I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 68 Mo Ran Received a Gift

Chapter 68 Mo Ran Received a Gift (Please recommend)

Liangqian quickly took it back, and said solemnly: "I bought it yesterday, I hope I can get a good grade in the exam with this pen."

Seeing her daughter's surprised look, Ye Xueqing chuckled lightly: "It seems that this pen is very valuable."

"Of course." Liangqian Meimei said, this pen will last a lifetime.

In the early morning of the next day, the weather has been getting colder and colder recently. It was only over ten degrees in the morning. It was actually a bit cold for cycling, so both of them wore an extra layer.

"I'm in a good state today." Mo Ran said with a light smile.

Liangqian smiled lightly and said, "Of course, maybe I will surpass you in this exam."

"I am looking forward."

Liangqian opened her big watery eyes, looked at Mo Ran and said, "Mo Ran, if I do better than you in the exam, what will you reward me for?"

"What you say is what you say."

"it is good!"

"Then what do you want to reward me for?" Mo Ran asked back.

Liangqian paused, and said solemnly: "Mo Ran, you're a boy, isn't it normal to win against me~ You still want a reward."

"It's really not for me to take any advantage." Mo Ran joked and laughed.

Liang Qian raised her fist and said angrily, "I try to take advantage of me all day long. If you don't pass the exam, I won't beat you."

Seeing Liangqian's cute appearance, Mo Ran smiled without saying a word.

The mid-term exam is also an opportunity for Xiao Fan. After the sports meeting, Xiao Fan can be said to be immersed in studying hard.

Mo Ran is really good at studying, Xiao Fan admits this, but what he knows has far surpassed the current subject, as long as he maintains a good subject and is not careless, maybe he can beat Mo Ran!

After all, the scores in the mid-term exam are the same, and as long as Mo Ran wins by one point in the mid-term exam, that is also a win.

I, Xiao Fan, also want to raise my head!
And when Mo Ran saw Liangqian take out the red pen, he also showed a gratified smile, thinking that Liangqian didn't like it.

During the two-day midterm exam, freshmen in senior high school found that the math topics were quite simple, not as difficult as imagined, and they were all learned in class.

After the last exam, Mo Ran handed in the paper early and waited beside the bicycle.

Not long after, Mo Ran saw Liang Qian who was holding her mouth quietly approaching.

"What? Didn't pass the exam?"

Liangqian bit her lip and said, "I think I made a mistake in the last physics question."

"Tell me about your understanding." Mo Ran asked lightly.

Liangqian seriously talked to Mo Ran, and Mo Ran sighed softly after hearing this: "It is indeed wrong, you have reversed one formula."


"It's rough."

"Oh, I definitely didn't do well in the exam. I don't know if I can make it into the top ten of the whole grade." Liangqian seemed a little unconfident and said in a low voice.

Moran frowned, wondering if Liangqian was distracted, and she wouldn't be able to.

If Liangqian did not pass the exam, she would be responsible too, perhaps because she was with her.

"It's okay, try to do well in the final exam." Mo Ran comforted.

"Oh, I guess even Xiao Fan did better than me in the exam." Liang Qian blamed herself a little, she was too careless and didn't perform well.

"Look at you, this is not the Liangqian I know. In my heart, class monitor Liangqian is a girl who won't admit defeat."

After hearing this, Liangqian put her hands on her hips: "I... I didn't admit defeat, I just sighed, I won't admit defeat."

"That's good. I'll give you a hell-style practice on the weekend. We have been doing some difficult problems before, and we all forgot one important thing. These problems will never appear." Mo Ran summed it up a little, maybe If you are too confident, you will often make mistakes when you do simple things.

If it was before, when Mo Ran said that he was going to practice in hell, Liang Qian would have acted like a baby and begged for mercy.

But after these two days of exams, Liangqian also felt that she needed to practice hard and not fall too far behind Mo Ran!
When she came to the gate of the community, Liangqian almost forgot one thing: "Mo Ran."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Liangqian took out the gift she had prepared from her schoolbag, and said with a slight smile, "You gave me a gift before, and this is a gift I gave you. I hope you like it." As she spoke, Liangqian stuffed the gift into Mo Ran's arms, I quickly pushed my bicycle and ran into the community, feeling very shy.

Seeing that Liangqian ran away and disappeared, and then looked at the gift in her arms, Mo Ran chuckled lightly, half semester has passed, and she is still so shy.

Holding Liangqian's gift, Mo Ran didn't rush to open it, and was about to open it when she got home.

The man in the guard room propped his chin with his hands, looked at Mo Ran who left enviously, and actually received a gift from the girl.

How many good deeds have I done in my previous life to be treated like this.

Wang Jianguo, who was sitting outside the house, was a little curious watching Mo Ran hurried into the house, Mo Ran was already in a hurry.

Walking into his room, Mo Ran closed the door, took out Liangqian's gift and put it on the table.

Mo Ran felt an unprecedented feeling. It was the first time she received a gift. Looking at the gift on the table, Mo Ran laughed lightly. Of course it was not Liangqian's silly smile, but a very touching smile.

Gently unpacking the outer packaging, a small blue round box appeared, very delicate.

Mo Ran felt a little precious.

Open the blue box, and there is a delicate pendant inside.

Hold it lightly in your hand, the texture is very good, the pendant is round, the surface is smooth and can be used as a mirror.

Suddenly, Mo Ran found that the pendant could still be opened.

Opening the round pendant, there was a photo of Liangqian inside, with a very sweet smile looking back.

On the other side, there are words written by Liangqian.

Mo Ran, look more when you miss me~
Seeing this line of words, Mo Ran couldn't help laughing, this gift is really good, I like it very much.

Hanging it on the neck, Mo Ran looked in the mirror, not bad...

But in school, it's better not to wear it. If the secret in the pendant is discovered, it will be over.

Put the pendant back in the box, Mo Ran put it away carefully, Liangqian really put her heart into it.

On Saturday, Mo Ran came to Liangqian's house on time, and the two of them went upstairs to study after breakfast.

"I like yesterday's gift very much." Mo Ran opened the book and said softly.

Liangqian breathed a sigh of relief: "Then how long did you watch last night?"

"I watched it all night."

Liangqian: "..."

Sometimes what Mo Ran said could make him die of shame, so he had to watch it carefully in the future, otherwise he would definitely tell other girls.

"Okay, let's start studying hard."


On Monday morning, the class was talking about the results of the midterm exam, guessing who is No.1 in the class.

Will only come out of three.

Mo Ran, monitor, Xiao Fan, and Liu Yizhe.

Xiao Fan sat calmly in his seat, the topic this time was relatively simple, and it was not difficult for him to be the first in the class.

 Thank you brothers for your rewards, please recommend

(End of this chapter)

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