Chapter 56 Finals Begin

This news made Mo Ran and the others slightly taken aback, they were expelled from the school team, if this was written in the file, it would be a very disgraceful thing.

"It seems that there will be a trouble recently." Mo Ran was a little worried, not about himself, but about Liangqian.

"Brother Mo, should we talk to the head teacher?" Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and asked, then Ma Yuankai is not easy outside the school.

Mo Ran sighed softly: "It's useless, he won't give up."

As the class bell rang, the students walked into the classroom one after another. Liangqian thought that Mo Ran and the others were talking about today's finals, and asked curiously, "Is there any good way?"

"Just try your best." Mo Ran chuckled, it was very difficult to win, others trained together every day, but he didn't train for a few days at all.

Liangqian nodded silently, but still told her: "Your hand is not healed yet, so don't be rash."

"Then what if I'm reckless." Mo Ran asked jokingly.

"If you are reckless, I... I will... ignore you." After thinking for a long time, Liang Qian used this as a threat. In fact, she was still silent in the gentleness of yesterday, which made her not sleep well last night. It's really annoying... why are you so gentle.

Mo Ran whispered, "I'm so scared."

Liangqian could only pinch Mo Ran secretly, and it got worse and worse. Why didn't she find out before?

After school in the afternoon, the whole class walked towards the indoor basketball court.

At this time, in the indoor basketball court, students gradually poured in, and the players from both sides were also warming up by shooting.

Mo Ran stood on the sidelines of the court thinking, while Liang Qian and a few girls were preparing some mineral water and towels.

The school leaders were also present, and they all sat in the front row, watching the students warming up on the court.

"This year's basketball game is a bit unexpected. If I guess correctly, this is the first time a freshman class has entered the finals." Principal Pang Qu smiled lightly, seeming to have a strong interest in this game.

Vice-principal Ma Fangrong said gently: "It is indeed the first time that Lin Xiao failed to make it to the semi-finals in his first year of high school."

"Class 704 is really good in the finals, but the opponent is the school team. This is a difficult match." The dean Tang Zhuang sighed and said softly.

Pang Qu took a sip of mineral water and said, "Director Tang, you have to give me a little confidence. Maybe this year's freshmen can win the school team."

Tang Zhuang said that if he can beat me, he will eat shit.

But still complimented: "Indeed, after all, this year's class 704 is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"What do you think will happen if Mo Ran plays?" Pang Qu asked curiously.

This question is a bit sharp. Pangqu himself likes basketball, and he has high hopes for the school team, and just now he expressed his optimism for the freshman class.

It doesn't matter who wins.

Ma Fangrong said with a smile at this time: "Principal Pang, no matter who wins, they are all students of our No. [-] Middle School."

Tang Zhuang secretly cursed that this woman can talk, and the flattery was loud.

Pang Qu was also pleased after hearing this: "Indeed, I hope Lin Xiao can lead the basketball team to win the city championship once. We can't be the third in the No. [-] Middle School."

"Principal Pang, Lin Xiao is in very good form this year, and he will definitely win the championship this time." Tang Zhuang smiled flatteringly.

Pang Qu nodded silently: "Let's see, it's been a long time since I watched the school team play."

The leaders didn't hear the conversation, and their minds were all on the court. The opposing team had four main players and one substitute.

The overall height surpasses his own side, not to mention cooperation.

And the biggest advantage on my side is only personal strength, Xiao Fan is the most powerful, followed by Hao Lei.

Mo Ran is holding an ordinary draft paper in his hand, on which is the half-court diagram drawn by Mo Ran, if he has no advantage, then create an advantage by himself and fight against them!

As the game was about to start, Mo Ran called the five people to his side and began to arrange tactics. Even Xiao Fan was listening carefully at this time. At this time, personal grudges are out of the question, winning is the kingly way!

Liangqian looked at Mo Ran with a serious face. That serious look was really charming. I didn't expect that Mo Ran was not only good at basketball, but also in terms of organization and leadership. I felt that even if Mo Ran didn't play, as long as Mo Ran Natural tactics, there is hope of winning.

Let's look at the coach of class 503, that is the school's basketball coach, professional.

But class 503 seemed more relaxed, sitting on the seat and chatting, the coach also looked at class 704 jokingly, and felt that he still looked good.

"Do you remember everything?" Mo Ran asked in a deep voice, scanning the five people.

The five responded in a deep voice: "Remember!" After Xiao Fan finished speaking, he felt that he was an idiot, how could he be tempted.

Mo Ran stretched out his hand, Hao Lei put his hand on it, and finally it was Xiao Fan's turn.

Xiao Fan was hesitant, but in the end he put his hand on it and said, "I'm here to win."

"It's the same with us." Mo Ran said in a deep voice.

As the players from the two sides entered the field, cheers erupted immediately. As the principal, Pang Qu made a simple speech, wishing both sides to achieve good results.

At the opening jump ball, Mo Ran made adjustments and let Xiao Fan go.

After all, Xiao Fan's height and jumping are very good, and he has the hope of grabbing the ball. If he wants to win the ball, he must pay attention to the details.

As the physical education teacher tossed the ball, Xiao Fan's exaggerated bounce was displayed, and he immediately slapped the ball to Hao Lei, Liu Yizhe had already sprinted out.

Received Hao Lei's ball and scored an easy layup.

Seeing such a situation, Mo Ran chuckled lightly, it was all a negotiated result, but Class 503 didn't react.

The basketball court was quiet for a while, and the students in the first year of high school suddenly burst into cheers, and the students in the third year of high school looked puzzled, how could it be so easy for someone else to score a goal.

As the coach of the school team, he clapped his hands and shouted: "Be serious!"

Lin Xiao felt that he underestimated them a bit, and shouted in a deep voice: "Have you heard that, get serious! Don't let them score a goal next!"

Mo Ran sat on the sidelines and stared deeply. If the ball can be defended, the chances of winning will increase.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was holding the ball, and Xiao Fan defended Lin Xiao.

"Yesterday you were lucky, but today you don't have such luck." Lin Xiao said in a low voice.

Xiao Fan suddenly said softly: "It's not certain, maybe you will become the next Ma Yuankai."

Lin Xiao's face froze, he was distracted at this moment!

But Xiao Fan seized the opportunity and immediately took it out!
Nice steal.

It was too late for Lin Xiao to react, Xiao Fan soared into the air, dunking with a tomahawk.

The basket trembled slightly, Xiao Fan stepped on the ground firmly and said lightly: "This is called a basketball court."

The cheers almost lifted the basketball court up, which was too explosive, the freshmen dunked the old students at the beginning!The smell of gunpowder is full!

 Thanks brothers for the rewards, brothers can send some cool photos while showing affection, funny. JPG
(End of this chapter)

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