I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 65 Two people's small thoughts

Chapter 65 Two people's careful thinking (please recommend)
Ding Liang said embarrassedly: "I don't know, as far as my sister said, the person who likes the other party seems to be at a disadvantage."

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and said solemnly: "From the perspective of love, in a relationship, there is always one party who pays more. This is normal, but it has nothing to do with winning or losing. It's because girls watch too many idol dramas. Wonderful thought."

"Hai Bo's words are reasonable, I agree." Hao Lei and Liu Yizhe nodded.

Ding Liang frowned: "Indeed, I will talk about my sister when I go back today, and watch less childish idol dramas."

But Mo Ran and Liang Qian seem to have their own ideas.

As for the confession, it seems that there is only the note, but not verbally.

It is necessary to find a way to make the other party confess.

At this time, the two looked at each other, and they seemed to understand each other's mind. Although they had not been together for a long time, they could understand what the other was thinking at this moment.

Liangqian's eyes are saying, classmate Mo Ran, confess to me, I will cherish you and be your caring little padded jacket.

But Mo Ran's eyes were saying, classmate Liangqian, confess to me, I will take good care of you, and won't let you suffer any grievances.

Hao Lei and the others looked at the two curiously, as if they were going to have a duel.

"Brother Mo, it's getting late, let's take a table first." Hao Lei picked up the ingredients and smiled.

Mo Ran said softly, "Okay."

Everyone went up the mountain together, but Mo Ran and Liang Qian walked behind, thinking about how to let the other party confess first.

Mo Ran said that Liangqian can do anything, but Liangqian has to talk about this first.

And Liangqian thought to herself, losing to Mo Ran in everything, this kind can win, so I don't believe that Mo Ran didn't say this.

As they walked, their hands suddenly touched each other. It felt like an electric shock, and their heartbeats also accelerated.

Mo Ran and Liang Qian turned their heads and looked aside, neither saying a word, as if they were waiting for the other party to take the lead.

Hao Lei turned his head and took a look, feeling anxious for them in his heart, why can't you hold hands a little more readily, since there is no one else, so he was chattering.

Mo Ran and Liang Qian said that this is a love showdown, how can you singles understand the mystery.

A group of people soon came to the barbecue site, chose a barbecue stand with a good view, and bought charcoal and oil.

Ding Liang said with a silly smile at this time: "You guys go to climb the mountain, I will stay and watch, my feet still hurt a little."

"Ding Liang, then take a good rest, we will come back after a round," Hao Lei said.


Wang Haibo also smiled at this time: "Go, I will stay with Ding Liang."

The other four continued to walk towards the top of the mountain. The fresh air in the mountain seemed to have been washed, without any turbidity, and there was no dust in the sun. Intermittent birdsong rang in their ears, as if they were welcoming visitors .

Liu Yizhe suddenly said at this time: "I forgot to bring my digital camera."

"Nokia recently released a mobile phone with a camera function. It claims to have 30 pixels. It can also be used as MP3MP4. The key point is that it can also access QQ. It is invincible. If I have money, I will buy one. It's fully functional." Hao Lei grinned.

"I prefer the flip-top Motorola, it looks so cool." Liu Yizhe said with a chuckle.

Mo Ran asked curiously: "Hao Lei, how much is the Nokia you are talking about?"

"It seems to cost more than 5400 yuan, which is too expensive." Hao Lei sighed, he couldn't afford it as a student, and asked his father to set up one when he was in college.

Mo Ran originally wanted to buy a mobile phone for his grandfather, but when he heard the price, he was taken aback, and only recently saved some money.

Liangqian, who was walking beside her, rolled her eyes wide after hearing this. If Mo Ran had a mobile phone, she could use QQ to chat at night.

But he couldn't say it clearly, otherwise Mo Ran thought he was going to confess his love.

But given Mo Ran's conditions, he might be reluctant to buy a mobile phone.

"I'm so tired, I can't walk anymore." Liangqian who was walking behind suddenly shouted.

Mo Ran looked back, squinting his eyes slightly, you, the 800-meter champion, actually screamed tired, it's too fake.

"Brother Mo, sister-in-law Mo called you." Hao Lei joked, completely unaware that Mo Ran and Liang Qian were in a "struggle".

Mo Ran secretly thought that Liang Qian was amazing, if he didn't show himself, he would be crowned with an inconsiderate title.

Mo Ran walked up to Liangqian, turned around and bowed slightly: "I'll carry you on my back."

Liangqian was overjoyed, Mo Ran was really considerate.


Mo Ran's right hand is still hanging, if they really let Mo Ran carry it, Hao Lei and Liu Yizhe must think that they are ignorant and don't think about Mo Ran.

I didn't expect Mo Ran's counterattack to be so sharp, yet considerate and at the same time perfectly solve his own request.

As expected of Teacher Mo, I still underestimated him.

"Mo Ran, you don't need to memorize it. Your hands are still not healed. I'll just take a rest." Liangqian said with concern, appearing very considerate.

Hao Lei and Liu Yizhe slowly covered their faces, these two people were too...unbearable.

Mo Ran chuckled in his heart, being considerate for being considerate, not bad.

In this game, the two were tied.

Liangqian took a short break, and the four continued to head towards the top of the mountain.

"Take a break, this mountain climbing is really tiring." Hao Lei took off his coat at this time, and sat on a chair beside him, panting.

Liu Yizhe was the same, lying on the side breathing heavily.

On the other hand, Liangqian's breathing was steady, and Mo Ran was the same.

"Brother Mo, you can climb, we won't climb anymore, let's take a rest." Hao Lei raised his hand, casually poked Liu Yizhe next to him, at least let others get along for a while.

Liu Yizhe also understood in seconds, and said with a smile: "Yes, Brother Mo, I'm too tired, you guys go."

"Okay then, let's go to the barbecue place." Mo Ran smiled lightly, and continued to lead Liangqian up.

Hao Lei looked at the backs of the two and said, "I feel that Brother Mo's smile is much more than before."

"Really? Brother Mo seldom laughed before?"

"Well, at least it was in junior high school. There were very few things that made Brother Mo laugh. Brother Mo was under a lot of pressure." Hao Lei sighed softly. With the appearance of the monitor, Brother Mo seemed to be a different person.

Liu Yizhe said with a smile: "Maybe this is the power of love."

"Hahaha, indeed."

At this time, the two of them were finally together alone, and there was no one around. At this time, they could do things that they would not normally dare to do.

This also made both of them a little nervous.

I saw Liangqian lightly flicking her temples and asking, "Mo Ran, is your hand feeling better?"

"It should be demolished in half a month, and it took a lot of time." Mo Ran said with a helpless smile. According to this speed, I'm afraid I'll have to go to work during the winter vacation.

"Yeah, you haven't practiced the piano for a long time, you won't regress." Liang Qian walked in front of Mo Ran with cheerful steps.

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(End of this chapter)

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