I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 64 I finally went to climb the mountain

Chapter 64 I finally went to climb the mountain (please recommend)

After Liangqian came home in the evening, she couldn't wait to tell her parents about Mo Ran, especially when the director of the city bureau came to praise her. Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing were a little surprised when they heard it. They didn't expect Mo Ran's actions this time to shock her. PUC.

Her impression of Mo Ran is also getting better and better, and Liang Qian seems to have achieved her small goal.

Going out to barbecue with classmates on weekends, Liangliang didn't stop me, I hope Liangqian will not lag behind in learning and socializing.

Liangqian had no choice but to wait for the next opportunity to go on a date with Mo Ran alone, probably after the midterm exam.

What a pity.

On the other side, Mo Ran also returned home and told his grandpa what happened today, and took out the 1 yuan bonus.

Wang Jianguo was very pleased when he heard that, Mo Ran was an upright child.

"Mo Ran, grandpa, don't worry, the subsidy has been completed. From now on, grandpa can get more than 2000 subsidy every month, and your pressure will be much less." Wang Jianguo smiled slightly, and Mo Ran was dragged down by himself before. .

"It's done so quickly?" Mo Ran was puzzled.

Wang Jianguo nodded: "Do you still remember that Grandpa Yan last time? He helped."

"Is Grandpa Yan so powerful?"

"I don't know very well. Save all the money so that you can use it when you go to college in the future." Wang Jianguo can finally breathe a sigh of relief, the money is really timely.

"Well, Grandpa Yan has helped us so much, should we buy something to thank you?"

"Indeed, next time he comes, you can buy a bottle of good wine, and he will take a sip."

"Okay, then I'll buy it first."

"Yes, I'm really happy today. I have to drink the bottle of wine you bought last time." Said, Wang Jianguo opened the wooden cabinet next to him and took out a bottle of Jiannanchun.

Mo Ran still reminded carefully: "Grandpa, drink less."

"Yes, just three cups."

Mo Ran chuckled, turned around and went to the kitchen to cook.

In the early morning of Saturday, the weather was already chilly, and now she had to wear a coat. Although she was not dating Mo Ran alone, Liangqian also dressed up carefully today, which made Mo Ran take a second look.

Liangqian used to wear skirts or loose fits, but today she actually wears jeans. Her legs are so long, she probably exercises a lot on weekdays, and her buttocks are raised.

"What are you looking at? I haven't seen it." Liangqian felt shy after being glanced at by Mo Ran.

"Ah, I didn't see anything." Mo Ran looked away and forced an explanation, feeling a little embarrassed, every time he went out with Liang Qian, he would be fascinated by Liang Qian.

Liangqian was secretly delighted, and liked to see Mo Ran's guilty little face, which was a little cute.

"Let's go, Hao Lei and the others are probably already here."

"it is good."

The two headed to the school with four bags in hand. At the school gate, the four of Hao Lei had already arrived.

When they saw the different monitors, they were a little dazed.

I didn't expect the monitor to have such a good figure. I didn't notice it when I was wearing a school uniform before!

Mo Ran coughed lightly: "What are you looking at, help me get things."

Seeing Mo Ran's expression, Liang Qian snickered, she was really jealous.

"I didn't expect Mrs. Mo to be so pretty." Hao Lei said in admiration while holding a bag.

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses, and said seriously: "In ancient times, there was Diaochan Xishi, and now there is Liangqian, the class leader."

"Pretty." Ding Liang smiled innocently.

Liangqian was almost embarrassed by the praise: "Don't say that, I feel very normal."

"They were joking, you take it seriously." Mo Ran said abruptly.

Originally Liangqian was still very shy, but when she heard Mo Ran's words, she immediately made a small fist.

"Brother Mo, you have to be careful, don't make the squad leader unhappy, and be careful not to be beaten up." Liu Yizhe joked after taking a bag of ingredients.

Mo Ran chuckled and said, "Liangqian is actually very gentle."

"Yoho~ Look at Brother Mo's expression, my God, I'm so sour." Hao Lei took the lead in booing, really sour.

Liangqian slapped Mo Ran lightly, and at the school gate, if someone overheard, we wouldn't be able to clean up.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's start early." Mo Ran shook his head and smiled.

"Let's go climb the mountain." Hao Lei yelled, like a child being let go.

The six of them boarded the No. 18 bus. This bus can go directly to the gate of Langshan, which is very convenient.

There were no people on the 18 bus in the early morning, and all six people sat in the back. Of course, Mo Ran and Liang Qian were sitting together.

Maybe it was because she was too excited last night, she fell asleep after shaking Liangqian.

As the bus bumped, Liangqian's head was about to touch the glass. Fortunately, Mo Ran was quick to protect Liangqian's head, and then pressed it on her shoulder. Anyway, there were only Hao Lei and the others in the car.

After Hao Lei and others sitting in the back watched, they couldn't take it anymore, and didn't bring such hurtful things.

Langshan in Qingyang City is open, and there is no need to charge tickets, but there is a barbecue station in Langshan, and you need to pay for these.

When the six people arrived, there were not many people at the gate of Langshan, but after 9 o'clock, there were more people. After all, today is the weekend.

After getting out of the car, Liangqian stretched her waist, recalling that she fell asleep on Mo Ran's shoulder just now, she felt beautiful.

"Sister Mo, I think we are redundant." Hao Lei exaggerated, clutching his chest.

Liangqian covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: "Be more confident and get rid of the feeling."

"Hahaha..." Mo Ran, Liu Yizhe and others couldn't help laughing.

"You guys are too bullying, I want to find a girl to date." Hao Lei is very envious, a man with a talent and a woman's appearance, a match made in heaven.

Liu Yizhe joked: "Brother Lei, I think your tablemate is pretty good."

"Fuck you, she still draws a [-]-point line with me, making me look like I'm in elementary school." Hao Lei rolled his eyes, really couldn't stand it.

Liangqian smiled and said, "Really? I hear you two arguing every day."

"Squad leader, I'm not like you and Brother Mo, we just fell in love after arguing."

Mo Ran and Liang Qian were taken aback, faltering.

"By the way, Brother Mo, who of you confessed first?" Ding Liang suddenly asked curiously.

Wang Haibo poked Ding Liang, you fool, you also ask about this kind of gossip.

Okay, but everyone is curious.

Following Ding Liang's question, Mo Ran and Liang Qian hesitated.

Because...it seems...there has never been a verbal confession.

Seeing this, Liu Yizhe smiled and said, "Ding Liang, why is such a big man so gossip?"

Ding Liang scratched the back of his head embarrassingly and smiled: "Actually, I was just curious. I heard from my sister yesterday that when a boy and a girl date, whoever confesses first will lose."

When Mo Ran and Liang Qian heard this, they were very puzzled.

"What kind of crooked reasoning are you talking about? It's too unreliable." Hao Lei said with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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