I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 74 This class is so interesting

Chapter 74 This class is so interesting (please recommend)

After class, the physics teacher reported the situation to Teacher Yang. Teacher Yang was also surprised when he heard that Lin Pengpeng scored [-] points in the test?

Then Teacher Yang went to check Lin Pengpeng's files. He was the first in the whole grade in the first and second grades, and his scores were ridiculously high. But for some reason, the grades in the third grade of junior high school became single digits, and the same is true for the senior high school entrance examination. There are zero points.

It seems that Lin Pengpeng deliberately scored so low in the exam. This situation seems a bit like Mo Ran who started school and gave up on himself?
If this is the case, Teacher Yang wants to correct Lin Pengpeng, just like Mo Ran before.

But Teacher Yang felt that Lin Pengpeng was a bit difficult.

At this time, class 704 was in the end of get out of class, and some students looked at Lin Pengpeng from time to time. This transfer student was even better than the monitor, and he could compete with Mo Ran.

At this time, Liangqian didn't pay much attention to it, she was copying the question she had written wrong, and punished herself for being careless in this way.

Mo Ran at the side felt that Liangqian cared too much about winning or losing.

Suddenly, singing sounded from behind.

And it's a Korean song.

The girls understand it in seconds.

"This is An Qixuan's latest album, what's the name?"

"Mask, I really like this song."

"Me too, An Qixuan is so handsome."

However, the boy has a different understanding, only looking at the mobile phone on Lin Pengpeng's desk!
"I'll go! Lin Pengpeng actually has a mobile phone!!!"

"If I'm not wrong, it should be the latest Nokia. It has camera and video functions, and most importantly, it can also connect to QQ!"

"Damn! Is it so cute?"

"Yeah, the price is even more expensive, 5400 yuan!"

Male students: "..."

The pocket money of only one yuan a day, other people have more than 5000 mobile phones in their hands, it is incomparable!
At this moment, Xiao Fan couldn't take it anymore, he turned his head and said in a deep voice, "Can you turn off your broken phone!"

"After class, I can do whatever I like, just leave me alone." Lin Pengpeng snorted, took out a lollipop from his school bag, and took one for himself, not forgetting to give one to Xiao Fan's deskmate.

Xiao Fan's face turned dark, and he wished he could slap him.

Lin Pengpeng seemed to be irritating Xiao Fan, and even stretched out his face: "Come on, hit me harder."

Xiao Fan's hands were trembling, he really wanted to slap her on the desk, it was so relieved!

"I promise not to fight back, I just go to discuss it with the head teacher."

Xiao Fan said coldly: "The thing I hate the most in my life is you informers!"

"If you don't dare, sit down quickly, don't disturb me listening to the song, when will you get [-] points in the test, and when will you talk to me again, you are not qualified to talk to me now." Lin Pengpeng sneered.

Xiao Fan felt that his main artery was torn open again, today was simply his day of destruction!

Not only was he downplayed by Mo Ran, but also despised by a transfer student!
Xiao Fan finally sat down with a dazed expression, as if he had been severely hit.

But Lin Pengpeng didn't care, and threw a lollipop to Hao Lei: "Brother, I'm sorry just now."

The corner of Hao Lei's mouth twitched, and you hit him hard twice, just a lollipop?

Suddenly, Lin Pengpeng seemed to think of something, took out a lot of snacks from his schoolbag, and distributed them all to the students around him, except Mo Ran and the others.

Under Lin Pengpeng's snack attack, he became acquainted with the classmates around him immediately, and even gave some girls their mobile phones to play with, making those girls happy.

Mo Ran didn't expect that this Lin Pengpeng would change her arrogance and start to win over other students. What does she want to do?
Lin Pengpeng, who was chatting, suddenly heard a performance on New Year's Day, his eyes lit up, and he walked directly to Liangqian: "Squad leader."

Liangqian looked up at Lin Pengpeng, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"I want to sign up for a performance on New Year's Day."

Liangqian frowned slightly.

"Is it not possible?" Lin Pengpeng asked curiously.


Lin Pengpeng smiled and was about to leave when he suddenly said: "Squad leader, it's useless for you to copy the questions like this, it's a waste of time." After finishing speaking, he returned to his seat.

Liangqian was stunned, she was actually ridiculed!
A burst of anger suddenly soared, but as the squad leader, he couldn't lose his composure.

"Don't pay attention to her, she just wants to piss you off." Mo Ran reminded softly, this Lin Pengpeng is not a cheap lamp, Xiao Fan will fight with you fairly, but Lin Pengpeng will stab people in the back.

Look at Xiao Fan, almost collapsed by Lin Pengpeng.

Liangqian took a few deep breaths and finally calmed down. She felt that what Mo Ran said was right, Lin Pengpeng was more difficult than Xiao Fan!

Now she has also signed up for the New Year's Day performance, and she doesn't know what will happen then.

"Don't think so much, just do what you have to do, you are too easily influenced by others." Mo Ran reminded softly, Liangqian's mentality seemed to be a little affected.

Liangqian pouted slightly, looking very pitiful. Although she was second in the whole grade, Lin Pengpeng's 100 points just now gave herself a blow.

Seeing Liangqian being wronged, Mo Ran also felt distressed, and stood up directly.

"Mo Ran, what are you doing?" Liang Qian hurriedly grabbed Mo Ran, thinking that Mo Ran wanted to bully Lin Pengpeng, there was a reason before, but you can't take the initiative to bully, you will fall into her trick.

"It's nothing." Mo Ran smiled and came to Lin Pengpeng.

Lin Pengpeng looked at Mo Ran with a lollipop in his mouth. Although he didn't act cowardly, there was a little fear in his eyes. He was indeed scared by Mo Ran before.

And Xiao Fan is very happy to see Mo Ran teach Lin Pengpeng a lesson, this little girl in society needs to be dealt with.

"What do you want?" Moran asked in a low voice.

Lin Pengpeng seemed to be slightly relieved, and his momentum gradually increased: "I didn't do anything, I think what you said is right, since you are here, you must study hard."

"Then I hope you study hard." Mo Ran issued a warning.

However, Lin Pengpeng let out a contemptuous laugh: "If I were here, your No.1 would not be so easy to get."

"Your words have been said before." Mo Ran said lightly.

Xiao Fan listened to Mo Ran's words, and the aorta that had just healed ruptured again. You two are fighting, why should you hurt innocent people!

Lin Pengpeng pointed at Xiao Fan's back and asked with a smile: "Are you talking about him?"

Mo Ran didn't say anything, and returned to his seat.

And Lin Pengpeng turned to Xiao Fan's back and said: "Twelve, you are really weak."

Xiao Fan turned back angrily and said, "My today is your tomorrow!!!"

"Goose goose goose~ It's so interesting, I'm starting to like this class." Lin Pengpeng covered his mouth and smiled coquettishly. Compared with those boring classes that can only study, this kind of rivalry is what he likes.

Xiao Fan has decided!
The final exam not only has to step on Mo Ran, but also this ignorant Lin Pengpeng, to let them know that I, Xiao Fan, are not easy to mess with!

 Thank you guys for your rewards and recommendation tickets, please ask for a little more.

(End of this chapter)

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