Chapter 77 Mo Ran is Worried (Please recommend)
Ye Xueqing smiled softly: "Mom also needs to save face, what if she doesn't say number one and gets ridiculed by her daughter."

Seeing her mother's exaggerated expression, Liangqian laughed through her tears: "Mom, how could I laugh at you."

Seeing that her daughter was finally amused by herself, Ye Xueqing said softly: "Qianqian, don't deny yourself just because you didn't perform well once, adjust your mentality, and we will fight for the final exam."

"Well, I will definitely take the first place in the final exam!" Liang Qian clenched her fists and said seriously, not only wanting to win Lin Pengpeng, but also Mo Ran.

"This is mother's good daughter, are you hungry?"

Liangqian felt a little hungry after touching her stomach, grunt~
Hearing her daughter's stomach growling, Ye Xueqing smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go down and eat enough so we can study hard."

The red-eyed Liangqian was dragged downstairs to eat by Ye Xueqing. Liangliang didn't expect her strong daughter to cry. This Qianqian is too competitive, so she has to take the first place, but she deserves to be my daughter of Liangliang. , is to have this strength to win the first place!

You can't cry and cry because of your children's love.

After eating, Liangqian went back to the bedroom and was about to do her homework in peace!
The red pen in her hand seemed to be reminding Liangqian, how could you be sad so quickly, it wasn't enough, you have to continue to be sad.

Looking at the gift Mo Ran gave her, Liangqian's thoughts drifted away again, wishing she could rush to Mo Ran's house now and ask Mo Ran clearly!
What do you mean, do you want me anymore?

Even Liangqian thought about her posture after entering the door, and even made various hypotheses to retort.

But in the end Liangqian still sighed softly, stroked the pen lightly, suddenly flicked the pen, and muttered silently: "Let you be fierce, let you be fierce, it hasn't changed at all, this kind of temper can't be tolerated except me , if it were Lin Pengpeng, I would have scolded you bloody."

Thinking about it, Liangqian felt wronged again. It was obviously for the sake of the two of them, but it turned out to be her own fault in the end.

I can't swallow this breath!Even if you don't ask tonight, you will ask tomorrow!
If you don't give yourself a perfect explanation, this matter will never end.


After turning on the computer, Liangqian logged into Qzone and sent a meaningful sentence.

"In the end, one person can resist everything..."

When Liangqian's junior high school classmates saw it, they stepped on the space one after another to steal a dish by the way, which made Liangqian's mouth crooked with anger.

In Mo Ran's room at this time, the light from the desk lamp shone on that handsome and worried face, and the textbooks on the table didn't seem to attract Mo Ran's idea.

Mo Ran thought about it carefully just now, she shouldn't say such hurtful words to Liangqian, after all Liangqian's intention is good, she did it for her own benefit.

And I said that because of too much pressure, I don't know how Liangqian is doing now, will she be angry, will she not forgive herself?

Thinking of this, Mo Ran frowned deeply, as if worried.

But looking back, why did he suddenly care about Liangqian so much, even because she was restless now.

After sitting for a long time, Mo Ran stood up and opened the door to go out.

"Mo Ran, where are you going so late?" Wang Jianguo asked curiously.

Mo Ran hesitated and said, "It's nothing, just go out and get some air."

"That's it, that transparent white will come back."

Mo Ran felt that what Grandpa said was so strange, he just went for a walk, making himself feel like he was trying to explain something, am I Mo Ran that kind of person, how can I bow my head to a girl and admit my mistake.

Walking on the street, Mo Ran looked at the vehicles passing by on the road, and unknowingly came to the gate of Liangqian Community.

Mo Ran was stunned for a moment, why did he come here after walking, let's go back.

After turning around and walking a few steps, Mo Ran stopped again.

He wondered if he should go and see Liangqian, anyway, it was only a few steps away, and he would just take a look, and go home and sleep if he had nothing to do.

Then take a look.

Thinking about it, Mo Ranyou turned around and walked towards the gate of the community, but stopped again.

No, isn't this the same as going to the door to apologize?Although I made a mistake in this matter, how could I admit my mistake to the girl.

Or go home and sleep.

Mo Ran turned around again, and stopped after walking a few steps.

The man in the guard room covered his face and went in if he wanted to. I'll let you in, but can you stop being so annoying!

After thinking for a long time, Mo Ran still didn't go in to look for Liangqian. It was so late, if he went to look for Liangqian, his uncles and aunts might have misunderstood something, so let's wait until tomorrow morning.

Seeing that Mo Ran really left, the man sighed helplessly, did he see them together and then separate?what a pity.

Back home, Wang Jianguo asked with a smile, "How is it, is it transparent?"

"Grandpa, I was just going for a walk."

"Okay, take a walk, from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock, your walk is really far."

Moran: "..."

That night, Mo Ran and Liang Qian couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, wondering whether the other party would give up on this relationship.

Before dawn, Mo Ran got up to pack up, and went out by bicycle early in the morning.

Wang Jianguo just got up, seeing Mo Ran in a hurry, he shook his head helplessly.

This kid really likes that girl.

In the past, Liangqian came out of the community first and waited for Mo Ran, and it was always around 7:20, but Mo Ran arrived at the gate of the community at 6:33 today to wait for Liangqian to come out.

The man in the guard room was on the night shift last night. He was a little surprised to see Mo Ran coming early in the morning, but the boy was still quite worried. When he was angry yesterday, did he think that there would be today?

At this time, Liangqian was eating breakfast, and she looked a little tired because she didn't sleep well.

After drinking a glass of milk, Liangqian looked at the clock, it was only 6:35!

Forget it, don't wait, go squat on Mo Ran, and be sure to ask him what he means.

"Mom, I'm going to school."

"So early?"

"I'm on duty today." Liangqian casually said a lie, which she couldn't do before.

Liang Liang looked at the newspaper and said, "Keep your mind balanced and pay attention to safety on the road."

"Yeah." Liangqian held back her mouth, her father and Mo Ran said the same thing, but I couldn't balance my mentality.

Riding on the bicycle, Liangqian has already prepared three sets of ways to deal with Mo Ran. Why do you want to be so aggressive with me? Do you really think that I, Liangqian, are easy to bully? I will make you look good later!

If you don't give a good explanation, then let you taste the strength of the youth group Sanda champion!
However, as soon as he rode to the door, Liangqian saw Mo Ran not far away, and was a little stunned... Why did Mo Ran come so early?
Liangqian, who was still aggressive just now, seemed to have calmed down a lot. She pushed the cart and walked outside, forgetting the previous viciousness.

The man in the guard room closely watched the development of the situation, and waited all night, and finally waited for this moment, if anyone inserts an advertisement at this time, I will smash the TV for you!

 I wish my brothers a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. It is good to eat and have fun during the National Day holiday, but you must also pay attention to safety.

(End of this chapter)

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