I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 59 Shouldn't be directed at us

Chapter 59 Shouldn't be directed at us (recommendation please)

"Thank you Brother Ma." The group of yellow, green and red hair shouted excitedly, today's job is easy.

Ma Yuankai took a deep breath, if you don't succeed today, you will be benevolent!

"set off!"

With a wave of his hand, Ma Yuankai led a group of people to leave, and the place they chose was also the road with few people!

Today, not only Ma Yuankai wants to block Mo Ran, but also a group of people want to block Mo Ran!
In the dark alley, there stood seven or eight thin men, all around 25, holding iron rods and so on.

"Brother Sereng, I have been observing for a few days, that kid will go this way after school."

Brother Xileng looks very fierce, with a scar on his cheek, smoking a cigarette silently and said: "That kid sent our brother Gao Leng to prison, no matter what happens today, let him know what will happen if he meddles in other people's business."

"Listen, I will interrupt your hands and feet!" Brother Xileng yelled at his younger brother.

"Yes! Brother Sereng!"

"After the matter is completed, Muhuang bathing hall!"

When the younger brothers heard it, they immediately shouted: "Brother Xileng is so powerful!"

It seems that the business of Muhuang Bathing Hall will be very good today.

At this time, Mo Ran was unchaining his bicycle, and Liang Qian beside him was unhappy.

"Okay, your little mouth is about to hang an oil bottle." Mo Ran couldn't help but tease.

Liangqian said angrily: "We were leading by so many points, and we were almost winning. I'm so mad..."

"Let's go, I'll win you a championship next year." Mo Ran chuckled lightly, this year is a short time, and a few people have a bad relationship with Xiao Fan, so they don't have much time to practice tactics, but they will definitely win a championship next year, what a pity Not from Lin Xiao's side to win the championship.

Liang Qian asked curiously: "Mo Ran, you can also join the school team, and you can help No. [-] Middle School win the championship."

"I don't want to go." Mo Ran directly refused.

Liangqian thinks about it too, the school team's methods are too bad.

Liang Qian agreed, "Well, let's not go."

"You're going to compete next week. You have to keep your spirits up on the weekend and win me some championships." Mo Ran chuckled.

Liangqian patted her chest and said triumphantly, "Don't worry, I'll take the championship you didn't win~"

"Yes, this is my girl."

Liangqian: "..."

When Mo Ran said this, Liangqian blushed in an instant. She used a gentle offensive yesterday and today used such a domineering style. Who can bear it~
"Hmph, you are my boy~"

Moran: "..."

The displeasure caused by the loss seemed to disappear gradually, and the mood gradually improved. The two rode their bicycles and chatted all the way home, as if they had endless topics to talk about.

As usual, Mo Ran and Liang Qian turned into the path.

When Ma Yuankai and the others hiding beside saw Mo Ran and Liang Qian appearing, they immediately lifted their spirits!
"Brothers, people are coming! Go!" Ma Yuankai swung an iron rod and led more than ten people to chase after Mo Ran!
When Mo Ran turned his head and saw Ma Yuankai's ferocious face, his expression became solemn.

"Liangqian, ride fast!"

Looking back, Liangqian was startled, and hurried to ride!
However, seven or eight men suddenly appeared in front of them!

Both Mo Ran and Liang Qian were taken aback for a moment.

And of course Ma Yuankai!
She never expected that she would fall into Mo Ran's trap!Arrange people to wait here early!
It's a pity that you have fewer people!

"Brothers! Let's go! If you win the game, you'll have a good time tonight!" Ma Yuankai shouted angrily.

Brother Xileng was smoking a cigarette silently, looking at Mo Ran and Liangqian who were riding bicycles, he didn't expect them to bring someone here!
Really underestimated these students.

Brother Sereng threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with his shiny leather shoes: "Brothers, kill them!"

Seven or eight men rushed up immediately.

This state gave Mo Ran and Liangqian a chill, and Mo Ran looked at the alley not far away: "Liangqian, come with me!"


Mo Ran immediately turned into a small alley, which led to the main road outside. The two of them smoothly turned into the small alley and pedaled their bicycles crazily.

When I came to the main road, I looked back and saw that no one followed.

The two looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

"Mo Ran, what do they mean?" Liang Qian asked curiously.

Mo Ran thought about it carefully, and said seriously: "It should not be aimed at us."

"It's really scary." Liangqian showed a delicate appearance, and even trembled a little.

"Yeah, in the past three years of high school, we have to go to and from school together."

Hearing Mo Ran's words, Liangqian shyly asked softly, "What about the university?"

"University, let's live together."

"Mo Ran! I want to study hard with you, but you actually want to live with me, it's so bad~" Liangqian blushed like a pig's liver, and hurriedly stepped on a bicycle to stay away from the bad guys~
Looking at the angry Liangqian, Mo Ran smiled and said, "What, are you angry?"

"Hmph~ Mo Ran, you are so bad!"

"I never said I'm fine." Mo Ran laughed out loud, Liangqian was so funny.

"Anyway...Anyway, we can't be so bad in the future, be serious, and don't think about that... cohabitation." Liangqian held back her shyness and taught Mo Ran hard.

Mo Ran's face was calm: "I didn't say that I want to live together now, it looks like you are nervous."

"I can't think about it in the future!" Liangqian snorted tenderly.

Mo Ran suddenly sighed softly, and said sadly: "So Liangqian, you don't plan to live with me in the future, I know."

When Liangqian heard what Mo Ran said, she quickly explained: "Ah, that's not the case, I mean cohabitation is not allowed."

"How can we live together if we don't live together? I understand what you mean."

"Mo Ran, no, I think we are too young to live together..." Liangqian felt that Mo Ran was about to leave her, she became anxious, and pulled Mo Ran's sleeve to explain.

Seeing that Liangqian's big eyes were filled with mist, Mo Ran suddenly smiled and pinched Liangqian's face: "Idiot, I'm just kidding you, you still take it seriously."

Liangqian was taken aback, that grievance, punching and kicking Mo Ran directly, was too bullying.

I was scared to cry by him.

After coaxing her all the way to the gate of the community, she finally coaxed Liangqian.

"I'll come to your house tomorrow, don't run away, it's not safe on the road." Mo Ran was still worried, Liangqian's three-legged cat's kung fu was okay for one or two cats, but if there were too many, it would be useless.

"Well, in order to punish you for scaring me, tomorrow's homework will be reduced by half."

Mo Ran chuckled and said, "Okay, no problem."

"Agreed so easily?" Liang Qian narrowed her eyes and looked at Mo Ran.

"Almost made my girl cry, you should."

"Hmph, I'm ashamed to say, heh heh~"

Seeing Liangqian humming all the way into the community, Mo Ran smiled and rode home.

The man in the guard room sighed softly. He really missed himself when he was young. If he had bravely confessed his love back then, he might not be single until now.

 Thank you brothers for your rewards, thank you~ I beg... All kinds of requests, it's good to be in the top ten...
(End of this chapter)

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