I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 75 Unhappiness caused by a computer

Chapter 75 Unhappiness caused by a computer (please recommend)

In the next class, Lin Pengpeng still showed his strong learning ability, which made the teachers admire. They felt that there was not only Mo Ran in the class, but now there was another Lin Pengpeng. These two were evenly matched. opponent.

With their current state of study, Tsinghua University and Peking University are no problem.

And when get out of class was over, Lin Pengpeng even went to the canteen to buy a bag of snacks. Every girl got a bag, and instantly became one with the girls in the class. Boys don't need snacks, and their learning ability alone is very good. I admire Lin Pengpeng.

It's just that Liangqian didn't receive Lin Pengpeng's snacks, and her intention was obvious.

Although Liangqian didn't care about it on the surface, she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw a few girls who were close to her and talked and laughed with Lin Pengpeng. After all, Lin Pengpeng was targeting her now.

At this time, Mo Ran couldn't say anything, and the others didn't bully the classmates, and even bought food for the classmates, so why don't you tell others not to buy it?

It's just that Liangqian beside her seemed much depressed.

Originally, among the girls, Liangqian seemed to be the center. Now that Lin Pengpeng came, Liangqian's limelight was completely taken away by Lin Pengpeng. The huge contrast made Liangqian a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, the other party was a girl with better grades than myself.

But Liangqian didn't admit defeat. It's not Liangqian's character to admit defeat. Since Lin Pengpeng wanted to provoke her, she just continued. The final exam depends on the results!
After school, Mo Ran and Liang Qian pushed their bicycles out of the school gate, just in time to see a double R car parked opposite the school, Lin Pengpeng said hello to several girls, and sat in the back seat, not forgetting to lower the window Shouted to Liangqian: "Squad leader, be careful when riding a bicycle, don't fall down."

After speaking, the car window slowly lifted up and left.

"What kind of car is that? It looks very high-end, I haven't seen it before."

"You don't understand now, this car is called Rolls-Royce, which is much better than those Mercedes-Benz BMW Audis."

"Really? At least hundreds of thousands."

"Hundreds of thousands? This car costs tens of millions."

"What! Ten thousand!!!"


"Then that girl just now?"

"Don't think too much, you toad can't eat swan meat."

The boys around were talking about it, after all, it was the first time they saw a rich girl like this.

And Xiao Fan who was passing by made a loud noise, a person like this who shows off his wealth will be kidnapped sooner or later, I really want to hear the helpless voice of Lin Pengpeng calling for help.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see." Mo Ran said softly, it was the same car that entered the school at noon.

Liangqian said in a low voice: "This Lin Pengpeng seems to have a big opinion on me."

"She just looks for something to do when she has nothing to do. Let's see how Xiao Fan is angry with her today, just ignore her." Mo Ran said softly.

"I'll go buy snacks for my classmates tomorrow too!" Liangqian said suddenly, as if she wanted to respond in the same way.

After hearing this, Mo Ran persuaded: "If you follow her example, you will be laughed at by your classmates instead. I don't know there is a saying that the first is the strong, and the second is the disaster?"

"Then what should I do? She laughed at me for riding a bicycle just now, and she felt uncomfortable watching it." Liangqian seemed to have no other choice. She was still better than others in terms of learning and pleasing people.

Mo Ran chuckled: "In my opinion, you have an absolute advantage."


"You are more beautiful than her."

Liangqian was taken aback when she heard this, then blushed slightly and gave Moran a slap, teasing people if she disagreed with her.

But what Mo Ran said is right, in terms of appearance, she is not inferior to Lin Pengpeng, she doesn't have any girlish restraint, she looks like a man.

Soon the two arrived at the gate of the community.

"Listen to me, surpass her in the final exam, and she won't be able to say a word in front of you in the future."

"Well, I have to work hard during this time! Not only to surpass Lin Pengpeng, but also you." Liangqian seemed to be in a better mood and began to laugh.

Seeing Liangqian's return, Mo Ran was very pleased: "Of course I'm happy that you can surpass me."

"Forget it, I still like you on top of me."

"Why, you lost your confidence so soon?" Mo Ran teased.

"Who said I don't have confidence anymore, watch me push you down in the future!"

But Mo Ran chuckled and said, "Whether you are above or below, I like it both."

Looking at Mo Ran's weird smile, Liangqian felt something was wrong, but she didn't find anything wrong.

"By the way, Mo Ran, do you want my computer?" Liangqian asked suddenly.

"Your computer? Are you going to sell it?"

"Well, I want to get a new one, and I plan to give you the old one." Liangqian knew that Mo Ran was reluctant, so she used this trick to trade the old for the new.

Mo Ran thought for a while and said, "Then sell it to me."

"What are you talking about, you bought mine? Do you think I'm a girl..." At this point, Liangqian stopped, almost being fooled by Mo Ran.

However, Mo Ran is serious: "A relationship is a relationship, I hope you can understand."

"Why are you so serious all of a sudden, can't you just treat it as a gift from me?" Liangqian held back her mouth, feeling a little angry.

"Then I don't want it anymore." Mo Ran said in a deep voice.

Seeing that Mo Ran really lost his temper, Liang Qian was a little confused, why Mo Ran didn't accept the computer, didn't he accept a gift from himself before?

"Can't I sell it? Look at you, you've started to lose your temper with me again." Liangqian said aggrievedly, all she did was hope that she could keep in touch with her in the future.

In fact, sometimes Mo Ran didn't want to talk about it, but Liangqian said today that she would give her a computer, which made Mo Ran have to think about it from an angle, which she has always been unwilling to think about.

That's the gap.

Liangqian's computer is free to give away, but if she wants to buy one, she has to think carefully and twice.

Every time he went to Liangqian's house, Mo Ran seemed calm, but actually tensed up, for fear that his actions would offend Liangqian's parents.

That kind of pressure even goes beyond the poverty of my own family a little bit.

"Liangqian, I hope you don't give me expensive gifts in the future, I won't accept it." After speaking, Mo Ran left on his bicycle.

And Liangqian stood blankly at the gate of the community, suddenly there was an urge to cry in her heart, why did Mo Ran do this all of a sudden, did she say that she didn't intend to be with her?
Liangqian really wanted to rush forward to question, but she was afraid that after questioning, she would get an answer she didn't want.

Just like that, Liangqian stood in a daze at the gate of the community, watching Mo Ran who disappeared by the side of the street, her eyes gradually became moist.

After a long time, Liangqian wiped the corners of her eyes, and pushed her bicycle into the community in frustration.

The man in the guard room saw what happened just now, and sighed slightly in his heart. After all, there was still a quarrel.

If you think about it, living here is either rich or expensive, and the rich lady and the poor boy must face reality in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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