Chapter 50 The Games Begin

At this time, the head teacher came in and saw that Mo Ran's arm was actually tied with plaster, so he went over to inquire.

"Mo Ran, just take good care of your injuries, and don't participate in the sports meeting." Teacher Yang said with concern.

Mo Ran nodded helplessly.

"Xiao Fan, you can replace Mo Ran in the basketball game." Teacher Yang added, probably because he knew that Xiao Fan played basketball well, and now that Mo Ran was injured, Xiao Fan was naturally promoted from the substitute to the main player.

What Xiao Fan wanted was this opportunity, he stood up and said, "Mr. Yang, don't worry, I will definitely lead our class to get good grades."

"Very good, come on this afternoon." Teacher Yang smiled, turned and walked onto the podium.

When get out of class was over, Mo Ran, Hao Lei, Liu Yizhe, Wang Haibo, and Ding Liang were chatting in the corridor.

"Brother Mo, I won't play this basketball game anymore." Hao Lei said in a deep voice, helping Xiao Fan play, Hao Lei couldn't bear this anger.

Liu Yizhe was also harmed by Xiao Fan, and he said, "That's right, I won't fight either."

"Brother Mo, you won't fight anymore, and neither will we." Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and said seriously.

"Well, don't fight." Ding Liang said firmly.

Mo Ran sighed softly: "Although I can't play, you are not playing for me, but for our class."

"But Brother Mo, I just can't bear him yelling in front of you." Liu Yizhe was not convinced, if it hadn't been for Brother Mo's accident, there would be nothing about Xiao Fan in the sports meeting, and with Brother Mo around, Xiao Fan would be the second child of ten thousand years.

Mo Ran smiled and patted Liu Yizhe on the shoulder: "Compared to me personally, class honor is more important. Let him go once this year, and I'll just win it back next year."

Hao Lei slapped the wall fiercely: "Could it be that this kid is proud of me this year? I'm not reconciled!"

"Hao Lei, you are not helping Xiao Fan, but playing for our class and yourself." Mo Ran put his hand on Hao Lei's shoulder and said seriously.

No matter how unwilling it is, Xiao Fan's replacement for Mo Ran is still on the chopping block. Could it be that he wants to bring down Xiao Fan to discredit his class, and he can't afford to lose that person.

Anyway, this is an internal problem of class 704, and other classes cannot be allowed to see the joke.

Back in the classroom, Liangqian asked curiously, "What did they say?"

"It's okay." Mo Ran said softly.

Looking at Mo Ran's arm, Liangqian sighed in her heart, she couldn't participate in the sports meeting, and couldn't practice the piano, but Xiao Fan behind her took advantage of it.

It's all the fault of the bag snatcher, if it wasn't for him, Mo Ran wouldn't have been injured, and he stepped on those few feet lightly.

In the afternoon, the opening ceremony of the sports meeting will be held. The students who had lunch are walking around the playground, and Liangqian also went to prepare early.

At two o'clock, the sports meeting of No. [-] Middle School in the city officially started. Mo Ran stood in the distance and looked at Liangqian, and found that Liangqian danced really well. Don't look at Liangqian, you have to discuss it with Liangqian when you go back today, keep a low profile in the future, don't dance so well.

Looking at the boys around, their eyeballs were about to pop out.

With the end of the youth dance, the participating students from each class entered the arena, and there were basically more than ten people in each class.

Soon Class 704 appeared, with Xiao Fan raising the flag, followed by Hao Lei and others, and three female students, one of whom was Liang Qian, who was really heroic.

But Xiao Fan seemed to be more eye-catching, the girls immediately pointed their fingers, but it was Mo Ran who originally raised the flag.

The school leaders looked at these energetic teenagers and girls with smiles on their faces.

"Director Tang, who is the one holding the flag in class 704?" It was the principal Pang Qu who spoke, wearing a pair of thick glasses and having thick hair, not as sparse as the dean.

The teaching director Tang Zhuang glanced at it, and knew it instantly. After all, he only praised it last week, and said with a low smile, "Principal Pang, that is Xiao Fan, who reported the classmate who smoked last week."

"Oh, it's Xiao Fan...why don't you see Mo Ran?" Principal Pang asked suddenly.

The leaders around were taken aback for a moment, completely unaware of the principal's intentions.

The vice-principal standing next to her is a middle-aged woman named Ma Fangrong, who also wears glasses. She is relatively short, maybe not 160, but there is a majesty in her eyebrows. At this time, she said softly: "Principal Pang, listen Teacher Yang said that Mo Ran injured his arm and missed the sports meeting."

When Principal Pang heard this, he showed a slight disappointment: "These two male students have the same scores in the high school entrance examination, and I want to see their competition in sports, but it's a pity that classmate Mo Ran was injured."

"Principal Pang, as far as I know, Mo Ran's family conditions are not very good. There is only one grandfather with him. It is not easy to achieve such achievements."

After hearing this, Tang Zhuang smiled slightly and said, "Vice President Ma, I think there is something wrong with this statement. Xiao Fan's family background is superior, and it is really not easy to achieve such results."

The rhetoric of the two can be described as confronting each other.

"Director Tang, do you know what the composition of this year's senior high school entrance examination is?"

"Of course I know, my father." Tang Zhuang said calmly, and then frowned.

After hearing this, Pang Qu said lightly: "I also read Mo Ran's composition, and it's really not that good, maybe it's because I don't have a father."

"Principal Pang, I think Mo Ran is a good material. The English teacher and math teacher in their class have all reacted to it, and they have a high opinion of Mo Ran."

Tang Zhuang said softly after hearing this: "Vice President Ma, no matter how good the material is, if it is contaminated with bad habits, it will also learn bad habits. Such things are not uncommon."

"Okay, let's watch the midterm exam." Pang Qu said in a deep voice.

The two also stopped arguing after hearing this. This kind of thing happens often, anyway, they just don't like each other.

But today's quarrel seems to have a special object. The vice principal is optimistic about Mo Ran, director Tang is optimistic about Xiao Fan, and the principal said that he is watching the midterm exam, which is very meaningful.

After the ceremony, prepare for the basketball game, which starts at five o'clock.

The opponent I met today was Class 701 of the first year of high school. Mo Ran had already inquired about it, and the overall height was much shorter. The tallest was only 178. I don’t see their class practicing on weekdays. I am afraid that I have given up treatment long ago.

The five venues started the competition together, and there were a total of ten games, and the final was held on Friday after school, and the venue was the school's indoor basketball court.

Hao Lei said, fortunately, it was on Friday instead of rushing over the weekend.

The basketball court was soon filled with people, Mo Ran couldn't find Liang Qian, instead Liu Tian came to him and asked concerned: "What's wrong with your hand?"

"Unlucky, I fell down." Mo Ran said with a light smile.

"It's really unlucky to let Xiao Fan show off." Liu Tian looked at Xiao Fan who was warming up and said softly.

Mo Ran smiled without saying a word.

After a while, Liu Tian suddenly warned softly: "Be careful, I heard that Ma Yuankai will make small moves."

(End of this chapter)

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