I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 57 The situation is not optimistic

Chapter 57 The situation is not optimistic

Class 503 in the third year of high school was a little lost in thought, why was it suddenly scored four points by others?what's the situation?
The headmaster clapped his hands and laughed, "It's been a long time since I saw such a high-quality dunk. This Xiao Fan is not bad. I'll let you off the hook at the beginning."

"It's really good. Xiao Fan is not only good at basketball, but also his academic performance is the same." Tang Zhuang smiled lowly.

While the leaders were talking, Ding Liang grabbed a rebound and immediately launched a counterattack.

The five used tactical moves. When Hao Lei ran to the basket, he was unmarked and easily scored a goal.

The students in the first year of high school were all confused. Is this the school team?Why does it feel like you are bullying others, the other party has no power to fight back.

Mo Ran clenched his fists, it was this rhythm that made them doubt their lives.

However, at this moment, the opponent called a timeout.

Mo Ran frowned. It was called a timeout so soon, much faster than expected. It seemed that the tactics had to be changed.

"They all played very well. Playing according to this rhythm, they started to get serious. We only have a 6-point lead, so take good care of it!" Mo Ran just wanted to be caught off guard and try to get a better lead, but who knew that the opponent would call so fast.

As the competition started, Class 503 really started to get serious, and the coach also made adjustments for Xiao Fan.

Sure enough, he scored two points steadily as soon as he entered the court, which disrupted the rhythm of Mo Ran's side. This was also expected by Mo Ran, after all, it was the opponent but the school team.

But in Mo Ran's words, the opponent can score, but you must also score. The six-point gap must be maintained.

At this moment, there were bursts of cheering in Mo Ran's ears.

"Come on, Class 704! Come on, Class 704! Come on, Class 704!"

Listening to the cheers of the students, the adrenaline of the five boys on the field soared, and Mo Ran's tactics emerged in their minds.

Different from the past, Mo Ran used Xiao Fan to attract firepower, and the other four moved according to the route designated by Mo Ran. At this time, the man defending Hao Lei fell, and Xiao Fan instantly found Hao Lei's position and passed the ball. Leap up and dunk with both hands.

With a bang, it went deep into the basket of Class 503 again.

Huge cheers erupted from the audience, and the students in the third class of senior high school were dumbfounded. Is this really a freshman in the first year of high school?Watching their games before, they didn't seem to be that good, why did they cooperate so well today!

Even the school team can't guard against anyone!

At this time, the coach of the school team stood by the court and clapped his hands and yelled: "Keep an eye on people! Keep an eye on people! Don't miss anyone!!!"

Originally, the coach didn't pay much attention to class 704, but from the attack just now, it can be seen that others came with tactics, not indiscriminately!

Principal Pang Qu chuckled and said, "I didn't expect freshmen to have such tactics. It's rare."

"Indeed, they can play such a ball without a coach. It's really amazing." Ma Fangrong also marveled from the bottom of her heart, looking at Mo Ran who was holding a draft by the side of the court.

Tang Zhuang didn't say anything this time, it was the fact, but he didn't feel that the freshman could win in his heart.

Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and sat down.

The start was very good, with a lot of momentum, but Mo Ran knew that this situation would not last long, because there was too little training on his side, even if they did a little training at noon today, they couldn't remember so much at once .

Soon, class 503 launched a counterattack. Lin Xiao asked his teammates to pick and roll and made a three-pointer with a side step. Xiao Fan could only watch the three-pointer hit the net.

Lin Xiao looked at Xiao Fan with a contemptuous smile, shook his index finger, turned and ran back to his own half.

Xiao Fan's gaze narrowed slightly, and he decided to return the favor!

The score can be said to be very tight.

However, Xiao Fan is not easy to provoke. Under the three 185 blocks, he actually played a difficult pull-bar. This kind of difficult movement is not something ordinary people can do, and he even played two plus one.

The atmosphere in the audience could be said to have reached a climax, even Mo Ran stood up and gave a drink.

After the free throw, the score is 11:5
Once again opened to 6 points gap.

Xiao Fan also shook his index finger towards Lin Xiao at this time, which can be said to have angered Lin Xiao!

With the end of the first quarter, the score was 24-21.
It is only three points ahead, which is also expected by Mo Ran.

Mo Ran changed his tactics again, and carefully talked with the five of them about what to pay attention to. Under this situation, Xiao Fan also listened carefully to Mo Ran's explanation. Now, personal grievances have to be put aside for the time being, and winning the game is the most important thing of.

With the start of the second quarter, Class 704 played more cleverly. Xiao Fan played feints to the fullest. When one man defended, I rushed, and when two came to defend, they passed. This made Class 503 very helpless.

In addition, the center forward of the school team is in class 507, so the advantage of rebounding has become less advantageous. Although Ding Liang is not tall enough, the big man is squeezed, and the position is stable.

And the score is gradually widening.

After the second quarter, the score was 44-35.
The freshmen in the first year of high school felt that they could win the game.

Liang Qian even asked Mo Ran excitedly: "Can we win?"

"It's hard to say." Mo Ran said in a low voice, the second half was the crucial game to decide the outcome.

When Hao Lei walked down, he smiled at Mo Ran and said, "Brother Mo, this school team is not right."

"Indeed." Xiao Fan took the towel from the female classmate and wiped off his sweat.

Holding the draft book, Mo Ran said in a deep voice: "Don't underestimate the enemy, the second half is the key, your physical strength is almost unable to keep up, take a good rest."

In the first half, the five players ran very aggressively, so the physical consumption was higher than that of the opponent. If they still run like that in the second half, I'm afraid it won't work.

Mo Ran wanted to replace Xiao Fan and Hao Lei in the second half to rest for a few minutes, but if they leave the field, the advantage will be lost in an instant.

So the two of them have to play and stand up.

With the beginning of the third quarter, what Mo Ran was worried about happened, and the physical strength of the five gradually failed to keep up.

Mo Ran could only use a timeout to let them take a breather, and Mo Ran found that class 503 started to make small moves, and Wang Haibo's glasses were thrown out and torn apart.

There was no other way, Mo Ran had no choice but to switch, Liu Yizhe's nose was hit hard by the opponent's elbow, and blood spattered everywhere.

At the end of the third quarter, the score had been evened, and Xiao Fan was almost exhausted, panting heavily.

"Damn Gan, you're playing dirty!" Hao Lei was furious. He originally thought that Xiao Fan was bad enough, but he didn't expect that there was something worse.

Mo Ran said in a deep voice: "Be careful, don't get hurt!"

"I'll go talk to the teacher in charge! They're playing tricks!" Liang Qian couldn't stand it anymore. This is not playing basketball, it's beating people.

"Squad leader, there's no need for that, it's just like playing basketball." Xiao Fan wiped his sweat and said in a deep voice.

Liangqian looked at Mo Ran, so she didn't listen to Xiao Fan.

Mo Ran whispered: "It's useless to say it, this is a "normal physical confrontation"."

(End of this chapter)

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