Chapter 66 We Are Redundant
Looking at the cheerful Liangqian in front of him, Mo Ran chuckled and said, "Probably not."

"Really, you'll be better then, don't blame me for cursing if you can't play well."

"Qianqian." Mo Ran called softly.

Liang Qian was taken aback for a moment, this was the first time Mo Ran called her nickname, before that she was either Liang Qian or the class monitor.

Liangqian was not used to it all of a sudden, and even felt a little deer beating the bell in her heart.

"What are you doing?" Liangqian slightly looked down at her toes, a little shy.

"come over."

Hearing Mo Ran's words, Liangqian instantly felt her face a little hot, her brain lost her independent thinking, and she walked up to Mo Ran involuntarily, her heartbeat also accelerated crazily, and she didn't dare to look directly into Mo Ran's eyes.

At this moment, Mo Ran stretched out his left hand and spread his palm.

Looking at Mo Ran's big hands, Liangqian was a little messy, is this going to be a formal hand in hand?

Then... this is Mo Ran's initiative, then accept Mo Ran's initiative, slowly stretch out his right hand, and hold Mo Ran's big hand with slender five fingers interlaced, a warm smell is passed from the palm to the heart.

Although there was a hand-holding action before, it was not easy, but now it is different, and now it is a formal hand-holding.

I was a little nervous, a little excited, but more happy.

Mo Ran's mood was actually similar to that of Liang Qian's, she gently clenched Liang Qian's little hand, the heat in her palm seemed to melt the icy world of Mo Ran, this feeling was unprecedented.

The autumn sun bathed the two of them, and the breeze blew Liangqian's hair, fluttering gently. The tall and handsome Mo Ran looked at the shy Liangqian, while Liangqian lowered her head reservedly, and the two held hands tightly. The picture at this moment is very warm.

At this time, Liangqian seemed to be waiting for Mo Ran's confession, and then she happily agreed.

Mo Ran actually thought so too, it's time to confess, monitor...

The two stood in place for at least 10 minutes, and they really answered that sentence, the enemy does not move, and I do not move.

However, footsteps and conversations suddenly came from below.

The clenched hands of the two separated instantly, and then turned their backs to each other, as if I didn't know him (her).

I saw a middle-aged couple walking slowly, looking at Mo Ran and Liang Qian curiously.

The wife expressed her feelings: "Husband, back then we had a tryst secretly like this, as if we were afraid of being seen."

"Yeah, if your dad finds out, why don't you beat me to death." The man joked.

Both Mo Ran and Liang Qian heard this simple conversation, are we so obvious?

After the middle-aged couple left, Mo Ran and Liang Qian breathed a sigh of relief. They both came to this kind of mountain, and they were still worried.

"Let's walk again." Mo Ran said softly.

"En." Liangqian murmured, striding forward, raising her hands and slapping her face fiercely to cool down.

Because of the special holding hands just now, the two of them didn't know what to say. When they walked around and came to the barbecue place, they still maintained a different atmosphere.

"Brother Mo, you're finally back." Hao Lei raised his hands and shouted, Liu Yizhe and the others wore wicked smiles.

In this barren mountain and wild ridge, did Brother Mo open his mouth? Looking at the monitor's face, he seemed to be a little blush, there must be some ulterior secret happening.

"Squad leader, why is your face so red?" Liu Yizhe asked curiously.

Don't talk about it, Liangqian blushed even more when she talked about it, and explained: "Maybe it's because I'm a little tired."

"Brother Mo, you must have kissed our squad leader." Hao Lei said with a smirk, but Liang Qian wanted to dig a crack to get in.

Mo Ran unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Liang Qian with a smile, "Your monitor is not so easy to get close to."

Liangqian, who took the water, squeezed Mo Ran angrily, and you are helping them to say that I am really necrotic.

"If a boy doesn't take the initiative, there is no story." Liangqian suddenly mustered up her courage and said.

Hao Lei and the others immediately hissed and looked at Mo Ran. It turned out that it was Brother Mo who didn't take the initiative. That would be really frustrating for the squad leader.

Mo Ran didn't expect that Liangqian would suddenly stop being shy, and actually counterattacked herself. It was a clever way to force herself to take the initiative.

Well then, as you wish.

"Qianqian, do you like me?" Mo Ran turned to look at the proud Liangqian.

However, when the proud Liangqian heard this, she was stunned immediately, Mo Ran actually thought of advancing as retreating!Throw this fatal question to yourself.

If he said he liked Mo Ran, wouldn't that be a disguised confession?
Mo Ran, this is the general, forcing himself to confess.

What a clever question.

I saw Liangqian shyly rubbing her hands: "I like you or not, don't you know~"

After hearing this, Mo Ran chuckled in his heart, and easily solved his rhetorical question, but it was still a bit short.

"If you don't tell me, how would I know?" Mo Ran's tone became much gentler, Crazy General, just admit that you like me.

Liangqian felt a bit difficult to deal with, Mo Ran really didn't give herself a chance, she was so stupid, and fell into Mo Ran's trap.

"I can't take it anymore." Hao Lei, who was sitting next to him, said suddenly, clutching his chest.

Mo Ran and Liang Qian turned their heads to look, good guy, the four boys have weird expressions, as if they are stunned.

"I suddenly felt that we were redundant." Liu Yizhe was so uncomfortable that he didn't even care about the brothers around him.

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and said with a smile: "If you get rid of the feeling, we are superfluous."

"Suddenly want to fall in love." Ding Liang embarrassedly scratched his head.

And Hao Lei covered his head and said solemnly: "I...I also want to find a girl to date."

Liangqian breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Hao Lei and the others interrupted her, otherwise she would have been completely defeated.

Mo Ran didn't ask any further questions, and said with a smile: "Love is risky, you need to be cautious."

"Brother Mo, we have a lot of romantic relationships in our school, and we catch a lot of them in the third year of high school. They just talk secretly." Hao Lei has a lot of gossip.

Liu Yizhe also said: "Yeah, I've seen several pairs, but the one in the next class was too arrogant and openly challenged the school system, so it's no wonder they weren't punished."

After hearing this, Mo Ran and Liang Qian were relieved. It seems that not only us, but also other couples are hiding together.

For the next two hours, Hao Lei and the others chatted about the good-looking girls in the school, but there are indeed relatively few good-looking girls, especially those like the monitor, and there are even fewer of them. three.

Mo Ran knew that Liangqian was jealous, so he listened to Hao Lei and the others chatting, and kept listening quietly.

Seeing that Mo Ran was so obedient, Liangqian also grilled meat for Mo Ran, after all, Mo Ran's arm was quite inconvenient.

Seeing Mo Ran eating her own meat, Liangqian asked curiously, "How does it taste?"

(End of this chapter)

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