Chapter 42
Mo Ran looked at the old man in front of him. There was a deep scar on the left cheek. Although his eyes were kind, there was a sense of majesty between his brows, but with the curvature of his mouth, he became more friendly.

"Grandpa Yan, hello." Mo Ran called out politely.

Yan Guoqiang stood up and looked at Mo Ran, pressed Mo Ran's arm and said with a smile: "Yes, he is quite a tough young man, but he is more handsome."

Why does Mo Ran feel that Grandpa Yan said that he looks like a girl?
"Old Yan, do you have the demeanor I used to have?" Wang Jianguo said teasingly, and Mo Ran also found that today's grandpa is very happy. Is this Grandpa Yan an old friend?Never seen it before.

Yan Guoqiang laughed: "That gap is quite big."

"Grandpa, Grandpa Yan, sit down first, and I'll go cook some dishes."

"Mo Ran, don't bother, I'm leaving soon." Yan Guoqiang picked up the glass and drank it down.

Wang Jianguo also finished his drink, then stood up to see him off, and followed behind grandpa.

The two old men walked out the door and hugged, Yan Guoqiang walked towards the Audi outside the alley, and then left.

The grandfather and grandson walked into the room, Mo Ran cleared the table and asked curiously: "Grandpa, do you still know such a boss?"

Wang Jianguo took out a Futaba and lit it with a smile: "He is not a boss, but my comrade in arms. I haven't seen him for many, many years."

"Comrade-in-arms, that must be your leader, Grandpa." Mo Ran teased with a smile.

"Why, grandpa can't be his leader, I think I taught him how to hold the gun back then." Wang Jianguo said angrily, and was actually looked down upon by his grandson.

"Really, grandpa, don't brag, drink too much." Mo Ran put away the only white wine left on the wooden table, grandpa was reluctant to drink it on weekdays.

Wang Jianguo glared at Mo Ran, sighed and said: "Stinky boy, grandpa was very powerful back then, but grandpa didn't say anything, grandpa kept a low profile."

Moran: "..."

It seems that grandpa really drank too much and started talking nonsense.

"Then why didn't you see Grandpa Yan come to see you before?" Mo Ran asked curiously, sweeping the peanut shells on the ground.

Wang Jianguo sighed softly, and Wang Jianguo was silent about Mo Ran's question.

In fact, Wang Jianguo thought that Mo Ran was going to go to college, and there would be a lot of places that would need money at that time, so he took the certificate to do things, but after decades, he didn't know if he could still do it, but he still had to try. try.

As a result, the matter was not completed, and an old comrade-in-arms came instead. However, Yan Guoqiang said that this matter would definitely be accomplished, which made Wang Jianguo heave a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Grandpa didn't speak, Mo Ran didn't ask further, instead he asked: "Grandpa, did Grandpa Yan take part in the war just like you?"

"Well, the scar on his face was stabbed with a bayonet."


"Mo Ran, look at your eyes, I'll show you." Wang Jianguo rolled up his trousers, pointed to his thigh and said, "Back then, a bullet went into the left leg and shot into the right leg, look at the scar. .”

Mo Ran came over to take a closer look, and found that there was such a thing, and grandpa never mentioned it before.

"Look at this again, look at this, look at this." As Wang Jianguo pointed out one by one, Mo Ran was very surprised. They were all gunshot wounds. He felt that the situation at that time must have been tragic.

Mo Ran put down his grandfather's rolled-up trousers, looked at his elderly grandfather: "It must have hurt at that time."

Wang Jianguo patted Mo Ran's head: "Pain is nothing, grandpa was lucky to come back with a life, and Lao Yan, just the two of us, one of them is gone."

Seeing that Grandpa seemed to be lost in memory, his eyes were a little red, and Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "Grandpa, why don't you cook a pancake tonight and wrap it in pickled mustard, it must be delicious."

"Hahaha, listen to you." Wang Jianguo wiped the corner of his eyes and smiled.

Mo Ran stood up and walked into the kitchen next to him. It was the first time he saw his grandfather like this when he grew up so big.

Grandpa went to bed very early tonight, so Mo Ran naturally had to study hard, and his belief in letting grandpa live a good life in the future became stronger and stronger.

In the early morning, there was a rustling sound outside the house, and it was raining.

Mo Ran prepared breakfast for Grandpa and went out in a raincoat.

And Liangqian didn't expect it to rain today, so she started looking for a raincoat in the garage.

"Qianqian, it's raining, take the bus, or ask your father to take you to school." Ye Xueqing looked at her daughter who was looking for a raincoat, and said helplessly, it was raining and she had to ride a bicycle.

"I found it." Liangqian found a raincoat from a glove box, put it on happily, and waved to her mother: "I'm going to school."

"You child, ride slowly on rainy days." Ye Xueqing shouted towards her daughter's back.

Arriving at the gate of the community, Liangqian just saw Mo Ran riding over, and waved: "Mo Ran."

Mo Ran stopped beside Liangqian and said softly, "I thought you wouldn't be able to ride a bicycle today."

"Why can't I ride? I'm not a spoiled girl, and I can go through big winds and waves." Liangqian waved her arms, her body language was strong.

Mo Ran chuckled: "Come here."


"come over."

Liangqian shrank her body and said shyly, "It's not good, it's in front of my house, if you want to come here, change to a place where no one is around."

"What are you thinking about? I'll straighten your raincoat for you, but it's not covered." Mo Ran shook her head helplessly. Girls are not good at studying, what are they thinking about every day.

Liangqian's little face turned red immediately, and she patted Mo Ran angrily, you are the only one who likes to tease me.

But I still approached Mo Ran honestly and asked Mo Ran to help me fix my raincoat. I felt very happy. I used to worry about rainy days, but today I feel that the rain is really beautiful.

Helping Liangqian tidy up her raincoat, Mo Ran didn't forget to pat Liangqian's head.

"Mo Ran, you hit me on the head again!" Liang Qian groaned coquettishly, liking her head more and more.

Mo Ran shrugged and smiled: "It's getting late, otherwise we will both be late."

Thinking about it, the two hurried to school by bike.

At this time, in the guard room of the community, a 28-year-old man sighed softly, seeing the two of them tired and crooked every morning, can't he take care of the single comrades, looking at the porridge and fried dough sticks in front of him, he is full.

"Mo Ran, my dad paid you wages." On the way, Liangqian smiled happily, as if she was paying wages herself.

Mo Ran was taken aback: "So fast?"

"Yes, how much do you guess?"

"100 yuan?"

Liangqian shook her head: "No, guess again."

"One hundred twenty?"

"Oh, why don't you guess boldly."

"Okay, 200 yuan!" Mo Ran felt that 100 yuan a day should be the top.

Liangqian: "..."

"5000 yuan!"

"Ah!" Mo Ran couldn't help exclaiming after hearing this, there was actually 5000 yuan!

(End of this chapter)

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