Chapter 72
"Everyone, we have a new student coming to our class. Welcome." Teacher Yang took the lead in applauding, and the students naturally did the same.

But Lin Pengpeng's expression remained the same, as if he didn't care what the students thought at all, and he didn't need to welcome him with applause, maybe he would leave in a few days.

Teacher Yang motioned for Lin Pengpeng to introduce himself.

Lin Pengpeng stood still and said, "Don't worry about my name, because I will leave again soon."

The students in the class frowned slightly when they heard this. This girl is not simple. It is very arrogant to say such things in front of the class teacher.

"Where should I sit?" Lin Pengpeng asked casually.

Teacher Yang still had a headache while holding it, so she said in a low voice, "Let's sit in the last row first, Liangqian, take a boy to the storage room to move a desk."

Liangqian responded, and asked Mo Ran to help her.

When Lin Pengpeng walked to the back of the classroom, the lollipop had been swallowed up, and he started chewing gum again, quietly waiting for the desk.

Not long after, Mo Ran moved the desk, and Liang Qian walked into the classroom with the stool.

Lin Pengpeng pointed behind Xiao Fan and said calmly, "Put it there."

Hearing the tone, those who didn't know thought Lin Pengpeng was the squad leader and Liangqian was a follower.

Liangqian paused for a moment, said nothing, and put the desk behind Xiao Fan with Mo Ran.

At this moment, Xiao Fan frowned, feeling that he was being provoked again. He was in a bad mood today, so don't provoke me anymore!
Just after thinking about it, Xiao Fan was hit hard on the back. Originally, Xiao Fan's space was quite wide, but who knew that Lin Pengpeng behind him actually pushed the desk forward.

This time, the space for Xiao Fan to sit was much smaller. If it wasn't for the teacher in charge, Xiao Fan might not be able to sit still!
Lin Pengpeng stuffed his schoolbag into the desk, took a random book and put it on the desk, crossed his legs and shook wildly.

Hao Lei next to him sighed when he saw this, such a good-looking girl is actually a social young girl, if she has the gentleness of the monitor, he would have to give it a shot.

The head teacher gave a warning and left the classroom.

As soon as he left, Xiao Fan became irritable, and the desk creaked harshly.

Lin Pengpeng, who was sitting at the back, lost his center of gravity and fell backwards.


I saw Lin Pengpeng lying on the ground.

At this moment, the eyes of the whole class are all looking over, good guy!
As soon as the new students came, Xiao Fan immediately gave him a bad impression, but she was a girl after all, wasn't she too bullying?

Mo Ran and Liang Qian also looked back. Although the new girl was defiant, she was a girl after all. Wouldn't it be good to do this?

But soon, the minds of the whole class changed!

Lin Pengpeng who fell to the ground did not cry, nor did he feel wronged.

Seeing such a move, the whole class exclaimed!
Xiao Fan didn't seem to expect that a girl could be so ruthless, and subconsciously raised her hand to stop.

But that stops?impossible.

Poor Hao Lei was once a human pad.

The students in the class were dumbfounded.

Just when the two were about to fight, Liangqian, who was the class monitor, rushed between the two and said softly, "This is the classroom! It's not a place for you to fight!"

"Get out of the way!" Lin Pengpeng shouted softly holding the stool.

Liangqian was not afraid at all: "Although I don't know your name, this is a classroom!"

"Hmph, classroom, go to the fucking classroom." Lin Pengpeng snorted coldly!
This can scare the students around me, monitor!This is a crazy woman, don't provoke her!
Liangqian was very calm, just as she was about to make a move, she saw a big hand grabbing Lin Pengpeng's wrist!

"Mo Ran." Liangqian looked at Mo Ran beside her and whispered.

Looking at Mo Ran in front of him, Lin Pengpeng's left hand suddenly slapped Mo Ran's face.

Liangqian's eyes were fixed, and she was still dazed!
He clasped Lin Pengpeng's wrist and twisted it lightly.

"Ah!" Lin Pengpeng groaned in pain, and the stool in his hand fell to the ground.

The classmates in the class were dumbfounded, and the monitor was so smart that he and Mo Ran subdued the transfer student!
Mo Ran let go of Lin Pengpeng's wrist and said in a deep voice: "No matter where you come from, no matter when you leave, when you come to class 704, just stay quietly, if you don't want to go outside quietly, don't be ashamed here! "

"If you have the ability, let me go one-on-one! See if I don't beat your brains to death!" Lin Pengpeng was clasped by Liang Qian's wrist, and Liang Qian would force her even if she moved a little, the pain made Lin Pengpeng's scalp numb.

"Let go of her." Mo Ran said to Liangqian.


"Let it go."

Liangqian let go of Lin Pengpeng, and Lin Pengpeng, who was still jumpy just now, suddenly had a buzzing head, it was useless at all.

"That's it?" Mo Ran asked lightly.

Lin Pengpeng glared at Mo Ran, trying to bite Mo Ran but he couldn't bite, his jaw was blocked, this boy had one hand hanging, and he couldn't even hit him!
The students looked at Mo Ran's skills and were convinced that Mo Ran could subdue the robbers. This set of moves is so cool.

"Let go of me! You bastard!!!" Lin Pengpeng shouted angrily.

"You were the one who said heads-up, and you were the one who said let go, why should I listen to you!" Mo Ran started to use force with his right hand as he said this, and unexpectedly pushed Lin Pengpeng up abruptly!
The whole class was stunned, Mo Ran, this is too scary, pushing a girl against the wall, others' feet are hanging in the air.

The pain in the jaw made Lin Pengpeng slap Mo Ran's arm frantically, his eyes gradually weakened a little, not so sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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