I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 71 Here Comes a Problem Student

Chapter 71 Here Comes a Problem Student (Please recommend)
"I'll be the class monitor for you." Liang Qian teased, feeling that Mo Ran was more caring than herself.

"I just hope you can be a good monitor, just like helping me."

Liangqian was taken aback when she heard this, and said solemnly: "I recently discovered that Xiao Fan's grades have dropped. As the monitor, I have to help him."

Moran immediately shot a stern look, as if you dare to approach him and try.

"Look, look, huh~" Liangqian snorted coquettishly, she was really a duplicity boy, but Mo Ran still cared about her very much, she just didn't say anything.

Mo Ran was about to go upstairs when he suddenly saw the school gate open and a black car drove in. Mo Ran felt that the car was very grand, and there was a golden thing on the front of the car.

Feeling that he should be a rich man, Mo Ran didn't pay any further attention and went upstairs.

And the car slowly parked next to the teaching building. I saw a short-haired girl stepping down first. She looked good and was quite tall, but her expression was a bit disdainful, with a lollipop in her mouth. No one seemed to care. Pleasing to the eye, with a feeling of a hot girl.

On the other side, a dignified and luxurious woman got out of the car, wearing a large white round hat.

"Peng Peng, come with me." The woman said in a low voice, as if she couldn't help it.

Lin Pengpeng's walking posture is very similar to that of Mo Ran, with a schoolbag on one shoulder, hands in his trouser pockets, and a lollipop in his mouth, a social girl.

I saw Tang Zhuang running down the stairs, looking very anxious.

"Boss Lin, you're here in person." Tang Zhuang came to the woman and shouted respectfully.

The woman smiled slightly and said, "Director Tang, this is my daughter Lin Pengpeng. The transfer procedures will be troublesome."

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, I've done it a long time ago, and Peng Peng will be able to start work this afternoon."

Just after Tang Zhuang finished speaking, Lin Pengpeng said indifferently: "I don't know you well, call me Lin Pengpeng."

Tang Zhuang: "..."

A few days ago, I was rejected by Mo Ran, and then I was bullied by Xiao Fan. Today, I have another one. This year is not going well.

"Peng Peng! What are you talking about! You still haven't apologized!" The woman frowned and snorted softly.

Lin Pengpeng turned his head and looked away, it was impossible to apologize.

"Boss Lin, it's all right, the child is still young and ignorant." Tang Zhuang said with a smile.

However, Lin Pengpeng said lightly: "I'm not young, I know what I'm talking about."

Tang Zhuang's face tightened, it was the first time seeing him so blatantly!

"Lin Pengpeng! How long are you going to make trouble for?" The woman was also impatient, and changed three schools in half a semester, either bullying the teacher or bullying the classmates, anyway, she was deliberately looking for trouble.

Lin Pengpeng spread his hands: "No trouble."

"Mr. Lin, leave this to me, and you can go to work." Tang Zhuang suddenly had a good idea just now. After reading Lin Pengpeng's file, he was a thorn in the side. If it wasn't for her mother donating so much to the school this time , it is estimated that it will not be charged.

The woman took a deep breath: "Then please trouble Director Tang."

Watching the car go away, Tang Zhuang had a strange smile on his lips.

"Which class do I go to?" Lin Pengpeng asked lightly.

"Come with me." Tang Zhuang put away his smile and said seriously.

Lin Pengpeng snorted coldly after seeing it, seeing his mother's one attitude, and another attitude after leaving, both are virtues.

Tang Zhuang soon brought Lin Pengpeng into the office: "Mr. Yang, this is Lin Pengpeng, and he is in your class."

Speaking of thorns, Mo Ran and Xiao Fan from Class 704 are also two big thorns, and it just happens that the three of them fight each other.

Teacher Yang stood up and said with a smile, "Director Tang, there are no seats left in our class."

"It's okay, I'll move one for you later." Tang Zhuang had already made up his mind. Class 704 is rich, so let them stay together.

In fact, Yang Nan knew from Lin Pengpeng's attitude that this girl might not be so easy to teach.

"Director Tang, I think class 703 is pretty good. The number of people is one less than our class, and it just fills in. If there is one more person, class 703 will be the first class in this midterm exam." Yang Nan immediately said The pot was thrown out.

However, the head teacher of Class 703 is not a vegetarian either.

"Mr. Yang, what you said is that your class occupies the top three in the whole grade. I believe that Lin Pengpeng will definitely improve his grades if he goes."

Just as Yang Nan was about to say something, Lin Pengpeng licked a lollipop and smiled, "I'll go to class 704."

Teacher Yang's mouth twitched.

Although Tang Zhuang didn't know why Lin Pengpeng did this, he still wanted it.

"Okay, Teacher Yang, that's the decision. I'll help you move the desk."

Yang Nan was speechless, but still smiled and said, "Don't bother Director Tang, I'll just come."

"Okay, then I'll have to work." Tang Zhuang said with a smile, but he still pulled Yang Nan aside and told him.

"Mr. Yang, you can take more care of Lin Pengpeng. As long as it's not too much, just turn a blind eye." Tang Zhuang said in a low voice.

Yang Nan frowned deeply: "Director Tang, you are not kind."

"There is no other way. Lin Pengpeng's mother is a well-known entrepreneur in our city." Tang Zhuang didn't finish his sentence.

Yang Nan said softly: "Liangqian, Xiao Fan, and Liu Yizhe in our class are also in their family. Let's see their attitude towards learning."

"Mr. Yang, Lin Pengpeng's academic performance is very good, but she just likes to fight against her mother. Look at the matter of Mo Ran before, with an attitude of being tired of studying. Isn't it taught by you now? She also won the whole grade First, I also hope that you can change Lin Pengpeng, when the time comes..." Tang Zhuang felt that he was talking too fast, so he stopped quickly.

Yang Nan rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said in a deep voice, "Then I'll put my ugly words first. If Lin Pengpeng affects other students, I won't accept him."

"Look first before making a decision, that's it, come on!" Tang Zhuang gave an encouraging look, turned and left.

Teacher Yang took a deep breath. This Director Tang really left everything to himself, but there was nothing he could do. He smiled and looked at Lin Pengpeng: "Come with me."

At this time, the classroom of class 704 was noisy, and the students were chatting. After all, it was not time for class, so it was considered a break at noon.

But when he saw the ghost of the head teacher poking his head, the whole class fell silent instantly, startled.

What is the teacher in charge doing at this time?
But soon, the students discovered that there was a short-haired girl behind the head teacher. She looked so individual and had a lollipop in her mouth. That was too much!

Who dares to have a lollipop in front of the head teacher, this is the first one!
Soon, Yang Nan walked into the classroom, and Lin Pengpeng stood beside him, not shy, but looking at all the students.

Mo Ran, Xiao Fan, and Liang Qian were immediately noticed. After all, their looks were hard to miss.

 Thank you brothers for your rewards, and recommendation tickets, thank you.

  Ask again, make it into the top ten, brothers~
(End of this chapter)

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