I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 51 The Different Liangqian

Chapter 51 The Different Liangqian

After speaking, Liu Tian walked away, as if he didn't want others to see him.

And Mo Ran frowned after hearing this, is that Ma Yuankai still not giving up? !

"Mo Ran." Liangqian's voice came from not far away.

"Well, here we come."

"Don't stand in the crowd, it will hurt if you are touched by someone." Liangqian said and pulled Mo Ran out of the crowd.

Not to mention, I was hurt like this, Liangqian didn't care too much, she took care of herself meticulously, and even didn't let you do heavy work.

I remember being at home on Sunday, because there was no rice, and I was going to buy rice. Liangqian ran to buy rice in a hurry, and finally came back with [-] catties of rice. She looked like a woman.

On the key day, she was still wearing a skirt, a bit like a fairy carrying rice.

"Can you win?" Liangqian asked curiously. Although Mo Ran didn't play, as the squad leader, she still hopes to win. Of course, she doesn't want Xiao Fan to show off.

Mo Ran nodded and said, "I can win."

Liangqian held back her mouth, but actually she still had a bad idea in her heart, that is, if she lost, then Xiao Fan would lose his arrogance.

It seems a little difficult to just hope that Xiao Fan will lose.

The game started soon, led by Xiao Fan.

As Mo Ran guessed, this is a crushing game, or Xiao Fan's unique show.

As soon as he got the ball, Xiao Fan made a fast break and performed a series of fancy dunks, which made the girls around him scream.

Of course, Hao Lei couldn't understand Xiao Fan, so Xiao Fan dunked one, and Hao Lei followed, but Xiao Fan was always alone. Ding Liang and the others basically didn't pass the ball to Xiao Fan, and Xiao Fan was the same.

In the end, Class 704 won Class 701 with a big score. The wonderful performance of Xiao Fan and Hao Lei also made the surrounding students cheer, but Xiao Fan seemed to be even better.

After winning the game, Xiao Fan deliberately looked at Mo Ran and stretched out his index finger, indicating that this was only the first victory.

"It's so irritating!" Looking at Xiao Fan's arrogant action, Mo Ran was not angry, instead Liangqian puffed her cheeks, wishing she could rush up and kick her.

Mo Ran smiled lightly: "What's there to be angry about, they will lose soon if they continue like this."

"Will you lose?"

"Basketball is, after all, a multiplayer sport for five people."

Liangqian didn't know much about basketball either: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go home."

"Wait, watch another one."

"Okay." Of course Liangqian watched with Mo Ran, and Hao Lei and others who had finished the game also came to chat, but Mo Ran didn't say anything.

Xiao Fan returned home soon, and now he can be said to be the lone wolf of class 704.

Soon, class 503 of the third class of senior high school entered the field.

Mo Ran felt that they were the only opponents for him, because 503 of them belonged to the school basketball team in class 4, and they all beat him completely in terms of experience and tactics, and their average height was over 185.

Hao Lei and the others are really good players, but they don't have enough experience in teamwork. They are good at playing wild ball, but it is more difficult to meet these semi-professional players.

"They're all so tall." Liangqian exclaimed a little as she watched the boys from class 503 walk out.

Of course Hao Lei and the others were also watching them.

"Brother Mo, do you think we have a chance of winning?" Liu Yizhe asked suddenly.

Mo Ran chuckled: "Judging from your performance today, there is no [-]% chance of winning."

Hao Lei was dissatisfied and said triumphantly, "I don't believe it anymore."

"I didn't hit you, I'm afraid I can't even beat Class 507." Mo Ran patted Hao Lei on the shoulder to remind him.

Class 507 is Ma Yuankai's class. The other center of the school team is in the class, and Ma Yuankai is also a substitute, and there are three substitutes, which can almost be called the second team.

If Mo Ran leads the team, he thinks he can still win, but if they play like this, they definitely have no chance of winning.

The game started quickly, and the team from Class 503 didn't have those fancy dunks. They played steadily and easily, and they cooperated very well.

Hao Lei and the others watched, frowning tightly, as if they understood what Brother Mo said.

What others fight is cooperation, and what you fight is individual.

"I'm going back first, you guys practice hard." Mo Ran smiled slightly, and went home with Liangqian.

On the way home, Liangqian asked curiously, "Mo Ran, how long can we win?"

"According to the current elimination order, we should meet class 507 in the semi-finals on Thursday. If they don't cooperate, it will stop."

"It's good to stop, at least we reached the semi-finals."

Mo Ran reached out and tapped Liangqian on the head: "You are the class monitor, how could you have such thoughts, you shouldn't."

Liangqian pouted and rubbed her head: "Anyway, I just don't want to see Xiao Fan proud. It's obviously you who played today, so what's wrong with him, he even raised his index finger to you."

"Hahaha, it's good if you don't raise your middle finger." Mo Ran teased with a chuckle, causing Liangqian to roll her eyes.

Soon, the two turned right from the avenue into the small road, where they could take a shortcut to the community. The bag snatching incident a few days ago also happened here, because there are fewer people on this road.

Unfortunately, Mo Ran saw two yellow hairs, squatting on the side of the road smoking a cigarette, saw Mo Ran and Liang Qian riding over, and slowly stood up, with tattoos on their arms and necks.

Both Mo Ran and Liang Qian knew these two yellow hairs. When they were in the playground, these two yellow hairs followed Ma Yuankai.

What Mo Ran didn't expect was that Liu Tianlai reminded him before that he met him so soon.

"Liang..." Before Mo Ran finished speaking, Liang Qian beside her had already set up her bicycle and took off her schoolbag: "Mo Ran, help me carry my schoolbag, you are injured, leave it to me."

Seeing Liangqian's calm appearance, Mo Ran was a little lost in thought, and asked curiously, "Are you sure?"

Liangqian took off the rubber band on her wrist, tied it into a ponytail, looked back at Mo Ran and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate me, I have practiced anti-wolf Sanda."

Seeing Liangqian's enigmatic self-confidence, Mo Ran believed it a little bit. When she looked back and smiled just now, she felt that Liangqian was a bit cool.

As Liangqian walked out, the two huangmao immediately smiled flirtatiously, and one of them said with a smile: "Oh, let a girl come out, tsk tsk tsk, if this little face is scratched a little, my brother will feel bad."

"Indeed, let my brother pinch this tender face, the student brother hasn't played it yet." The other yellow-haired man showed greedy eyes, and when he laughed, he gritted his yellow teeth and even stretched out his black palm, He touched Liangqian's fair face.

Seeing this scene, Mo Ran frowned,
But Mo Ran's worry was a bit unnecessary.

I saw Liangqian suddenly grabbed Huang Mao's arm, and fell beautifully over his shoulder. The unsuspecting Huang Mao was slammed onto the concrete floor, and he groaned in pain.

Before Huang Mao could yell, Liangqian kicked Huang Mao's face and fainted instantly.

At this moment, Mo Ran was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground, is this still the squad leader?

(End of this chapter)

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