I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 43 The Secret in the Note

Chapter 43 The Secret in the Note (Please recommend)

At this time, Liangqian stopped the car, opened her schoolbag, and there was a stack of hundred yuan bills inside.

Mo Ran was dumbfounded, he grew so big, he had never seen 5000 yuan put together, it felt so thick.

"I'll keep it for you first, and I'll give it to you after school in the afternoon." Liangqian hurriedly packed her schoolbag, don't drop it, it's a lot of money.

Seeing so much money, Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Did your father pay you a semester's salary at once?"

"No, just the two days on the weekend."

"What? 5000 yuan for two days?" Mo Ran was stunned.

"Well, the head teacher called my dad yesterday and praised me for improving my math. I can go to the provincial capital to participate in the math competition, so my dad will reward you well."

"It's too much, it's too much, just give 200 yuan." Mo Ran shook his head. Grandpa said that no matter how much you do, how much money you charge, you won't ask for too much.

Liangqian frowned: "Mo Ran, you deserve this. You helped me, and my dad will give you the corresponding reward. It's normal."

"But it's too much."

"Not much. Some tutors in the provincial capital charge by the hour, which is more expensive, and they are not as good as yours. Besides, the 5000 yuan can improve Grandpa's life." Yesterday Liangqian was thinking, Mo Ran definitely wouldn't want it, as expected, so he came up with a way to deal with it, and that was Mo Ran's grandfather.

Sure enough, when it came to grandpa, Mo Ran was silent.

After a while, Mo Ran said seriously: "Liangqian, then the five thousand is considered the salary for this semester, please tell uncle for me."

"Okay, okay, let me tell you."

After a pause, Liangqian suddenly approached Mo Ran slightly, rubbed her shoulders and said with a smile: "Mo Ran, so you want to take care of my whole weekend."

I didn't expect that Liangqian would tease herself today, she said with a smile, "I still want to keep you for the rest of my life."

A blush suddenly appeared on Liangqian's pretty face, her neck was dyed red, she was not Mo Ran's opponent at all, she hurriedly ran away, shouting that Mo Ran is a bad guy, too bad.

Looking at Liangqian who was running away, Mo Ran felt her heart beating a little faster. Fortunately, there was rain, which could cool down her face.

Recently when I was with the class monitor, my heartbeat accelerated inexplicably. The point is that when I was sleeping at night, I would suddenly think about it. It seemed that I was sick, and the illness was not serious.

Walking into the school, Mo Ran saw Liangqian putting away her bicycle, took a look at herself, then pretended she didn't see it, and ran away.

Liangqian is so upset now, as long as she is with Mo Ran, she feels that her heart rate has a problem, as if she is about to jump out, and last night she dreamed of Mo Ran, and he even kissed herself, oops... I am ashamed to death Already...

I just said that I want to be with myself for the rest of my life. Is this a confession?


Then you haven't replied to him yet, so you won't be angry?After taking a look at Mo Ran, she realized that Mo Ran was also looking at her, Liangqian panicked and quickly slipped away.

After locking the two bicycles, Mo Ran also walked towards the classroom.

"Brother Mo, good morning." Hao Lei watched Mo Ran walk in and greeted him warmly.

"Morning." Mo Ran put down her schoolbag, looked at Liangqian who was blushing a little, Liangqian knew that Mo Ran was looking at her, her heart beat faster, but she pretended to be calm.

Mo Ran also felt the same way, so he quickly adjusted his mentality, he wouldn't really like Liangqian, would he?
No way.

Mo Ran really wants to ask experienced people, what happens when you like someone, is it because you are restless, unfocused, want to see when you can't see it, and feel a little bit when you see it?

At this moment, the elbows of the two suddenly touched together.

Mo Ran and Liang Qian were startled. It could be seen that the hairs on their arms stood up, and it felt like an electric shock.

The cheeks of the two also began to gradually turn red, but Liangqian turned even redder, and Mo Ran just lay down on the desk, it was really embarrassing... to be made like this by a girl.

Xiao Fan who was sitting at the back became quieter, just flipping through the books, as if he had completely digested what happened yesterday.

The whole morning, Mo Ran and Liang Qian didn't say a word, for fear that they would lose control once they said it.

Until noon, the students all went to the cafeteria to eat, and the two silently took out the bento.

It's just that the two of them didn't seem to be thinking about the meal, even Mo Ran's eating speed was slow, but the heartbeat of the two was abnormally fast, as if they were waiting for something to happen.


"Mo Ran."

The two suddenly called out each other's name in unison.

"Talk first." Mo Ran said softly, calm on the surface, but in fact he was extremely nervous.

Liangqian bit her lip lightly, lowered her head slightly: "You speak first."

"I..." Mo Ran said to me, and then got stuck, while Liangqian's face was blushing, her hands were tightly clenched together, and she kept pinching, but she could see that Liangqian was very nervous.

After a while, Mo Ran didn't know what happened to me.

Liangqian said shyly at this time: "Let's finish writing and then show it to the other party, okay?"

"Okay." Mo Ran felt that this idea was good.

The two tore off a section of paper, then picked up a pen, and prepared to write their thoughts on the note.

It seemed a bit difficult to write this heartfelt words, both of them paused for a long time before writing.

Coincidentally, the speed is the same from the writing to the end. It can be seen that there are not many words, but it can express the inner thoughts.

After finishing writing, the two folded it slightly in half, and then glanced at each other.

It seems that they are a little afraid to meet each other's eyes, because they don't know if he (she) thinks the same.

Taking each other's notes, Mo Ran and Liang Qian were very nervous, and slowly opened each other's notes.

As the two saw each other's intentions, the breath they held was instantly released. At this moment, they both understood each other's intentions, and the tension gradually disappeared, replaced by a sense of stability.

At this time, Mo Ran and Liang Qian looked at each other, not as worried as before.

Liangqian carefully folded the note written by Mo Ran, as if she intended to keep it safe, this is evidence.

And Mo Ran also put away the note, which is a very commemorative note.

"I'm going to wash the dishes." Liangqian smiled joyfully, finally feeling relieved.

"I'll go with you." Mo Ran stood up and smiled slightly.

Liangqian put Mo Ran's lunch box away, and said solemnly: "Washing the dishes is a girl's job, so don't meddle in the girl's job."

"Then I'm really lucky." Mo Ran put her hands behind her head and smiled.

"Let's have some fun, hum~" As she said, Liangqian walked out of the classroom humming a cheerful tune.

Back in the classroom, Liangqian took out her English book and said, "Teach me."

"Why, didn't you concentrate in English class today?" Mo Ran chuckled, reaching out to pat Liangqian on the head.

Liangqian pouted and said angrily, "It's all your fault, I didn't pay attention to the class this morning."

(End of this chapter)

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