Chapter 76 Liangqian is Sad
"Mo Ran, are you back so early today?" Wang Jianguo, who was sitting outside smoking a cigarette, looked at his grandson approaching and said with a slight smile.

"Well, school ends early today." After speaking, Mo Ranbian walked into the room.

Wang Jianguo was stunned, why did he feel that Mo Ran was a little strange, he was always smiling when he went home, but today he was depressed?
Could it be that the midterm exam failed?

Wang Jianguo felt helpless, Mo Ran had high demands on himself, if he failed the exam, he would just work harder next time, and even got emotional.

After the smoke was extinguished, Wang Jianguo turned and walked into the house. Hearing the noise in the kitchen, Wang Jianguo walked to the door.

The kitchen was a bit dim, and Mo Ran's figure was washing rice and cooking.

"What? Did you fail the exam?" Wang Jianguo asked with concern.

Moran paused, then chuckled lightly: "The test was not bad."

"Really? Why do you feel a little lost?"

"Uh, maybe this is the loneliness of a genius." Mo Ran teased aloud, not wanting his grandpa to know about himself and Liangqian.

Wang Jianguo leaned against the door and smiled lowly: "You brat is bragging again."

Mo Ran smiled without saying a word.

"There are only two things that can upset you."

After he finished speaking, he paused and continued: "One is to study, and the other is to make money. You just said about this study. Making money has also made a lot of money recently, so there is only the third thing left."

"Grandpa, didn't you just say two things?"

"The third thing was added in the end, and of course it can only be counted now."

Mo Ran held back his mouth: "What is that?"

"If Grandpa's guess is correct, it should have something to do with that classmate Liangqian."

Hearing Grandpa's words, Mo Ran's eyelids twitched. Grandpa was really good at predicting things. He just walked in without smiling. He could think so much, and he was right.

Fortunately, his back was facing Grandpa. If Grandpa looked into his eyes, he would definitely be stoned and hammered.

"What's the matter." Mo Ran opened the rice cooker and said softly.

But Wang Jianguo didn't talk about it, but said softly, "Grandpa also liked a girl when you were your age."

Mo Ran was taken aback after hearing this, Grandpa actually has a relationship history?Why haven't I heard of it before.

After wiping his hands, Mo Ran turned around and asked curiously, "Grandpa, what kind of girl is she?"

"Her..." Wang Jianguo seemed to recall it in his mind, but the girl's appearance was already very blurred.

"The girl's family is well-off, and she is the daughter of a wealthy local businessman. Our troops passed by that town, and she sent food and clothes."

"Grandpa, don't you have a crush on her?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

"On the contrary, she took the initiative."


"Your grandfather and I were no worse than you back then. Many lesbians made reports, but your grandfather rejected them."

Moran: "..."

"Grandpa was young back then, and he didn't want to do things like climbing dragons and phoenixes, so he rejected her cruelly." Wang Jianguo's tone was tinged with sourness. Although there were only a few words in his words, his experience might not be so simple.

Wang Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you hadn't rejected her, you would still have one more grandma now."

"Liangqian's words and deeds are generous and decent, and the salary can give you so much, she must have a very good family background." Speaking of this, Wang Jianguo did not continue, but said it in another way.

"Mo Ran, in this lifetime, whoever you will meet is already destined. The probability of acquaintance is very low, and the probability of acquaintance is even lower. So, if you don't owe anything in the previous life, if you don't see each other in this life, if you meet in this life, you will definitely owe something."

Wang Jianguo pursed his dry lips, then smiled and said, "Fry some meat, I want to have a drink today."

Looking at the lonely eyes of grandpa when he turned around, recalling what grandpa said, there seemed to be a trace of regret.

While washing the peppers, Mo Ran thought of Liangqian, was she too emotional just now?

How is she now?

Obviously, Liangqian is very bad now, both Liangliang and Ye Xueqing felt it when eating.

Look at the way my daughter pokes at the rice with her chopsticks, but doesn't eat a single bite.

"Qianqian, what's the matter? Are you in such a bad mood?" Ye Xueqing asked with concern, stroking her daughter's hair.

Liangqian sighed in her heart, not only did I get hit at school today, but even Mo Ran didn't like me anymore... I really failed.

"Mom, it's nothing, I just think I didn't do well in the exam." Liangqian hesitated and said.

Liang Liang sighed softly, and put a spare rib into his daughter's bowl: "Qianqian, don't stress yourself out so much, you are already the second in the whole grade."

"I know, but I'm not happy." Liangqian's words were also unclear. Liangliang and Ye Xueqing might not have guessed that it was caused by a quarrel with Mo Ran, but Liangqian was really dissatisfied with the results.

The husband and wife looked at each other, didn't they just didn't take the first place in the exam, and they reacted so strongly.

Besides, the number one Mo Ran is still your make-up teacher.

"Okay, don't be discouraged, let's try to get the first place in the final exam and surpass Mo Ran." Liang Liang cheered for her daughter, but Liangqian doesn't want to be the first place now, and wonders if Mo Ran is planning not to be with her together.

Seeing that her daughter didn't respond at all, Liang Liang threw out a big move: "How about this, I got the second place in the whole grade, and you are allowed to play games tonight."

"I'm not in the mood to play games." Liangqian slowly put down her chopsticks, said once she was full and went upstairs.

Seeing their daughter in this state, Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing were also worried.

"Second in the whole grade, is that bad?" Liang Liang looked at Ye Xueqing and asked suspiciously.

Ye Xueqing smiled wryly, it's not that she has never won second place before, this time the reaction was particularly strong.

"If I had been the second in the whole grade back then, I would have woken up laughing in my dreams." Liang Liang teased himself.

And Ye Xueqing even joked: "If you were the second in the whole grade, you wouldn't sit here and eat."

"Yeah, maybe I will become a teacher." Liang Liang chuckled as he thought about it, but instead of being a teacher, he became a boss in the end.

Back in the bedroom, Liangqian was lying on the bed, thinking about her indifferent attitude just now, her eyes were a little sore, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt wronged.

Before standing at the gate of the community, I was trying not to cry, but now I started sobbing softly, covering my head with the quilt.


Ye Xueqing came in with some fruits, and saw her daughter crying on the bed, she panicked.

"Qianqian, what's the matter? Why are you crying?"

I never expected that my mother would come, and my ugly appearance would be seen by my mother.

"Mom, I'm fine, I just feel that I didn't do well in the exam and I feel stupid."

Listening to her daughter's words, Ye Xueqing's heart ached unceasingly. This child actually blamed herself so much.

"Baby, don't cry, what a big deal, my mother never went in the top ten of the class."

Liangqian wiped away her tears and asked earnestly, "Mom, you said before that you were number one in the school."

(End of this chapter)

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