Chapter 61

After hearing this, Liangqian smiled slightly and said, "Now you know the importance of me, let's see if you still can't drive me away." At this time, Liangqian remembered the beginning, and Mo Ran mercilessly drove herself away.

"No, I will always take you by my side, learn together, grow together, start a business together..."

Liangqian opened her big watery eyes, she was very happy, but she wanted to hear what happened next, but she didn't say anything.

"What else?" Liangqian asked proactively.

"What else?" Moran asked pretending to be stupid.

"Quickly tell me~ I want to hear." Liangqian dangled Mo Ran's sleeve while pouted.

Mo Ran chuckled and said into Liangqian's ear, "Also, let's start a family together."

Hearing Mo Ran's words, Liangqian immediately covered her face and smirked, so embarrassing~
After a while, Mo Ran saw that Liangqian was still giggling, so she couldn't help but tapped her head: "Stop laughing, do the questions quickly."

"Oh, it's not good to make people happy." Liangqian rubbed her head and said aggrievedly.

"In the future, I will have a lot of time to be happy and study hard."

"Hmph~" When I get better in my studies, I will teach you fiercely, so that you can experience the strict teacher Liang.

On Monday morning, the two rode to school together, and Mo Ran joked: "I'm going to go on stage to receive the award later, are you nervous?"

For the students who won the prizes in the sports meeting, certificates of merit will be awarded at today's flag-raising ceremony.

"A little bit." Liang Qian's tone was a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Mo Ran comforted: "Okay, don't be so strict with yourself, it's already very good."

"No, obviously you will be able to accept the award on stage today." Liang Qian sighed softly, if it wasn't for the man who robbed, Mo Ran would be the man of the school, and Xiao Fan was so foreign last week.

"Still struggling with this matter, put your mind in balance."

"It's out of balance."

"Then this weekend, let's go for a walk together, didn't we say we were going to climb a mountain last time?"

"Really?" Liangqian immediately became happy when she heard that she was going to go out for a walk.

"Of course, the midterm exam is coming soon, so let's treat it as the last relaxation."

"Then it's a deal, don't go back on your word, or I'll get angry and ignore you for a day~"

"I'm afraid."

"That's right." Liang Qian raised her chin slightly and said proudly.

After coming to the class, Mo Ran and Liang Qian continued to listen to the students talking about Xiao Fan, feeling like they were going to lift Xiao Fan to the sky.

Mo Ran was indifferent, but Liang Qian didn't have such a good attitude, she actually stood up and asked the students to review quietly, the reason was that the mid-term exam was coming soon.

Mo Ran is very helpless.

Not long after, the whole class began to gather at the playground.

At this time, Xiao Fan moved to Mo Ran's side, and said softly: "I said before, I can win the championship, I am better than you!"

"Yeah." Mo Ran simply hummed, which made Xiao Fan uneasy: "Even if you participate, I can beat you!"


Xiao Fan's whole body is not feeling well, he worked his life to win the championship, is that your reaction?

"I'm the one with the most championships in the school now! Next year's autumn sports meeting, you don't want to break your limbs again, come to the competition with dignity!"


Hearing that Mo Ran agreed, Xiao Fan showed a confident smile: "I will let you taste the taste of failure." After speaking, he strode forward.

Mo Ran sighed softly, this Xiao Fan's desire to win is really too strong, and when the time comes to fail, the blow will be even greater.

On the playground, after the flag-raising ceremony was held, the principal began to speak.

At this time, Pang Qu said with a happy smile: "Students, this year's autumn sports meeting has come to a successful conclusion. All classes performed very well in the sports meeting, and Class 704 in the first year of senior high school was even better, winning the runner-up in the basketball game. It’s also the first-ever freshman class to reach the finals.”

"In addition to basketball, Liangqian from Class 704 won the women's 800-meter championship, and Xiao Fan won three championships in one fell swoop, and he also performed amazingly in basketball games. I hope that Xiao Fan can compete in the upcoming Get better grades in the upcoming midterm exam!"

The audience immediately burst into warm applause, and Xiao Fan's name was imprinted in the minds of every student.

I don't think this guy is too strong.

And Xiao Fan stood in the team with a victor's smile on his lips. No matter how powerful Mo Ran was, he who didn't participate in any event was covered by his own light. Now the whole school only knows my name, Xiao Fan!

Who is Moran?

all forgotten.

The students who won the ranking came to the stage to accept the award one after another. Xiao Fanna who came on the stage was full of energy, feeling like he finally won!
This feeling is simply too cool!It even feels like the air is filled with the taste of victory, which is intoxicating.

Xiao Fan walked down the stage with several certificates of merit, and deliberately raised them in front of Mo Ran. This is the pride of the winners, and the losers can only bear it silently, just like the few times I did before, now you can taste it too.

Even if Liangqian stepped down with a certificate at this time, she was a little unhappy.

Just when everyone thought the flag-raising ceremony was over, Pang Qu continued: "Students, apart from awarding awards, there is one more thing to say today."

After finishing speaking, Pang Qu took a few steps back, only to see a middle-aged man in a police uniform walking onto the stage.

The students all looked puzzled, what is the situation?
"Everyone, let me introduce myself first. I am the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Kong Wenzheng."

When all the students heard this, they immediately showed a hint of surprise. Why did the director come to the school?Could it be that someone committed a crime?
It's kind of scary.

Mo Ran and Liang Qian immediately remembered about Ma Yuankai. Didn't Hao Lei say that he got into a hospital after a fight?Could it be this thing?

"When I came to No. [-] Middle School today, I was very happy to see the energetic students. Here, I would like to praise one student. His name is Mo Ran."

Moran? ? ?

The students were even more confused. Why did such a great leader suddenly praise Mo Ran?
After Xiao Fan heard it, his head was buzzing, what's going on!Why did you suddenly praise Mo Ran?He didn't do anything!Why did such a big leader praise Mo Ran!

At this time, Liangqian's eyes gradually brightened, it turned out to be that matter!

Mo Ran also remembered it at this time. He never expected that the director would come to the school, and he thought that the matter would just pass away.

"Student Mo Ran, come to the stage." Kong Wenzheng looked at the crowd and smiled.

Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect that he would still be on stage today, I'm afraid classmate Xiao Fan would be unhappy again.

As Mo Ran stepped onto the stage, all the teachers and students were still very curious. One was the director of the city bureau, and the other was an ordinary student. There seemed to be no intersection between them.

Looking at Mo Ran's hanging arm, Kong Wenzheng gradually became serious, and asked everyone, "Everyone, do you know why Mo Ran's arm was injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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