I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 67 What is the name of this

Chapter 67 What is the name of this (please recommend)
"From now on, the kitchen at home will be handed over to you." Mo Ran teased.

"Yeah." Liangqian deserved to be quite serious.

The other four feel that the meat in their hands is not fragrant in an instant. From the morning until now, who can stand up to the two of them? They were secretive in school, and they let themselves go when they came out. They have to treat the people around them as air up.

"After we finish the barbecue, what are we going to do in the afternoon?" Hao Lei hurriedly asked, if possible, you two can continue to have a sweet afternoon, the four of us really can't stand it.

Liangqian suggested at this time: "How about we go to the Internet cafe to play games in the afternoon?"

"Okay." Liu Yizhe agreed instantly, there is no place more interesting than Internet cafes.

The point is that you don't have to look at them, but I didn't expect the squad leader to like to go to the Internet cafe to play games.

"Mo Ran, how about we go to the Internet cafe?" Liangqian turned her head and asked Mo Ran, still wanting to know what Mo Ran meant.

"Okay." Mo Ran patted Liangqian's head intimately, as if to say that he just likes to play games, and he is not so active when doing problems.

A beautiful meal was included, and the six of them took the bus back and chose an Internet cafe not far from the school.

The business of Internet cafes on weekends is still quite good, and many girls are shooting the space bar.

"Boss, do you have a chance?" Hao Lei asked as he walked into the Internet cafe.

"Let me take a look." The boss held a small notebook, which recorded the time of boarding the computer.

The boss looked at it and said with a smile: "There are four machines now, upstairs, and two will get off the machine in 10 minutes."

"We'll have to wait another 10 minutes." Hao Lei frowned.

Liangqian smiled and said, "Then you four will play first, and Mo Ran and I will wait for a while."

"Alright then." The four of Hao Lei went up for two hours, and a group of people came to the second floor compartment.

Don't underestimate the compartment on the second floor. If there are parents who come to arrest people, sometimes they really can't find it.

As the four of Hao Lei boarded the computer, Mo Ran looked at the interface and asked curiously, "Are you guys playing a game?"

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses and said with a smile, "Brother Lei and the others are here to play World of Warcraft."

Mo Ran asked curiously: "Hao Lei, don't you play Legend? And Liu Yizhe, don't you play Fantasy Westward Journey?"

Hao Lei and Liu Yizhe snorted, they had sworn before that they would not play, but now they couldn't stop.

Liangqian on the side looked at the game played by the four of them, and said in a low voice, "I feel dizzy looking at this game."

"Squad leader, this is a rare 3D game, it's very fun." Hao Lei changed his previous legend.

Liangqian doesn't like this kind of fighting game: "Mo Ran, let's play Audition later. I heard from the students in the class that it's very fun and you can also listen to music."

"Yeah." Mo Ran just came to accompany Liangqian, so it didn't matter what game he played.

Hao Lei felt that Brother Mo was so pitiful that he was dragged by the squad leader to play girls' games, while real men would play World of Warcraft.

Soon, Mo Ran and Liang Qian also got on the plane, but they were downstairs.

First register an account with Audition, but when choosing a name, Liangqian has to help Mo Ran.

However, when Mo Ran looked at Liang Qian's name, he asked doubtfully, "What's your name?"

"You don't understand this, the Martian language that is very popular recently." Liangqian covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly.

Looking at this weird name, Mo Ran's mouth twitched slightly, can't he choose a proper name...

But Liangqian seemed to be in high spirits, so Mo Ran was happy with her.

The time of playing games passed quickly, and the sky dimmed before six o'clock after autumn.

"It's almost time, we should go back." Mo Ran couldn't bear to interrupt the serious Liangqian to see her fascinated look.

"Let's play another round."

"You've already mentioned the last game three times." If it weren't for the crowd, I really wanted to knock on Liangqian, and I was worried that you would have an Internet addiction.

Liangqian pouted, and quit the game helplessly: "It's alright."

"This is obedient, I will go up and talk to them."


The four of Hao Lei are very enthusiastic about leveling, and they plan to have dinner in the Internet cafe at night.

Riding the bike home, Liangqian hummed "I have to love" all the way, and she was in a very good mood.

"After playing for a day, go home and study hard, the mid-term exam is coming soon." Mo Ran reminded carefully.

"Okay, I know, I won't delay my studies, Mr. Mo~"

After a pause, Liangqian continued, "Mo Ran, I think you should buy a computer at home."

"Why buy a computer? I don't play games."

"I'm not talking about playing games. It's very fast to look up information on the Internet now. If you don't understand something, you can just look it up online." Liangqian said seriously. In fact, she still has a little secret in her heart. She can chat with Mo Ran on QQ at night.

Hearing what Liangqian said, Mo Ran felt that it made sense.

Seeing Mo Ran's hesitation, Liang Qian continued, "And computers are not expensive now."

"I still don't know the little Jiujiu in your heart." Mo Ran chuckled and poked Liangqian's forehead.

Liangqian felt a little guilty: "I don't have anything to say, you wronged me again, hmph~"

"In a while."

Seeing that Mo Ran agreed, Liangqian was slightly happy: "Study hard, the midterm exam is coming soon, don't let that annoying guy Xiao Fan be proud."

"I know, go home, it's getting dark, and uncles and aunts will worry about you."

"Well, ride slowly when it's dark."

Moran nodded, watching Liangqian disappear into the community, heaved a sigh of relief.

Time flies, and it is the night before the midterm exam in a blink of an eye.

Sitting at home, Liangqian rested her chin on her hands and looked at the gift box on the counter, which hadn't been opened yet.

But tomorrow is the mid-term exam, Liangqian couldn't help but want to see what it was, and carefully opened the outer package, revealing a black box.

Taking a deep breath, Liangqian opened the box with excitement, and a red pen appeared in front of her eyes.

The corners of Liangqian's mouth gradually rose, she hugged the pen in her arms, got up and jumped towards the big bed.

With a smirk on her face, Liangqian said that she really likes this gift.

I will use this pen for the mid-term exam tomorrow, and it will definitely bring me good luck. Sitting up, Liangqian opened the drawer.

I saw an exquisitely packaged gift in the drawer, which was carefully prepared by Liangqian, and I thought this was also an exchange of tokens of love.

It's so embarrassing, I don't know if Mo Ran will like her gift, what if he doesn't, Liangqian is a little worried.

dong dong dong.

"Qianqian, mom has come in."

Liangqian quickly pushed the drawer in and sat upright.


Ye Xueqing walked in holding the milk and said with a smile: "Tomorrow is the exam, so go to bed early after drinking the milk."

"Good mother."

"Hey, this pen is pretty." Ye Xueqing picked up the pen on the table and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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