I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 52 Disadvantages discovered

Chapter 52 Disadvantages discovered (recommended)
From the set of movements just now, it can be seen that Liangqian has indeed practiced and is very proficient, especially the last kick, which can be described as clean and neat.

The other yellow-haired man was dumbfounded when he saw this, and he paused for a few seconds before reacting: "Fuck! How dare you fight back!" As he said that, he sprinted towards Liangqian and kicked her violently!

Standard street sprint kick people.

But Liang Qian didn't panic at all, a big windmill came to her right foot, and the sole of her shoe slapped Huang Mao hard on the face.

There was a muffled bang, and the yellow hair was directly turned to the ground, moaning in pain.

Huang Mao saw Liangqian was about to kick him, and immediately closed his eyes and shouted: "Eldest sister, I was wrong!"

Just after finishing speaking, Huang Mao felt a gust of wind blowing on his face, and slowly opened his eyes to see the soles of Liangqian's shoes.

Now high school female students, how can they fight so well, is there any mistake... Didn't Ma brother say it was easy?
"Get out!" Liangqian yelled coquettishly, blocking people and not asking about my Liangqian deeds.

Huang Mao was rolling and crawling, ran for more than ten meters and came back, as if remembering that he had a companion.

Mo Ran just stared blankly at Liangqian walking over with question marks all over her head.

"What are you looking at? It's not like I haven't seen it before." Liangqian's cold expression changed into a weak girl in seconds.

"You... where did you learn it?"

"Didn't I tell you, I have learned Sanda and won the championship of the youth group. Boys are not my opponents." Liangqian spread her hands, looking lonely like a master.

Mo Ran asked suspiciously, "Then why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm low-key, so I won't say anything. I'm not a flower in a greenhouse." Liangqian raised her chin proudly, and finally had a chance to show it in front of Mo Ran, thanks to the two yellow-haired boys just now.

Moran: "..."

"No, you seemed to be very scared of the robbery that day."

"Others are holding knives. How can I not be afraid? I don't always do this." Liangqian poked Mo Ran angrily. Although she showed her hands in front of Mo Ran, she felt that her weak personality had collapsed.

Mo Ran asked doubtfully again: "No, because of this incident, I went to and from school with you every day, so you are not afraid of them at all."

Liangqian was taken aback for a moment, as if the little secret in her heart had been discovered, she quickly explained: "Who said that, I'm a girl, so I'd be afraid too, besides, I'm only able to perform like this when you're by my side .”

Mo Ran thought about it too, patted Liangqian on the head and smiled: "Not bad, you played well, but there is a trick that can be modified to make it even more powerful."

"Really? How to change? You teach me quickly."

"For example, you just had a leg..."

For the rest of the journey, Mo Ran was teaching Liangqian how to quickly and effectively defeat the enemy with one blow, even if the opponent took a knife, she didn't have to be afraid, as if she wanted to make Liangqian a tough girl.

Of course, Mo Ran still hoped that Liangqian would have the ability to protect herself, so that if she wasn't by her side one day, she wouldn't have to be afraid of anything.

Tuesday's basketball game will continue at [-]:[-] p.m.

Mo Ran came to the basketball court as usual, but Liang Qian didn't come, but went to the playground to run laps. After the basketball game, it was just some sprints and long-distance races.

Liangqian seemed to be aiming for the championship, so she also started a crazy training recently. The other two female students in the class seemed to be infected, and they went for a run together today.

Today's opponent in basketball is Liu Tian's class in Class 601 of the second year of high school.

Class 601 came here to cheer. For class 601, today is a battle of revenge.

After all, last time he was abused by Mo Ran and others, but without Mo Ran, Liu Tian felt hopeful again!

And class 704 is basically here, even though they are defeated, they should not underestimate the enemy!

At this moment, Liu Tian was discussing tactics with four team members.

"Don't worry, today's class 704 is not that day." Liu Tian said in a deep voice.

"Brother Tian, ​​although Mo Ran didn't play, Xiao Fan and Hao Lei are still very good."

"Yes, my God."

Liu Tian frowned deeply and said: "The four of them can only cooperate with Mo Ran, but they will definitely not cooperate with Xiao Fan. This is the fatal weakness of Class 704. Whoever gets the ball will be double-teamed! Don't worry, Xiao Fan is dead." They don’t even know how to pass the ball.” As he spoke, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Liu Tian’s mouth.

At this time, Mo Ran also saw Liu Tian's smile and felt a little bit bad, so he looked at his class again.

Hao Lei was a group of four, and Xiao Fan stayed five meters away from them.

"That girl is not bad." Just as Mo Ran was meditating, a voice sounded in his ear, and Ma Yuankai suddenly stood beside him and said with a smile.

Mo Ran said in a low voice: "You advise you to stop and stop doing dangerous things."

"I won't accept it, you just wait." After speaking, Ma Yuankai left with a contemptuous smile.

Mo Ran took a deep breath, compared to Xiao Fan, this Ma Yuankai was the most annoying.

With a whistle, the game begins!
Mo Ran watched the game, his brows gradually wrinkled!
The reason is that this is not a crushing game. You must know that you took them to torture Class 601 before, and now it's just another person playing!

Why is this so? Everyone can probably see that after Xiao Fan got the ball, the opponent defended with two players.

The same is true for Hao Lei, even after Hao Lei got the ball, no one was watching Xiao Fan, because everyone knew that Hao Lei would definitely not pass the ball to Xiao Fan, so just be optimistic about the other three.

The number of times Hao Lei was robbed was as high as six times today, and even Xiao Fan had it twice.

If it weren't for the excellent skills of the two, I'm afraid they would have lost the game long ago, but even if they lead, there is only a gap of two points.

Mo Ran also saw Classes 503 and 507 in the third year of high school were also watching, but they left with playful smiles after not watching for long. They seemed to think that it must be a miracle for such a team to reach the semi-finals.

There are still more than ten seconds before the end, and the current score is 54 to 54, a tie!
The students in class 704 are in a hurry. They used to be crushed, but now they are beaten like this.

And the students in class 601 are going crazy, their revenge is about to succeed!
Xiao Fan looked at the opponent's basket, if he lost today!I'm afraid I can't hold my head up in front of Mo Ran!
I can't lose!
You can't lose even if you die!
Xiao Fan, who holds the ball in both hands, is guarded by two people. At this time, Hao Lei's position is perfect, as long as he passes the ball!

This game is won!

But Hao Lei is Mo Ran's man!

So this ball cannot be passed even if it is killed!
Without thinking too much, Xiao Fan bet on his dignity and jumped high, the two guards also jumped high, raised their hands, it's fine to block the shot, at least it can interfere!

The basketball flew out of Xiao Fan's hand and flew towards the basket.

All eyes were on the leaping basketball. Whether the dark horse of Class 704 would break or not depended on this ball!
(End of this chapter)

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