being humble, it's because I was scared by you just now.

"Dad, don't just drink, eat some food." Liangqian smiled slightly.

"Oh, Dad is so happy, Qianqian is promising." Liang Liang was very pleased. He didn't read any books, so he hoped that his daughter could complete the studies that he didn't finish.

Liangqian held back and said, "Dad, look at what you said, it seems that my grades were not good before."

"Qianqian, what your dad means is that this time is different from the past. After all, your math teacher said that you have the ability to go to the provincial capital to participate in the math competition." Ye Xueqing smiled while holding vegetables for her daughter.

"Yeah, come on, Dad is optimistic about you, remember to give this money to Mo Ran, if you have any requirements, Dad can satisfy Mo Ran."

As soon as Liang Liang finished speaking, Liang Qian asked Mo Ran in her heart, is it okay to date your daughter.

It is estimated that Dad's smile will froze.

Ye Xueqing smiled softly: "I'll cook a few special dishes for Mo Ran later, this kid is working hard."

"Mom, I'm actually working hard too."

"Okay, okay, I'll prepare everything for you." Ye Xueqing patted his daughter's head and smiled.

At this time, in the opposite villa, Xiao Fan was sitting in his bedroom. From this angle, he could vaguely see half of the restaurant. He found that Liangqian seemed to be smiling happily, and the pencil in Xiao Fan's hand was broken.

I have been humiliated one after another in front of Mo Ran, this enmity is getting deeper and deeper!
I won't let you two go!

Don't get caught by me!
At this moment, the door rang several times, Xiao Dingtian pushed the door open and came in, looked at his son, then sat by the bed and asked: "Xiaofan, what's the matter today? Are you depressed?"

"Nothing dad." Xiao Fan said lightly.

"We old men, if you have something to say, just say it, don't hold it in your heart, it's uncomfortable, let's have a conversation between men." Xiao Dingtian patted his son on the shoulder and smiled.

Xiao Fan took a deep breath, and after a long time said in a deep voice: "I met a very good boy, I can't beat him." Xiao Fan didn't intend to say it at first, it was too embarrassing.

Xiao Dingtian paused, and said seriously: "Xiaofan, Dad couldn't beat many people before, they looked down on your dad and thought your dad was a poor boy."

"Dad, aren't you amazing?" Xiao Fan asked doubtfully, this was the first time he heard this.

"At that time, you were not born. Dad slept through the bridge hole at your age. He was bullied and even bitten by dogs. Dad was not reconciled. He kept working hard to make these people who looked down on Dad regret it. Dad did it. Now they I beg your father."

Xiao Fan was stunned and said: "Dad, you are so rich, others must beg you."

"Xiaofan, what Dad wants to say is that failure now is nothing, a man can afford it and let it go. At your age, you are fighting for the future. When you grow up and sit in Dad's seat, you will Find out that the one you couldn't fight back then is nothing more than that."

Listening to these words, Xiao Fan seemed to be lost in thought.

After a long time, Xiao Fan's gaze rekindled his fighting spirit: "Dad, I understand."

"Come on, Dad will always support you."

"Well, thank you Dad."

Xiao Dingtian left his son's room with relief, Gao Lan at the door looked at her husband with worried eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry, there is no boy who does not go through setbacks." Xiao Dingtian smiled, in fact, it feels good, too smooth is not good.

Xiao Fan in the bedroom took a deep look at the dining room opposite, then drew up the curtains, opened the book and studied hard.

On the other side, Mo Ran rode his bicycle to the door and found an Audi A6 parked outside the alley. It was a bit strange, and I don't know which big boss came to visit.

Walking to the door of the house, locking the bicycle, Mo Ran pushed the door in: "Grandpa, I'm back."

But soon Mo Ran was stunned for a moment, there was an old man in the room, and grandpa was also there.

There was a bottle of white wine and a stack of peanuts on the wooden table, and the room was filled with a strong smell of alcohol.

"Old Yan, this is my grandson, Mo Ran, handsome." Wang Jianguo waved to Mo Ran and called to his side, pointing at Mo Ran to show off.

(End of this chapter)

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