Chapter 69 Unexpected Grades (Please recommend)
At this time, Liangqian clasped her hands together, her face was tense, as if she was a little nervous.

After all, this is the first exam since high school. As a monitor, it would be embarrassing if you failed the exam.

At that time, what will my parents say, Mo Ran gives me tutoring, but my grades are actually worse...

What a pain in the ass.

After the flag-raising ceremony, the students seemed a little nervous and didn't know how much they scored in the test. The head teacher didn't smile much today, maybe the whole class didn't do well in the test.

Look at Hao Lei, he was so nervous that he started shaking his legs.

The homeroom teacher propped his hands on the podium, scanning a class of students, and the students felt an inexplicable pressure.

It's over, I must have failed the exam.

"Students, the results of the mid-term exam have come out. Our class ranks sixth among several key classes, and there are only six key classes in total."

After hearing this, the students were stunned. They didn't expect the whole class to do so poorly in the exam and fell behind several other key classes. No wonder the head teacher didn't have a smile on his face today.

After hearing this, Liangqian felt that she was not good enough. She must have done very poorly in the exam. It's over.

Sitting behind Liangqian, Xiao Fan frowned. He should have done well in the exam, but he was dragged down. It must be like this, it must be like this.

"Although our total score is behind several other key classes, there are three students in our class who occupy the top three in the whole grade!" At this point, Teacher Yang finally laughed. This face has been dark for a week, after all, there are three seeds in my class.

There were three people in the class who entered the top three, they must be the ones I guessed before.

Just who is the first?
Mo Ran or Xiao Fan?Or the monitor?

Xiao Fan seemed full of confidence, the top three must have their own seats, today is really a good day.

"Student Liu Yizhe, you performed very well this time, and got No.3 in the whole grade!"

After hearing this, Liu Yizhe became stiff, unbelievable, wondering if he was dreaming.

My goal is to be the third in the class, but I never thought that I would be the third in the whole grade, this is too fake...

The whole class immediately burst into warm applause, but they were also very surprised. Logically speaking, Liu Yizhe shouldn't be in the top three.

But now that Liu Yizhe has entered, who will be number one and number two?

Mo Ran, Liang Qian, and Xiao Fan, one of them is definitely not the top three, no matter who it is... Unexpectedly, their performance must be abnormal.

Liangqian felt that this game was over, and she was definitely not in the top three.

Why is this so, from elementary school to junior high school, no matter what the exam is, I am the top three in the grade.

I didn't expect that when I came to high school, I couldn't get into the top three. I really wanted to give myself a good kick, I was too stupid.

"I hope Liu Yizhe will make persistent efforts in the final exam."

"Next is No.2." Having said that, the head teacher paused, and the students seemed to hold their breath.

Although Xiao Fan looked confident, he couldn't help becoming nervous at this moment, don't say his name, don't say it!Don't read it!Don't read it!

I can no longer be the second child of ten thousand years! ! !
"The one who got No.2 in the whole grade is! Our class monitor, Liangqian!" Teacher Yang looked at Liangqian who was bewildered.

And Liangqian didn't seem to react, and was still silent in her failure.

Mo Ran coughed lightly.

Liang Qian hadn't responded yet, so Mo Ran could only poke her with her elbow.


"Liangqian?" Teacher Yang called out.

Liangqian quickly stood up: "Teacher Yang, I'm here."

Mo Ran slowly covered her forehead, Liangqian was really sleepwalking today.

Teacher Yang didn't blame her, and said with a smile, "I took the second place in the whole grade, and I have to work hard for the final exam."

"Me? Second? The whole grade???" Liang Qian asked in disbelief, pointing at herself blankly.

Teacher Yang smiled and nodded.

Liangqian's originally lost mood disappeared in an instant, and she looked down at Mo Ran beside her.

But Mo Ran was taken aback by Liangqian's eyes, and felt that Liangqian was about to hug her, don't...

Fortunately, Liangqian managed to stabilize her excitement, and if she passed the exam like that, she would be second in the whole year, oh my god~
Really scared myself to death.

But Liangqian immediately thought of another thing, who was the first?

One of Mo Ran and Xiao Fan!

Xiao Fan who was sitting in the back started to get a little nervous, not so nervous when playing basketball finals.

If anyone doesn't take the first place, the other gap will be a little bigger. This is not the difference between the first and second place.

Xiao Fan was thinking silently in his heart at this moment.

Miss me, miss me, miss me!
On the other hand, Mo Ran seemed very calm, quietly waiting for the teacher to announce the answer.

Teacher Yang sighed slightly: "The student in our class was able to get the first place in the whole grade. The teacher is very happy. Although this student's attitude towards learning was not very good at the beginning of school, but fortunately he changed it in time. Congratulations Mo But classmate!"

The whole class suddenly burst into warm applause. Mo Ran seemed to have known his grades for a long time, with a slight smile, he seemed very humble.

However, at this moment, Xiao Fan's eyes were about to pop out!
When the class teacher was talking just now, Xiao Fan felt that he was not himself, and it was true!


No matter how bad I am in the exam, I'm at least second!
No matter how bad it is, you can have the third one!

But the problem is that the third is neither!
When I was in junior high school, when did I drop out of the top three, something I had never done before!

Now even the top three are gone!

The gap between myself and Mo Ran is getting bigger and bigger!
"Mr. Yang, how did student Xiao Fan do in the exam?" Suddenly a student asked curiously.

Teacher Yang smiled slightly: "Student Xiao Fan also did well in the exam this time, ranking 12th in the whole grade."

Xiao Fan's whole body is about to crack, 12?
Even if I write with my eyes closed, I can still enter the top 10!Actually 12!

"Xiao Fan, I'm a little careless, but it doesn't matter, do well in the final exam." Teacher Yang encouraged, thinking that Xiao Fan focused on the sports meeting during that time and left behind studying.

At this time, Xiao Fan was stunned, his soul seemed to be gone, and he couldn't accept such a result at all.

"The teacher would also like to praise Hao Lei, who got the 11th place in the whole grade this time."

Hao Lei, who was still shaking his legs, slapped his thighs and finally stabilized. He stood up and cupped his hands towards his classmates, full of morals.

Don't underestimate Hao Lei, it's not a good thing to be directly admitted to the key class of No. [-] Middle School.

"Hao Lei, do well in the final exam." Seeing Hao Lei's exaggerated movements, Teacher Yang said nothing for the first time.

"Well, Mr. Yang." Hao Lei sat down happily, and did not forget to look at Xiao Fan not far away, as if to say, awesome, why not amazing, the ranking is lower than me.

Xiao Fan heard it too, even his arch-rival Hao Lei was taller than him!
how can that be!

(End of this chapter)

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