Chapter 60
For two days on the weekend, Mo Ran helped Liangqian with her homework, and her English has also improved a lot. After the sports meeting, the midterm exam will be coming soon. Liangqian is going to be in the top three of the whole grade, so she is working extra hard.

Of course, she would act like a baby from time to time, telling Mo Ran not to be so aggressive, so why not be gentle.

Liangqian's parents are still as enthusiastic as ever, unaware that they are having an underground relationship.

on Monday.

When Mo Ran and Liang Qian came to school together, a different voice came from their ears.

"Xiao Fan from class 704 is really good, he was just a little bit short of winning the championship."

"Yeah, those in class 503 are too despicable, otherwise our freshmen would win the championship!"

"Anyway, I think Xiao Fan is the champion, so handsome, no worse than the school team."

When Liangqian heard the voices coming from her ears, it was all about Xiao Fan, all kinds of compliments made her feel unbalanced.

"Obviously your tactics are working, why don't people praise you." Liangqian objected.

Mo Ran didn't care, and chuckled lightly: "This is also normal. Looking at the NBA, you only remember the players, and you rarely know the coaches."

"Anyway, I think you are the hero, and I don't accept any rebuttals." Liangqian held back her mouth, the more she heard others talking about Xiao Fan, the more upset she felt.

Maybe our family's Mo Ran will play and win the championship directly~
When Mo Ran walked into the classroom, Hao Lei rushed over and exclaimed: "Brother Mo, let me tell you something, you never thought of it."

Mo Ran put down his schoolbag and asked, "What's wrong?"

"That Ma Yuankai from class 507 has transferred!"

"Transfer?" She paused, remembering what happened last Friday.

"No, I also heard that he fought with others outside the school, and he was sent to the hospital, which is miserable."

Mo Ran and Liang Qian were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect that they really fought that afternoon, they were just curious, why did they fight?

Regarding Ma Yuankai's sudden transfer of schools, Mo Ran felt pretty good, at least no one would bother him.

At this time Xiao Fan walked into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, as usual, he didn't speak, very cold.

However, all the female students in the class cast different eyes, Xiao Fan's hard work in the finals was really charming.

If it was changed to before, Hao Lei would definitely have to complete a few sentences, but now he just glanced at it and didn't say anything.

However, a girl suddenly appeared at the back door of the classroom and took a peek. When she saw Xiao Fan, she quickly ran to Xiao Fan's side, put a pink letter on Xiao Fan's desk, and blushed run away.

The corners of Hao Lei's mouth twitched slightly, and he played well, why didn't any girl give him a love letter.

Seeing this, Liangqian was convinced. In the past, Mo Ran was the only one who received love letters, but now they are all transferred to Xiao Fan's side. Mo Ran is no longer outstanding. She doubts that these girls have a problem with their vision, and Mo Ran should be the one.

No... I can't give it to Mo Ran, Mo Ran is mine.

In the morning alone, three girls came to give love letters, even after class.

It is enough to prove that Xiao Fan is now a man of the school.

And receiving so many love letters, Xiao Fan was naturally very happy, and even sat in the back and said: "There are so many love letters, I don't know which one to choose."

These words were obviously meant for Mo Ran, although the squad leader likes you, but when it comes to who is the most popular, it must be me, Xiao Fan!
This situation will only intensify!
Among the running events, there are five in total.


Every afternoon there is a champion.

Xiao Fan ran so desperately that he won the championship in the first three events, and was only the runner-up in the last two events.

Although he didn't win a grand slam, Xiao Fan became more and more famous in the school. He was recognized as a school grassroots. Not only did he have good academic performance, but he was also excellent in sports. The limelight instantly overwhelmed Mo Ran.

No one even talks about Mo Ran now.

And Liangqian's results were also good, winning the 800-meter women's championship, one runner-up, and three third runner-ups.

But Liangqian was not satisfied with her results, saying that if she trained for a while, she would definitely win more championships, and even uttered bold words in front of Mo Ran that she would definitely win a Grand Slam in the next autumn sports meeting.

Mo Ran was very relieved, maybe she liked Liangqian's unyielding spirit, no matter what Liangqian did, she said she wanted to surpass herself.

"Why are you laughing, I can't surpass you." Liangqian saw Mo Ran's contemptuous smile, and started to move.

Mo Ran grabbed Liangqian's wrist: "Is that why you want to surpass me?"

"Of course, I don't want to be a vase by your side."

After hearing this, Mo Ran chuckled: "I didn't say you are a vase."

"Then you're so powerful, I'm sure I can't let you down, let's see if I can destroy your prestige first in this midterm exam."

"So confident, what if you lose."

Liangqian seemed a little shy after hearing this, and said in a low voice, "Then what do you think?"

"Is it all right?" Mo Ran asked softly.

Being teased by Mo Ran, Liangqian pinched her face hard: "If my parents hear about it, they will definitely kick you out."

"Oh, yes, uncles and aunts won't agree." Mo Ran sighed from the bottom of her heart, the gap between her home and Liangqian's home is too big, and the gap will become bigger and bigger.

Liangqian seemed to feel Mo Ran's worry, and comforted her, "No, they will agree when we grow up."

"I want to grow up so much."

Seeing Mo Ran showing that smile again, Liang Qian puffed her cheeks, every time you speak for you, you have to laugh at me.

But Mo Ran scanned Liang Qian again at this time, and said seriously: "I think you are already very big."

Liangqian: "..."

If you don't clean up Mo Ran, the villain, you will definitely be bullied in the future.

When they heard footsteps coming from the stairs, Mo Ran and Liang Qian quickly sat up straight, looking like they were studying hard.

It's embarrassing to bully someone else's daughter in someone else's house.

"Qianqian, Mo Ran, take a break and eat some fruit first." Ye Xueqing came over with a fruit plate, all of which had been peeled.

"Thank you, Aunt Ye."

Liangqian said solemnly, "Mom, I'm doing a question right now."

"Okay, okay, mom interrupted you to do the questions." Ye Xueqing smiled softly and left quickly.

After Ye Xueqing left for a long time, Mo Ran said in a low voice: "I found out that I have led you to ruin."

Liangqian looked up at Mo Ran, and said softly, "If it wasn't for you, I would have turned into a bad girl."

"Thank you. With your presence, my world is much brighter." Mo Ran also sighed from the heart. After this month, I feel that life has begun to become better, and it all started when Liangqian sat by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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